What is the "miracle of innovation" MacBook Pro 16 and why is it needed?

Good day to all! My first publication on Habré, and it is about a technique from my "favorite" Apple company.

It will be about a box with an apple on the lid called MacBook Pro 16 2020. This miracle technology was given to me as an official at the current place of work, a new one, in a box, not used by anyone, and you say - “He was given a poppy for 200 thousand, and is he not happy? Got sick! " But I will explain.

I always look at the equipment or software for which this or that company requires a certain amount of money, from the side of the attitude of these companies towards the consumer. And if an amount is demanded for this or that product, which for 70% of the population of our country seems to be something unattainable, then the requirements for this product grow in direct proportion to their cost.

And now I have in my hands "innovative" technology, for which many are ready to sell their home, their lives, their souls, their friends, and in general everything that they see, just to get it. I have been using it for half a year now, I have been using it all the time, and I already have a fairly strong impression of using the MacBook.

I'll probably start with the pluses of poppy, there are much less of them. I cannot say that these advantages compensate for the disadvantages, because in this case I will deceive the one who reads this article.

And I will say right away, ladies and gentlemen, I will cling to all the disadvantages, because for 200 thousand rubles, I want to see a device, when using which, I will have fun, and where there is no such thing - “well, it’s cheap, he can be forgiven. " It is quite expensive and must match its price.

1. Gorgeous screen

I think those who saw it, or those who may see it, will not be able to argue that the screen on the poppy is very cool. Excellent viewing angles, no flare in the corners, the picture is saturated, all colors are expressed without distortion. It has quite enough brightness, its flexible adjustment allows you to work comfortably for the eyes both in illuminated places and at night. Here you will definitely like, follow and tell your friends.

2. Sound

From what I really got the buzz, this is the sound it gives out, the speakers on it are very competently worked out, the frequencies do not interfere in one heap, there is even bass, it is clear that this is not a "sub in nine", but they are. Sound detail is very cool, even at full volume, no distortion, wheezing, etc. At the same time, the sound is very loud, in fact, with such speakers, you will not need any portable additional speakers for it, here, without question, a fat lucas.

3. Appearance and details of the case

Here I have a double feeling, there are both disadvantages (more on that below) and advantages. In general, if you just look from the outside, do not peer at the details, preferably somewhere from a distance of 1 meter, it looks beautiful, the aluminum case as a whole gives it some kind of special look and uniqueness, it is immediately clear that this is a poppy, especially when see the apple on the lid. That's all about the advantages of appearance, because with a detailed examination, the impression begins to gradually deteriorate.

4. Touchpad

The touchpad is lovely. Such a "juicy bun", after which you no longer want to use the mouse. Very cool, I like it, I advise other manufacturers to put the same on their devices, no questions to him, let's move on.

5. Cooling system

At first I thought it was passive here, but it turned out not. It is not audible at all, despite the hot stone, it sometimes makes noise, but it happens so rarely that it doesn’t make you nervous, and in fact, you always sit in silence. Someone will say - "yes, there is simply no video card, so it does not make noise, what to warm up with". Here, I argue, I had HP before, there was no video card there either, but at the same time it was quite noisy, so they worked on the cooling, handsome men.

Well, now, ladies and gentlemen, we turn to the dark side of this horse, what really makes you ask yourself the question - " why did I give such money ?! "

1. Appearance and details of the case

As I wrote above, if you look at it from a distance of a meter and do not touch it, then everything is fine, but let's touch it.

There are a lot of sharp clumsy corners, for example, on the sides of the ventilation holes, you can really cut yourself when you take the laptop by one side or the other, they are not rounded, they are unpleasant to the touch, they are stupidly sharp, and if you overdo it, then you will not cut yourself a strong problem will be. Also, the corners of the case itself, which go along the edges of the lid, they seem to have been rounded a little, but they are still unpleasant to the touch, an unacceptable rough jamb for such a cost. The same trouble with the matrix cover, the same sharp unpleasant corners.

Is it acceptable? Of course not, it's not a dexp for 5 thousand rubles. Move on.

2. Keyboard

Sadness, trouble, disappointment. Extremely uncomfortable keyboard, all the owners talk about this, but nothing changes. An inconvenient arrangement of additional keys, completely poor combinations, many keys that are often used, for example arrows, are very small and inconvenient, to understand all the pain of using this keyboard you need to use it for at least a couple of days. Also absolutely unacceptable for such a price. I understand that this is a brand that wants to be unique in everything, but if this uniqueness is achieved by such sacrifices, then, as they say, “we don’t need this Internet of yours”. Move on.

