Announcement: how I moved to London with Revolut

Tomorrow, on September 28, our social networks will host a live broadcast about IT emigration with Revolut with Dmitry Mikhailovich


Dmitry is a product developer, he solves product problems in Revolut, while being a Senior Backend developer. A year and a half ago, he moved to the London office and is ready to share his story of how it happened, how the quarantine in the UK goes, as well as a few insights into how one of the most interesting fintech projects works.

The stream can be viewed in any of our social networks - wherever it is convenient, watch there.

More: what will Dmitry talk about?

  • How Dima went to London with Revlout
  • Kindergartens in the UK: how to move comfortably
  • How was the quarantine for IT specialists in the UK
  • Who is a product developer: why does he have to defend this specialization all the time
  • Why did he become such a specialist, what is interesting in this and who is it suitable for
  • The technological level of Russian banks is higher than in the UK
  • How is emoney different from a bank and why Revolut is emoney
  • What is safeguarding in the banking business
  • His tasks right now: how I make safeguarding more reliable
  • Why Dima is in Revolution: tasks that attract him
  • Work in revolution: what values ​​the company has and what they pay attention to during the interview
  • How and why he made a payment management system in Revolut for business
  • Why the finance department in banking is the most efficient place to grow as a product developer

Dima will answer your questions - you can ask them during the live broadcast, right here in the comments or on Instagram using this button.

Where to press so as not to miss the broadcast?

Click on the bell on YouTube or subscribe to our instagram , then you will receive a notification about the start of the broadcast.

We remind you the date and time again: Monday, September 28, 20:00 .

See you live!

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