PHP Digest # 189 (September 21 - October 5, 2020)

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In release: PHP 8.0 RC 1 and renaming of internal function parameters, PhpStorm 2020.3 EAP, multi-line short lambdas, attributes for property groups and other PHP Internals news, a portion of useful tools, articles, streams, podcasts.

Enjoy reading!

News and releases

  • PHP 8.0.0 RC 1 β€” - 8. 4 - 15 .

    core- . PDO. .
  • PhpStorm 2020.3 EAP β€” . PHP 8 β€” . Xdebug 3, PHPStan/Psalm ( ), Guzzle HTTP- .
  • PHP 7.2.34
  • PHP 7.3.23
  • PHP 7.4.11
  • ru β€” PHP-, -.
  • Hacktoberfest 4 - .

    - , - readme. PR. DigitalOcean - , β€˜hacktoberfest’.

    , - issues #hacktoberfest PHP-.

PHP Internals

  • check [PR] Attributes on property groups β€” , , .
    class FooBar {
        public int $x, $y, $z;
  • check [PR] Attributes and strict types β€” strict_types=1.
  • [PR] OPCache: Direct execution opcode file without php source code file β€” PR, . , - Java .pyc / .pyo.

    , PHP- . .phar, .

    . PHP . -, PHP 7.4.22 segfault PHP 7.4.23. β€” .
  • [PR] Multiline arrow functions β€” , PHP 7.4, . - :
    $guests = array_filter($users, fn ($user) => {
      $guest = $repository->findByUserId($user->id);
      return $guest !== null && in_array($guest->id, $guestsIds);

    , use.

    , =>:
    fn() => {}
    fn() {}




Async PHP


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