What's new in the Linux kernel


After all these years, the Linux kernel developers continue to innovate. Newer versions will be faster and more stable.

Linux works on almost everything: all 500 of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers ; most public clouds, even Microsoft Azure ; and 74 percent of smartphones . Indeed, thanks to Android, Linux is the most popular operating system for end users, just beating Windows by 4 percent (39% versus 35%).

So what's next for Linux? After covering Linux for its 29 years of history and knowing just about anyone with anything to do with Linux development, including Linus Torvalds, I think I have an answer to that question.

Recent Linux kernel improvements

– – , Linux (VPN). Linux, OpenVPN, VPN, WireGuard, VPN, .

, WireGuard, : « , ?». , . WireGuard Linux 5.6 2020 .

? WireGuard : . , : Noise Protocol Framework, Curve25519, ChaCha20, Poly1305, BLAKE2, SipHash24 HKDF.

, , . , WireGuard OpenVPN . , , Linux , Windows, macOS, BSD, iOS, Android, Linux.

Linux 5.6 . , 32- , Linux « ». , 19 2038 03:14:08 (GMT, ) .

, 32- UNIX, , Linux macOS, 32- . , . , 2000 !

, UNIX, Linux, 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT. , UNIX 32- , 32- . , . 32- Linux 64- . 4 29227702659 5:30:08 GMT, .

Android Linux

, Android Linux . , , Android Linux. , 10 , Android Linux c , « ». .

, Linux , Linux : « , Android, . , ».

, , . Linux , Android-, , , . Google Linux (LTS) Android , Android. Google (SoC), , Qualcomm. OEM- SoC . Android (SoC ), . , , Wi-Fi/ . – , .

, , , . , , Android . - Android-, /e/. ? , , , Linux, 2 . , LTS- Linux .

Google , , , . Google, , Android, Linux.

, Android – Linux (ABI) – . ABI , . API, , ABI. - Linux Android, , Android .

eBPF: , Linux

(eBPF), Linux. , ? .

eBPF, , , , , . , .

eBPF tracepoints, kprobes perf-. . , eBPF , , . . , , Linux, eBPF.

Rust Linux

Linux - , . , , Linux , . .

«2020 Linux Plumbers Conference», Linux Linux, Rust . Rust – , Mozilla, Firefox. , . , Linux Rust. . Rust, 25 , .

Rust, , , , Rust, , Google. Rust? , , .

, Microsoft, «Rust ». , , . , , «Rust , , - ».

. , Rust Linux, , Rust , , : « . Rust, , , ».

, Linux, , Rust. Amazon Web Services (AWS) , Bottlerocket Linux Rust.

Microsoft Firefox, , Rust , AWS Rust . , AWS, , « , , , , ».

, Rust Linux, . , ?

Linux 6.0

Linux 6.0. . , 5.0 : « ( ), , 5.0 , , 4. , , ».

, Linux 6.0, , . : Linux - AMD Intel FSGSBASE. , , . , , Linux, .

, ? , , - Linux 5.9, /. Redis, , , 50 . !

, , Linux . , Linux WireGuard VPN.

, , 2021 Linux? , 2020 Linux Windows.

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