Kotlin. Test automation (part 1). Kotest: The Beginning


I want to share my experience of creating a functional testing automation system in the Kotlin language .

The basis for creating / configuring / launching / monitoring the execution of tests will be the young Kotest framework (formerly Kotlin Test ) that is gaining popularity .

After analyzing all the popular options for Kotlin, it turned out that there are only two "native" options:

Or an infinite number from the Java world: Junit4 / 5, TestNG, Cucumber JVM or other BDD frameworks.

The choice fell on Kotest with more "likes" on GitHub than Spek.

There are not many tutorials on test automation in Kotlin, especially when combined with Kotest (yet).

I think it's a good idea to write a series of articles about Kotest, as well as about organizing an auto-test project, building, launching and related technologies.

As a result, you should get a capacious guide - how to create a system, or even an eco-system, for automating functional testing in the Kotlin language and the Kotest platform.


Immediately, we will determine the global disadvantages and take into account that the project is developing rapidly. Those problems that are in the current version at the time of this writing 4.2.5can already be fixed in fresh releases.

, , .

2020 KotlinTest, 4.0.0 , Idea Kotest, -.

4.0.7 4.1 , , , 4.0 4.1.

Java — - JS.



. data-driven property-based .


allure ( , , DSL ).



Kotlin Junit4 Junit5.

— , , , @SpringBootTest, @Test, before beforeClass .

e2e .

, , .

Kotest :

  • BDD Kotlin DSL ,
  • data driven
  • DSL .
  • (, junit)

  • , . GitHub


Kotest DSL .

String Spec — unit- .

- - : Gherkin, , .


Kotest BDD , Gherkin (Cucumber).

FreeStyle , , code-style, best practice, Merge-Request`.

5 ( ) Kotest .

, :

  1. — Execution ( Project)

  2. — Spec

    . cucumber — Feature

  3. — Top Level Test

    . cucumber — Scenario

  4. — Nested Test

    , .

    : (), (), ().

    cucumber — Step

  5. — Nested Step

    , @Step Allure. TestCase .

    - ( ) — , , .

Kotest , 4 - - Nested Test — .

Review 14.

Gherkin (Scenario Template) — Data Driven.

Kotest 3. - Top Level Test, — .


, , , , .


open class KotestFirstAutomatedTesting : FreeSpec() {

    private companion object {
        private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KotestFirstAutomatedTesting::class.java)

    init {
        "Scenario. Single case" - {
            val expectedCode = 200

            "Given server is up" { }

            "When request prepared and sent" { }

            "Then response received and has $expectedCode code" { }


-, , , (FreeSpec). .

, Kotlin DSL — type-safe builder, / / pre after / .

"Then response received and has $expectedCode code"



! !

FreeSpec, FreeSpecRootScope:

abstract class FreeSpec(body: FreeSpec.() -> Unit = {}) : DslDrivenSpec(), FreeSpecRootScope

FreeSpecRootScope String -:

infix operator fun String.minus(test: suspend FreeScope.() -> Unit) { }

"Scenario. Single case" - { } String.minus, FreeScope .

, Kotlin, - , .

FreeSpecRootScope String invoke

infix operator fun String.invoke(test: suspend TestContext.() -> Unit) { }

"string" { } TestContext.


init {
        "Scenario. Single case" - {

            //region Variables
            val expectedCode = 200
            val testEnvironment = Server()
            val tester = Client()

            "Given server is up" {

            "When request prepared and sent" {
                val request = Request()

            lateinit var response: Response
            "Then response received" {
                response = tester.receive()

            "And has $expectedCode code" {
                response.code shouldBe expectedCode

  1. Idea
  2. lateinit var response: Response, ,

Kotest Assertions Matchers

Kotest Assertions and Matchers.

testImplementation "io.kotest:kotest-assertions-core:$kotestVersion" Matcher-, SoftAssertion Assertion .

Matcher-, .


