Recordings of online meetups from the hinterland

The pandemic has incinerated distances, and all the knowledge of the world was just a click away. You won't surprise anyone with eminent conferences online, it's time to look for treasures in the outback.

And we are right there. For isolation, we made 6 online meetups, today we are sharing materials from three, organized with the participation of colleagues from EPAM and Kontur. Each considered two topics:


  • Public contracts - how to ensure consistency.

  • ElasticSearch, and why you should NOT use it.

Mobile development

  • Navigation in an Android application, its cross-platform implementation.

  • How and why to write your own framework on iOS. Created live. (EPAM)

AI Meetup

  • Augmentation of texts: how to make an elephant out of a fly.

  • Shorten support chat times with machine learning. (Circuit)

Further links to records and details about each.

Backend Meetup

Public contracts - how to ensure consistency:

  • what problems does insufficient attention to public contracts lead to; 

  • tools (Swagger, OpenAPI, gRPC) and approaches for working with contracts at all stages of software development; 

  • experience of using OpenAPI in our Sungero platform; 

  • ways of versioning and testing contracts (CDC).

ElasticSearch, and why you should NOT use it:

  • what is ES for and what it consists of; 

  • Directum: , ; 

  • .

+  GitHub: Tika ( , ). , .


This is a beauty screen



  • , , Directum Solo β€” ECM-;

  • , , , iOS Android ;

  • , #, Xamarin β€” .


  • , : open-source, . β€” .

  • , , , , iOS-, , . .

  • : , , , - . , , fastlane , CocoaPods, CocoaPods, , , s3, .

AI Meetup




NLP? , :

  • , , , , - ; 

  • , .

NER. .


, ML-.

. , , , , . . 

, , , .

, - Directum .

If you have suggestions on topics and a desire to join as a speaker - write via any channels @stalyonka or officially at .

I hope they were useful to you! And we will.

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