Scrum Community Online Meetup 13/10

The online meetup of the Raiffeisenbank Scrum Community will take place on October 13th , we invite you to join! Let's talk together about the maturity of an organization: how to measure it and what to do with it. Consider management 3.0, agile manifesto 2.1, and spiral dynamics diagnostic and operational options.

What are we going to talk about

Maturity starts when the drama ends

Natasha Epeykina, Raiffeisenbank

Maria Kruchinina, Raiffeisenbank

Anton Zotin , independent coach, mentor and Agile consultant

  1. What is maturity and what to do with it
  2. Maturity and Spiral Dynamics for Hardcore Players
  3. Management 3.0 for all occasions from Anton Zotin:
    I think that you have heard or met a story about a full-blown Agile transformation without any visible result: everyone has Scrum, but the output is the same mediocre product. This is because formal frameworks are not enough, you need something more - you need to be able to create conditions for awesome teams. The Management 3.0 Model is exactly about this - how to change the company so that your Agile finally takes off.

>>> Let's start the meetup at 18:00 (Moscow time).

Register to receive a link to the broadcast: a letter with a link will be sent to your mail. And do not forget to get acquainted and communicate - the Scrum Community @ Raiffeisenbank chat on the telegram.

We are waiting for you, see you online!

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