Love the programmer in me

Attention! Text - only for salespeople and managers! Programmers are prohibited from reading!

Let's say you are a sales manager for projects, products, services in the IT sector. You sell, look for new clients, conclude contracts, solve problem situations, sign acts, knock out money, go to meetings.

The result of your work is obvious - revenue and money. You are handsome, no irony.

And most importantly, everyone understands that you are handsome. The money you brought, the clients you brought, the acts that you signed - everything is in plain sight. A universal assessment of your work that is understandable to the whole world.

Sales colleagues are genuinely happy about your success, or a little jealous, or sometimes sympathetic. They understandyour work. Understand the difficulties you have overcome, the conflicts you have resolved, and the money you have brought in.

You are appreciated for exactly what you did. You made money and you were appreciated for the money . They even gave you some of this money - look, just like an option, a business within a business.

Total. You are making money . You have been asked to make money . You get paid to make money . You are appreciated for making money . You get promoted for making money . You are appreciated for exactly what you do. Money is your product. Simple, straightforward, extremely liquid, absolutely transparent. That is why it is seductive.

This model - bdyms - also migrated to programmers.

Not yet 100% and not everywhere, but the trend is growing. Not everyone still dares to demand money from the programmer while asking for a "product".

Moreover, often the programmer himself must formulate what is the product of his work. Previously, they simply asked β€œwhat are you doing at all?”, Now it is more beautiful and smoother: β€œwhat product do you produce?”. Well, the programmer answers something, and quickly enough gets the next question - "how does this product turn into money?"

Sometimes questions are asked to the layer between programmers and sellers - team leaders, product owners, etc. (not familiar with all "breeds", soryan, if you have forgotten anyone), but this does not change the essence. The question still comes to the programmers, in one form or another.

Programmers are smart, educated and curious people, so they already know managerial terms quite well. We learned to translate our work into the language of money and products. Some even like it.

However, the essence of the work has not changed. What does a programmer do? He, alas, programs. Creates programs. Or someone else's finishing. Or breaks.

Attention, question: when was the last time you looked at the result of a programmer's work? Not for the money for which this work was sold! On the result of labor itself - any website, application, integration, ERP system?

The result of your work is visible - it is money. You made them straight - money. Who can see the result of the programmer's work? No, not that ... Who is interested in him at all ?

Actually, two people - the client / user and the programmer himself. But even here it is not so simple.

The client is interested in what he calls "the result" - in order to work, in short. Well, roughly as agreed. What's inside - he doesn't care.

And inside there ... Well, shit, excuse me. It's as scary to tread as a minefield. And why? This is because no one is interested in what is inside. But to be honest, what's outside is not interesting. If only the act was signed, or the prepayment was made, or the subscription was renewed.

That leaves the only thing that makes the programmer write normal code - let's call it the "inner core". Only the programmer himself needs normal code. True, figs will understand why.

Let's get back to the topic of the composition. Now I do not accuse you, my friends-managers, of anything, I do not reproach, and I do not complain. I just described reality so that you can use it for your own purposes.

So, the programmer writes the code and loves it very much. Nobody sees this code except the programmer. Got it already? Appearance - forms, interface - is seen by the client, sometimes even praises. To be honest, a programmer is not particularly proud of the external form, as a rule. It is either drawn automatically, according to a declarative description, or generally has nothing to do with the programmer. The programmer writes the code.

In addition to the code, there is also an algorithm, which is quite human-readable. So, the programmer is most proud of the code and the algorithm. Sometimes, rarely - an external form, if it is drawn by code or is, in fact, the purpose of writing code.

Now you probably understand everything. You're a salesperson. As the greats used to say, "if you are selling bricks and talk to a customer about his rheumatism, he buys from you."

Take 5 minutes to look at the interface. Hear the story of how it works. Pretend you're interested. Of course, I don’t ask you to look into the code - just listen to the code. Well, he's fucking. And do not forget to evaluate, just do not overdo it - falsehood is not welcome.

And that's it, he's yours. A programmer, I mean.

We're like children. If you have children, you will understand me. Once you praise the drawing - even if there is one line across the sheet - that's all, you will draw for hours, and each drawing will be dragged to you. Not to anyone, but you. Because you appreciated the drawing that the child did. And not the money for which you can sell this drawing.

If you pay more attention to the product that the programmer makes, then this product will become better. The programmer will stop shitting in the code, because he will finally - maybe even for the first time in his life - become dumb.

This is where the inner core appears. In short, everyone is fine.

Yes, and - shhhh.

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