Why not skimp on design?

Design studios too often face questions such as โ€œwhy is logo design so expensive?โ€, โ€œWe found it on the Internet, can you correct it a little?โ€, โ€œWe have a bakery, we want a logo like Nikeโ€.

We answer why you can't save on design and how does it help a business to earn money?

What is the logo responsible for?

The main task of the logo, of course, is identification. It is followed by the impression of your company. Let's say right away that there are a million nuances that a designer needs to know in order for a logo to perform the first task.

How does it work in practice? Imagine a situation - a girl is thinking which coffee shop to go to for breakfast. She begins to remember options for logos and general design (here is the menu, and the interior, and the uniform of the staff, etc.).

The place where the visual will respond to her the most and most likely get a client. All together created a positive impression, made you stand out from the competition.

It also has a positive effect on creating an emotional connection between you and your customers. This leads not only to a good attitude, but also to additional distribution. The audience can wear the merch, spreading more information about you.

How to use the design correctly?

Here, as in the well-known saying - first you work on design, then it is on you (well, almost). That is, in the early years of a business, logo design and corporate identity should evoke associations with what you do.

An important point: you do not need to build on the logos of large brands. A story from the series - we like how Toyota will definitely not work. Because initially the company was making sewing machines and there is a thread with a needle on the logo - a direct association. Now the world-famous company speaks for the logo. Although the idea of โ€‹โ€‹the type of logo can be taken, for example, initials, main dish, etc.

Speaking of merch, if people enjoy using it (no matter if it's clothes or a mug), you get good free coverage. Plus, other people get the impression that the brand is known to be good, since a friend wears this hoodie with a logo.

Yes, there is also an important point - today people are extremely picky about the image of things. In addition, now there is a trend towards conscious consumption - for a long time there is no attitude in the spirit of "a circle for free, I take it!" It doesn't matter that she is ugly. " Functionality plays first fiddle. But you can still win your heart with beauty, even in small things. And if you hit on both sides, the effect of the emotional connection doubles.

How does style affect emotional connection?

Let's continue talking about emotional connection with clients. Many companies dream of creating it about their customers. Those who succeed do the following:

Create a sense of unity

The general style concept is responsible for it, which is stored in the brand book and carefully guarded. It is guarded in the sense that you cannot just stretch your logo or change your corporate font.

Everything from social media, website to packaging should talk about you. A person can encounter a company in different places and the task of style is to remind that these are the very guys who roast amazing coffee, and they also have the most creative packaging, class! One meeting, another and a bond was formed.

Bother and get approved

Here, all the same observance of style, but in smaller details. At a minimum, adhere to the corporate colors and style in the template for your mailing letters. Or in the presentations you send to partners. All places where, again, there are points of contact with someone from the outside.

Why is it important to go to professionals?

Design, of course, design, but you need to remember about ease of perception. The same user experience where after visiting your site there should be a pleasant feeling of convenience.

Frequent cases when everything is very beautiful, but completely incomprehensible. Or there is too much beauty, your eyes run up, and your head begins to ache from an overabundance of impressions.

The experience and knowledge of professionals play a decisive role in these matters. They can take into account a huge number of nuances that are tied to our psychology. From commonplace examples - the text is better perceived when it is on the left, and not on the right. Or you need to take into account the hundred different angles from which the logo can be seen to be distinguishable.

You can also encounter:

  • novice designers who will get their hands on your project. Yes, it will be cheap, but not the fact that it is effective,
  • contractors who make several options (for example 4) for free, and everything else is paid,
  • by unscrupulous designers who download pictures from the Internet or use only online programs (they themselves do not invent anything).

Professional teams are an additional manifestation of caring for their audience and their own resources. You get a clear, beautiful picture, and the agency does not waste time on unnecessary edits or alterations.

What do the numbers say?

Finally, let's share the results of several studies on the importance of design:

Design Management Institute came up with its own index showing the dependence of capitalization and design. In 2015, the index grew by 211% for those companies that invested in design.

A similar index was invented by McKinsey - MDI , which shows the economic effect of design. After a survey of 300 companies, it was found that companies with a high index rose much faster than companies with an index below the average.

Also, according to Design Counsil - the contribution to the design brought the British economy a pleasant sum of 71.7 billion pounds in 2015.

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