Bryce: who and how much will fly to the moon in the 20s. Forecast

Vyacheslav Ermolin - September 26, 2020

The Bryce portal has  published a forecast  (infographic) on space activities for the next 10 years. Forecast in three categories: manned programs in Earth orbit (OS modules, manned and cargo missions), flights to the Moon (unmanned and manned), flights to Mars (unmanned).

According to Bryce, I made separate infographics for each direction.

First  - manned missions to Earth orbit:

Second - manned, cargo and scientific missions to the Moon:

The lunar program for the next ten years includes all the "space players". But this "American Decade of the Moon" is a grandiose program to create a base for the permanent presence of people (Americans) in the orbit and surface of the Moon.

Eight manned expeditions to the orbit and surface of the Moon, Construction of a lunar orbital station. Dozens of cargo and scientific vehicles, lunar base modules. 72 missions in ten years, 32 astronauts who reached the orbit of the moon, 14 landed on the surface.

«» — 2024 , 72- , . Orion. SpaceX. Gateway. .

. 2029 .

. «». . .

. .

. , . Starship SpaceX.


  • Brce Artemis. . .

  • « » . , . .

  • . .

  • . , 70- . .

  • « » — . — .


  1. Bryce Artemis. . 24- . .

  2. «» — .

  3. All other countries demonstrate their capabilities in moon exploration by repeating other people's achievements. Most likely, the majority of lunar missions will be "built" into the American program Artemis.

    Link to Part I - Manned Flights

    Link  to Bryce

    Hires  Infographic Reports NK

    article  about China's Manned Lunar Program

    Original infographic by Bryce.

    Artemis program infographics.

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