Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 363 (September 21 - 27)

In the new collection, creating your own GTA, earning widgets, Swift and Flutter for Windows, spreadsheet apps and subscription apps in China, a coalition against Apple, new Sberbank devices and much more.

Is it possible in their right mind to swing at such a project in one, and is it necessary at all?

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+6) UI device in iOS

Top 20 iOS apps with widgets got 5.7 million installs and $ 400,000 in 4 days

Swift started working with Windows

Improved typography of time display in iOS

How SKAdNetwork and AppTrackingTransparency framework work in iOS 14

Best Resources for Learning iOS Development and Swift Programming

Is iPad the Future of Product Design?

Build an iOS UI with Clean Code

A Guide to iOS Activity Indicators from A to Z

Create an Expandable List with UICollectionView

Create a Twitter-style Animated Like Button on SwiftUI

Use Multiple Cores in an iOS App

iOS Subscriptions - Get correct date regardless of device

Select minimum iOS version for support

Never use Pod Install again

Create a custom Navigation View on SwiftUI

What's new in iOS 14 for developers

TPInAppReceipt: check in-app purchases

SnackBar: notifications for iOS


(+14) Navigation Component-Jutsu, vol. 3 - Corner-cases

(+8) Acquaintance with App Gallery. Create a developer account

(+2) Why postDelayed is dangerous

(0) Retrofit2 on Android using Kotlin

Android 11 for TVs

Android Broadcast: how to choose a supported Android version: minSdk, targetSdk, compileSdk

Understanding the internal structure of the Glide image loading library - analysis source code

Improve your game with texture compression formats

An introduction to the basic concepts of Android Navigation

• The State of Java in 2020

Continuous Testing with Android Emulator Containers

Tips for Kotlin Programming

Three Convenient Tools for Android Development

How does RecyclerView work internally?

Build Your Own Android Launcher in Flutter

Five Useful Kotlin Extensions You Can Use

Fun Learning About Animation Properties in Android

Exploring Jetpack Compose with Hilt and ViewModels

• The Dark Secrets of Kotlin Fast Compilation

Smart App Rate: requesting an assessment from the user

JetQuotes: declarative quotes

UTair MVP Sample: Android Clean Architecture + MVP example


(+29) Glide startup for creating mobile applications from Google Sheets

(+13) How we automated WL development -applications

(+9) Product designer: operating rules

(+6) We use free Github Actions for CI / CD on a Flutter project

(+6) Flutter.dev: Continuous delivery with Flutter

(+1) 7 ways improve the efficiency of test automation in Agile development

(0) PWA is not for everyone

Podlodka # 182: Psychotherapy

Flutter Dev Podcast # 20: Flutter for Web

Alpha version of Flutter for Windows has been released

Application design: case studies # 18

Design for Microsoft Surface Duo

ATEC - app to check for signs of autism. Part 3

Running Go Code on Android and iOS

How to Integrate Google Vision API with React Native and Expo

Lazy Loading Data from Firestore in Real Time Using Flutter

What Socrates Taught Me in UX Design

Developing a Full-fledged Flutter News App in a Day

How I, Junior, surpassed more experienced developers (and how you can too)

Learn from the best: Mobile design principles

Why Flutter is essentially the next big thing in

Analytics app development . marketing and monetization

Playcore competition for indie developers: let's make a case out of your game!

Why China is an Opportunity for Western Subscription Apps to Grow

Epic, Spotify and Match Group have formed a coalition against App Stores

Freeletics: a very smart mobile fitness

Fintech Apps in 2020

User acquisition for mobile games in 2020: Liftoff and AppsFlyer report

Indian gaming platform Mobile Premier League raised $ 90 million.

Russians spent $ 2.1 million in travel apps in summer.

How freemium apps turn users into paying: best examples of reminders

$ 4 million investments and 8 years of development: the history of the application for preschoolers "Skazbook"

How to advertise mobile applications on TikTok - a guide to starting

AI, Devices, IoT

(+35) New biometrics method: bioacoustic signature

(+24) Return the missing scooter , or the history of one IoT monitoring

(+15) Ultimate Guide to an AI career: how to choose a specialty, level up and find a cool job

(+3) Making a Bluetooth device tracker using Google speakers

(+2) MQTTv5.0: An overview of new features. Part 2

Sberbank launches its own devices and skills for them

Mozilla is spinning WebThings into a separate project

Soon the way you write code will change: join the revolution

12 interesting ideas for data science projects for beginners and experts

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found a mistake, please send it to the mail...

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