Robot Framework vs Pytest

I am a strong supporter of the Robot Framework. I already wrote on HabrΓ© that it can be used to solve almost any test automation problem, especially when development is in Python. In the same article, I mentioned that the company uses Pytest on related projects. I had to get to know this tool quite closely, so now I am ready to make a full-fledged comparison with the Robot Framework, of course, from my personal bell tower.

Robot vs.  Snake by Beanhex (
Robot vs. Snake by Beanhex (

, , jUnit Robot Framework Java. , Robot Framework ( Python) . jUnit Python ( Pytest) Robot Framework .



, Pytest - xUnit Python. jUnit nUnit ( Java .NET ), Pytest - , , -. xUnit- - , . . 

Pytest, xUnit-, . Allure. , , . , Pytest , Allure - , - .

Robot Framework

Pytest, Robot Framework - domain specific language (DSL) - , . Python, . Python , Robot Framework. , ( , ), .

Robot Framework , . , . Cucumber Java. Robot Framework ( ), .. , - . 

, . Slack, Robot Framework . . Robot Framework.

Robot Framework

Pytest xUnit - test. , test. . 

, Pytest , -, , , . Pytest -, , .

, , β€œβ€ , XXI - -.

Robot Framework -. Keywords, . , . , Robot Framework , keywords, -. , (β€œ , , , -”). , , . , , . , . 

Suite setup

, - (-) , , , . Robot Framework suite setup, . suite teardown, , - (test setup test teardown). , .

xUnit , suite setup, Pytest scope=”class”

Pytest - ( suite setup - .. ). , . scope=”class” (.. suite setup), , suite setup -. , , , - . - , Robot Framework, suite setup .

Pytest , . . - Python, , (, self.__class__.test_id = 2). , - .

, Pytest Allure. . - , Allure , . suite setup. . , . 

, xUnit .

Pytest+Allure Robot Framework . , - Robot , . , . , , API . , , . Pytest , , Robot Framework.

Robot Framework . , . 

keyword- keyword-. , keyword, API ID, keyword, API ( , API - ID ).

, : β€œ ”. β€œ ” - keyword-, β€œ ” - keyword, API . β€œ ”, β€œ ” - keyword.

. keyword β€œ ” β€œ ”, (β€œ ”).

Robot Framework . , , , , , . . , Jira , . , , , β€œβ€ , . , .

Pytest , . - , . , , . 

, Allure . , , Pytest+Allure Robot Framework . , Pytest+Allure DSL. , - , Pytest Allure .


Pytest. .

. , Robot Framework, . , Pytest.

, , . , , . , ( ).


, Robot Framework - Pytest - . Robot Framework 10 10- , , . Pytest .

. , API , (, 7 , - 10). . , - 70 β€œβ€ (  pair-wise). product itertools ( ) -, 70 , API exhaustive testing. .

Robot Framework . -, , 70 . .

Robot Framework - . , , .


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