Digital events in Moscow from 5 to 11 October

A selection of activities for the week


Market Java Party

  • 07 October (Wednesday)
  • online
  • is free
  • Yandex.Market developers will share how they launched an analytical service for business - Yandex.Market Analytics - from scratch and will show part of the process from the inside. Let's talk about our own courier delivery, which was launched last year. Let's use her example to show how to conduct experiments, quickly implement successful ideas and maintain a stable service. There will be a talk about the experiment with Kotlin in the Market backend.

IT ,

  • 07 ()
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Instagram Facebook:

  • 07 ()
  • : Aitarget One K50 ยซยป ยซยป Facebook-. , . , .

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    โ€“ Instagram Facebook?

    , Aitarget One, , - 50.

    7 13:00 .

- More.Tech

  • 08 () โ€” 11 ()
  • 900 000 .

    โ€” , HR-, , Agile, DevOps .

    . , .

    IT- . , โ€“ IT , !


  • 10 ()
  • 2 300 .
  • Online Advertising Day is a must see for marketers and business owners. Meet us online this time! In just 1 day - dozens of insights and tips for your project. Context, SMM, native advertising, SEO, content marketing, online brand promotion, resource management, mobile technologies, automation systems. Everything to keep your finger on the pulse, at one conference from WebFacultet and MANGO OFFICE!

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