Every designer wants to know ... what kind of memory is and what is its imperfection

Have you ever forgot the password you just came up with? Have you come across mobile and web applications that were easy and convenient to use from the very first minute? Each of us has daily “memory lapses” of one degree or another. And designers need to understand how human memory works and how to incorporate the forgetting curve and the learning curve of users into designs .

Human memory is limited

We must admit that our memory is imperfect. Memory and attention, like the visual system, have strengths and weaknesses.

A person has two types of memory.

The first is working memory : short-term storage of a small amount of information.

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These figures have the same number of letters.  Which one is easier to remember: left or right?
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Which image is easier to remember: left or right?
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, , . , . . , (Lee, Wickens, Liu, Boyle, 2017;  — ):

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Examples of displaying previous searches on Google Maps and Pinterest.
Google Pinterest.
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Author - Vishnu Prasad, source - https://dribbble.com/shots/9866905-Final-steps-in-Onboarding
— Vishnu Prasad, — https://dribbble.com/shots/9866905-Final-steps-in-Onboarding
  • . , . , , 467-968-2378, 467-YOU-BEST.

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Examples from Google and Instagram.
Google Instagram.
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  • . , . , . . (, 2014;  — .)

. : ,  — .  — https://www.justinmind.com/blog/mental-models/


John D Lee, Christopher D. Wickens, Yili Liu, Linda Ng Boyle (2017). Designing for People: An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering 3rd Edition.

(2014). . .


Alconost       70 . - , , API, , 24/7, .

   — , , , , , , , Google Play App Store.

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