Modern interactive teaching methods

If you want your employees not only to gain new knowledge, but also to develop creativity and critical thinking, then you should definitely pay attention to active and interactive teaching methods. When students turn from a passive listener into active and involved participants in the process.


Classification of modern learning formats

There are both familiar and new, high-tech ways to give employees new knowledge. We will tell you about three training formats and how to effectively combine them.

  • Full-time education. Trainings, lectures and seminars for small groups. In the active version, the students express an opinion on the topic on an equal footing with the lecturer, in the interactive version they also interact with each other.
  • E-learning. Online courses, webinars and lesson recordings. With homework assignments and supervisors who check them and give feedback to students.
  • Training using AR technologies. For example, users of the ARGUMENT platform note that this is a new word in teaching, because it is possible to transfer educational content directly to the learning object. In addition, users can create AR content without programming skills, while simultaneously combining online and offline forms of interaction between teachers and students.


Differences between formats and methods of modern corporate training

Face-to-face training usually takes place in small groups and is burdened with logistics - to bring a trainer or deliver employees to the site.

The electronic format is suitable for large groups, but requires significant investment in the development of interactive content. In this format, it is practically impossible to obtain information instantly in the context of the employee's work activities, as training takes place in isolation from the work process.

Training using AR technologies can be carried out right at the workplace and integrated into any other format: face-to-face or electronic. All you need is a smartphone with a camera. Employees direct her to the object of study (the one with which they work) and in augmented reality mode and receive content without interrupting production.

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