Adobe's story: why its stock soared 550% in 5 years

We continue to study the history of IT companies that managed to overcome negative trends in their development and achieve serious growth and increase in the value of shares. Recently we looked at the story of AMD , whose shares rose by almost 2000% in five years, and today we will talk about Adobe - this company was able to increase its share price by 550% over the same period.


1982 Xerox Adobe 1986 , 1989 – Photoshop, 1993 PDF. . 

, . 2014 2019 170%, Adobe 11 . Photoshop ?


Adobe 550%, 83%. ? .

-, Adobe , . , Adobe PDF – Adobe , -. 

. Adobe , 2011 - . 170%, – 11%. 2020 $3 , .

, , Adobe . , Adobe.

, . Marketo - Magento.

Adobe – . , . , – , , . , , , .

2015 Adobe $79,4 , 2020 $490, $516. 

, – . , Adobe - - .

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, Telegram- ITI Capital


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