No-code: products versus spending money

Hello. OTUS has opened a set for a new course of the course "Product Manager of IT projects" . In this regard, Sergey Koloskov, a product manager at Ozon, a teacher at OTUS and the author of the telegram channel , shared his note about No-code.

While teaching product management in the Product Research module, I noticed that the most delicious and interesting place in it for students is the results of problem and decision interviews (on a working prototype). And this makes sense: this is where the edge of the product manager's job is, getting feedback with minimal effort.

Understandable value for the user, minimal resources and getting feedback are the basis of the research part of the work of a product manager. In order not to risk large and scalable resources, and not to attract them for real business growth.

Once again, the most important things when testing a hypothesis are: value, minimum resources, and feedback.

For such checks, there are a huge number of tools, ranging from a pillar with a poster for classified and a video clip for cloud storage (previously described some here - ). Namely:

  1. Google Sheets / Forms / Excel: Create any poll or maintain your customer base in a spreadsheet. By the way, I can share my Nocode-test of the hypothesis that books can be selected and bought by fragment: I ran such a survey with fragments of books without titles and the answer options β€œBuy / Learn a book / Next fragment”. I found out that the purchase is rare, but there is a lot of curiosity.
  2. :
  3. Tilda, Ecwid co. . , 4 ( ).

  4. Notion β€” . , .
  5. - : . , BotMother.


  6. Webflow .
  7. AirTable CRM-.
  8. Stacker app without code or programming .
  9. Integromat will help you build a simple backend without code and with integrations.
  10. Bubble - "drag & drop" technology allows you to easily add and move page elements: text, video, maps, icons, images, buttons, etc. Everything is customizable up to the background color, icons, element transparency.

You can find an exhaustive selection here .

What has already been created on No-code

Our opportunities to launch our product without developers are more and more promising and limitless. See what you've already started:

  • Ezume is a saas resume creation service that allows you to generate a nice resume as a constructor. SaaS service powered by
  • ImmuneCorps β€” . COVID-19 , , .
  • Peer to Peer , ). β€” Tlida.
  • TopShare β€” . β€” Bubble.
  • eTutorium LMS β€” , , , , .
  • Look App β€” , , , . β€” Glide.
  • Reachr β€” , . 10% . β€” Webflow ( ), Airtable ( ), Zapier.
  • . : Wordpress, WP-Pro-Quiz, Ultimate Membership Pro, WooCommerce.
  • Comet β€” - . $1 . β€” Webflow ( ), Airtable ( ), Zapier.
  • Tavalo β€” , . No-code . β€” Adalo
  • Memolly-subscription β€” Adalo
  • Bookcelerator β€” , Notion
  • Book nerds β€” , . , , , . β€” Glide.

  1. nocode/lowcode β€” . , Mendix $1875 , 50 . $7825, $100 000 . , . .
  2. : , . , Bubble , - , , , .
  3. No-code . . , «» no-code-, .
  4. - Tilda Bubble, , , , . β€” . , .
  5. , , β€” . . No-code- , , .
  6. . , - , . , , , . , , .
  7. . no-code . , , . , . - . . β€” , , . no-code .

That's all. And we invite everyone to a free webinar , within which we will tell you in detail about the course, the teaching process and answer your questions.

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