3. Lack of conventional USB ports

We need more type si! Do you have a regular flash drive? Buy an adapter that costs less than 200 rubles, and walk like a fool Ivanushka with a bunch of different adapters. Do you want to connect a monitor? Buy another adapter! In fact, you can immediately buy an additional bag to pack these adapters there and be ready for any situation. MAYBE, it can even be forgiven, somehow put up with it, for example, when people buy a Range Rover, they put up with the fact that the car service is their home, but let's remember the amount, 200 thousand rubles, why not put at least one adapter in the kit on a regular yusb and one adapter for connecting a monitor? No, you have an epl, live with it. Thanks for not lightning, as they say.

4. The dumbest OS Catalina

Maybe he spoke rudely, but the system is as stupid as possible. The first thing that caught my eye was the eternal crap with wi-fi. For some miraculous reason, it often goes into the “I’m freezing something” mode and speed drops begin, etc. I foresee in the comments - "yes, you just have a dumb dumb router, go change the provider", etc.

But I checked it before making loud statements. The problem is most likely with a crooked software, because colleagues also have poppies, also 16, from different parties, and with Wi-Fi there is the same nonsense, and it doesn't matter, at home, in the office, in a cafe or somewhere else, everyone without exception complains , that during periods with a waffle, there really are some misunderstandings that themselves pass, so apparently it's not a problem with the Wi-Fi module, is it permissible for such an amount? Of course not.

The next jamb of the system is its attempts to update, it pumps out the update, and at that by 100%, so that now they don't write that your Wi-Fi connection just breaks, then something happens to it, and it starts pumping it out again, the last update rolled something like with 7 attempts, which unsuccessfully lasted 2 days, the level on the face.

It is very inconvenient that I cannot expand windows on normal to full screen so that the dockbar is visible at the bottom and the status bar on top, either as a paralytic you stretch these windows yourself, or you pop them all over the screen, like a browser on f11, it is extremely inconvenient and sad.

There is very little free software, well, okay, this is probably not exactly a minus when you buy an epl, you should be prepared for the fact that you will put money into it all the time, but nevertheless, for example, I don’t want to buy an ssh client for one and a half thousand rubles.

Finder is generally a separate topic for conversation, extremely inconvenient, extremely limited in functionality, for example, I cannot write the same path to a folder as in Windows directly, but I have to sit and poke into folders, it is very annoying sometimes.

There are also a number of all sorts of small jambs, which I now just don't remember right away, the system periodically behaves in a completely incomprehensible way. My opinion is that when you buy yourself an expensive device, you still expect convenience from it right out of the box, and not long dances with a tambourine, in order to get at least 50% of these conveniences.

5. Games

Well, here is such a moment, someone will begin to argue that this is a poppy, what games, they should not be there. Guys, I had an HP business series, he also did not play games, but it did not cost 200k, and there were no questions about this at all.

I put steam on, put cs go, tried it in different screen resolutions, lowered the graphics, I just didn't do it, I could not get playable gameplay on it. One friend of mine began to throw off some forums, that there are instructions on how to make it work, to optimize something there. Ladies and gentlemen, we will simulate the situation, I came to the store, gave my honestly earned 200 thousand rubles, I came home happy, and they tell me, well, this won't work there, it won't work, well, read on the forums. , there, like, you need to optimize something, but here you can use third-party software ... SHTA ?! Yes, for this money, I should not do this, everything should work for me with K-O-R-O-B-K-I, maybe of course someone will disagree, but in my opinion, everything should work right away, without dancing,without studying any manuals on the forums, albeit with some minor flaws, but without such large-scale problems. So I can tell right away that it will not be possible to play on this "breakthrough" technology either.

Let's draw conclusions. Is it worth 200 thousand? No, the red price is 100-110, there would be no questions in this range. And all these obvious shoals, I believe, directly proves the appropriate attitude towards the consumer. The same keyboard, which has been riveted for several years in a row, without listening to the opinion of customers, that it is uncomfortable here, uncomfortable here, all this is ignored, instead of thinking it over taking into account the wishes of the client and finalizing ... It's up to everyone to decide whether to buy or not, but I expected to see something really interesting and cool, but in the end I was disappointed.

In my opinion, these devices are suitable for those who develop for iOS, or work in some special software that works only in MacOS, there are no questions, their life is forcing.

But those who buy this miracle for their last money, better spend the extra money on something more interesting that will bring you joy, there are solutions on Windows that will be more productive and look much more interesting, and all the software, games, everyone's favorite surfing the Internet, everything will work many times better and more stable and the price will be much lower.

Here is such an article turned out, I tried to substantiate each claim to the MacBook Pro 16 in as much detail as possible, someone would agree, someone would not, this is everyone's choice, thanks for your attention!

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