New marketing

The coronavirus epidemic has not yet passed, but it has already markedly changed the way we live. People began to distance themselves from each other and stay at home more. There is no other choice, many organizations are still closed and it is not clear when they will open. A new reality has come and we need to somehow adapt to it. Whoever cannot do this will not find a place in the sun. The epidemic came suddenly and caught people by surprise, but its consequences are not fully understood, and whoever can understand them will be the first to get the opportunity to bypass competitors.

To begin with, it's worth understanding what exactly happened. The hardest hit hit the crowd-pleaser companies. In fact, people were dispersed to their homes. Many have suffered, but the IT industry has gained the most. The need for broad and reliable communication channels has increased dramatically. Moreover, the IT industry was best able to adapt to the new reality.

Previously, specialists were sitting in the office - now they are sitting at home and doing the same. Now ask yourself - who is the customer of all that is happening? If this is not an IT industry, then this customer has seriously miscalculated. It is clear that the epidemic could have started naturally, but someone lobbied for the introduction of severe measures to contain it on a global scale.

It seems to me that the IT industry itself does not fully understand what consequences this can lead to. People have begun to dramatically change their habits, abandoning old stereotypes and are in search of new patterns of thinking. And this is a golden time for the internet marketing industry. Old templates have broken, new ones need to be invented, but you need to understand which templates will be able to withstand time.

It is possible that some will continue to use the old, violent marketing methods, but their weakness is that they require serious investment to maintain. Those methods that rely on the natural reactions of people can bypass them. I'm talking about viral ads. But for this, the consumer must not only be interested in the product, he must be interested in disseminating information about it. And for this he must receive something from this.

The network marketing model won't work. It implies the direct participation of the consumer as a seller, which few people need. It is necessary to involve people only as advertisers. But when a sale is made, the distributor must receive a premium. It is quite possible to do this not only in terms of online sales, but also offline. For this, everything has already been invented - referral links. When buying without a referral link, the cost must be higher so that the referral link is profitable to give. Almost no one uses such a model yet; whoever starts first has a serious chance to turn the market around. Perhaps this will jeopardize some large sales networks that will not be able to adapt to this.

There are weak points in this model - it is the ability to easily cash out money. People will believe in the system only when they can actually buy something from the premium. Moreover, immediately after the accrual. And charges cannot be penny, people must understand that by bringing a buyer, they themselves will be able to buy something. Considering that the cost of the product now includes a significant percentage of marketing costs, the fulfillment of this condition looks realistic. But to implement the idea, you will have to cut costs on old marketing and invest in new one. It is easiest for large organizations to do this, but it is hardest for them to do it because of their sluggishness. And this is another possibility.

You may not have your own store at all, but simply provide a service for tracking sales, awarding bonuses and cashing out. The existing payment systems are best suited for this, but there is also a place for beginners. Nobody is doing this yet. It is possible that for such an idea it will be possible to obtain financing from an investment fund, but, of course, this idea will need to be worked out.

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