Development of web applications on the embedded portal

Java portals are a special class of web applications that allows you to develop rather complex and modular information systems that resemble Content Management Systems (CMS), but for the corporate sector. This implies that they usually have the ability to work with hierarchies of pages, applications, users, processes, internationalization is supported, and there are means of integration into the corporate information infrastructure. 

On the market for these systems, there are commercial products from such well-known companies as Oracle, SAP, IBM (now HCL Technologies Ltd), Red Hat JBoss, and in addition there is also a Liferay portal with a decent open source version, as well as educational and other topic-oriented portal systems. , there are not quite portals, but information systems that support portal technologies such as DMS Alfresco. Supportive means even that in theory applications developed for one system can be installed on another, but in reality this was not entirely the case. Manufacturers added their own capabilities that were incompatible with others, which left this unparalleled feature unrealized.

. , , .. . . Portlet 3.0 .

“”, . .

java . Portlets 1.0 , Portlets 2.0, Portlets 3.0. 

, - - ;). npm spring-boot . .. SPA , “ ” . , . : JSON , , , xml-, . 

, -   -. .. java , Spring, Struts, Faces, Jersey . PHP Ruby.


. 4- . .

Java , “” .

Apache Pluto, , .. .


Unix-like Windows git shell . git cmd.exe

git clone

. , - , 8 ant. .

mvn package

ant -f dist-build.xml -DpackageOnly=true

-DincludeDemos=true , - , demo/pom.xml build


Windows pom.xml,.. -


target/dist , . , .. .



, :\projects

cd c:\projects
tar xvjf c:\portals-pluto\pluto-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT-bundle.tar.bz2

cd pluto-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT

bin\startup.bat .

, . 

, :

tail logs\catalina-.out -f

Windows .

org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup

, ,


- pluto .


, , Apache Pluto , , , , Liferay WebSphere/HCL DXP. 

Pluto Admin, .


demo, , .war webapps/

. maven, . windows M2_HOME M2_HOME\bin Path.

cd projects
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.portals.pluto.archetype -DarchetypeArtifactId=mvcbean-jsp-portlet-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.0 -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=hello-portlet

- Enter.

pom.xml .



, .. pluto .

cd hello-portlet
mvn -Ppluto package

, , . .. “” .

pluto liferay-cdi liferay-spring, Liferay . .. .. , .

target/’ Java- .war .

.war webapps.

- .


, Firefox, Chrome. - , , , .war webapps/ . , , .

, , , , , . VIEW render , EDIT, HELP . “ ” == “ ”. .. . . ( ) , , , .

hello-portlet/ maven IntelliJ IDEA. , gradle , .. . maven.

, MVC .

, .. , portletName portletNames. , Portlet .


@Inject - -

@RenderMethod -

@ActionMethod - GET, POST “ ”

@ServeResourceMethod - JSON

- actionName, id. 

WAR , ..  


@RenderMethod(portletNames = "HelloPortlet", include = "/WEB-INF/jsp/helloView.jsp")

<portlet:actionURL var="placeOrderURL" name="placeOrder"></portlet:actionURL>

<portlet:resourceURL var="getSettingsURL" id="getSettings"></portlet:resourceURL>

rest .

request.setAttribute JSTL (.. ) JSP

   String ctxPath = request.getContextPath();
   List<String> settings = (List<String>) renderRequest.getAttribute("settings");

, . , . .

, <portlet:namespace> contextPath .. id , , , .

, . React, Angular, Vue . -, .. . skinny-widgets ( - .   

GET public render parameters

@PortletConfiguration(portletName="portlet1", publicParams = {"categoryId"},
 … {   } 

POST , .

RenderURL renderURL = resp.createRenderURL();
MutableRenderParameters renderParams = renderURL.getRenderParameters();
String idString = renderParams.getValue(name);

Liferay ( ) , .


Part part = request.getPart("image");

“ ” , . , @PortletConfiguration, .

, PortletPreferences, .. . Apache Pluto , Liferay .

@PortletConfiguration portlet.xml, .

“ ”, demo/ . “ ?”, “ ?”.

, .. , , weld, jandex 1.2.2.Final lib/

, . , , .

- :

JAX-RS - MySQL c Postgres. 

: ;) .

, .

Pluto Liferay ( i7 2 U 8 Gb RAM , liferay, , ;) .

Liferay, , 

In Liferay, portlet cooks are uploaded to deploy / , and server cooks to tomcat-xyz / webapps and for comfortable development in you need to add parameters (which can be googled) that disable various caches. After some tweaking, it can be a good development option too.

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