"And has $expectedCode code" {
    assertSoftly {
        response.asClue {
            it.code shouldBe expectedCode
    val assertion = assertThrows<AssertionError> {
        assertSoftly {
            response.asClue {
                it.code shouldBe expectedCode + 10
    assertion.message shouldContain "The following 2 assertions failed"
    log.error("Expected assertion", assertion)

  1. assertSoftly { code }

    Soft Assert assertions Kotest — .
  2. response.asClue { }

    MUST HAVE . Scope kotlin asClue response
  3. Matchers

    Matchers Kotest — , .

    shouldBe — infix .

    shouldBeBlank — infix (.. ) .
  4. assertThrows<AssertionError>


    inline fun <reified T : Throwable> assertThrows(noinline executable: () -> Unit) — ,

pre / after


(4.3.5) io.kotest.core.spec.CallbackAliasesKt kotest-framework-api-jvm typealias:

typealias BeforeTest = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterTest = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeEach = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterEach = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeContainer = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterContainer = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeAny = suspend (TestCase) -> Unit
typealias AfterAny = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, TestResult>) -> Unit
typealias BeforeSpec = suspend (Spec) -> Unit
typealias AfterSpec = suspend (Spec) -> Unit
typealias AfterProject = () -> Unit
typealias PrepareSpec = suspend (KClass<out Spec>) -> Unit
typealias FinalizeSpec = suspend (Tuple2<KClass<out Spec>, Map<TestCase, TestResult>>) -> Unit
typealias TestCaseExtensionFn = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, suspend (TestCase) -> TestResult>) -> TestResult
typealias AroundTestFn = suspend (Tuple2<TestCase, suspend (TestCase) -> TestResult>) -> TestResult
typealias AroundSpecFn = suspend (Tuple2<KClass<out Spec>, suspend () -> Unit>) -> Unit

2 , :

  • Listener
  • Extension

immutable ( after).

, - , , , .

Listener — , .

, , 2 :

  • TestListener
  • ProjectListener

callback :

  • Listener
  • Listener @AutoScan
  • — ,

callbackFreeSpec, :

 init {
        ///// ALL IN INVOCATION ORDER /////

        //// BEFORE ////
        beforeSpec { spec ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][1] beforeSpec '$spec'")
        beforeContainer { onlyContainerTestType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][2] beforeContainer onlyContainerTestType '$onlyContainerTestType'")
        beforeEach { onlyTestCaseType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][3] beforeEach onlyTestCaseType '$onlyTestCaseType'")
        beforeAny { containerOrTestCaseType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][4] beforeAny containerOrTestCaseType '$containerOrTestCaseType'")
        beforeTest { anyTestCaseType ->
            log.info("[BEFORE][5] beforeTest anyTestCaseType '$anyTestCaseType'")

        //// AFTER ////
        afterTest { anyTestCaseTypeWithResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][1] afterTest anyTestCaseTypeWithResult '$anyTestCaseTypeWithResult'")
        afterAny { containerOrTestCaseTypeAndResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][2] afterAny containerOrTestCaseTypeAndResult '$containerOrTestCaseTypeAndResult'")
        afterEach { onlyTestCaseTypeAndResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][3] afterEach onlyTestCaseTypeAndResult '$onlyTestCaseTypeAndResult'")
        afterContainer { onlyContainerTestTypeAndResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][4] afterContainer onlyContainerTestTypeAndResult '$onlyContainerTestTypeAndResult'")
        afterSpec { specWithoutResult ->
            log.info("[AFTER][5] afterSpec specWithoutResult '$specWithoutResult'")

        //// AT THE END ////
        finalizeSpec {specWithAllResults ->
            log.info("[FINALIZE][LAST] finalizeSpec specWithAllResults '$specWithAllResults'")

        "Scenario" - { }



  1. beforeSpec

    FreeSpec , — Spec
  2. beforeContainer

    TestType.Container, — TestCase
  3. beforeEach

    () TestType.Test, — TestCase ( )
  4. beforeAny

    TestType.Container TestType.Test, — TestCase
  5. beforeTest

    TestCase , TestType .

    beforeAny. ( TestType) ( TestType)


  1. afterTest

    beforeTest .

    TestCase + TestResult
  2. afterAny

    beforeAny .

    TestCase + TestResult
  3. afterEach

    beforeEach .

    TestCase + TestResult
  4. afterContainer

    beforeContainer .

    TestCase + TestResult
  5. afterSpec

    beforeSpec .




KClass<out Spec> + Map<TestCase, TestResult>

Kotest callback .


  1. beforeAll

  2. afterAll

ProjectListener , AbstractProjectConfig Project.

AbstractProjectConfig — :

object ProjectConfig : AbstractProjectConfig() {
    private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProjectConfig::class.java)

    override fun beforeAll() {
        log.info("[BEFORE PROJECT] beforeAll")

    override fun afterAll() {
        log.info("[AFTER PROJECT] afterAll")

Data Driven Test

io.kotest.data Data Driven Testing

c Data Provider-:

init {
        "Scenario. Single case" - {

            val testEnvironment = Server()
            val tester = Client()

            "Given server is up. Will execute only one time" {

                    row(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString()),
                    row(2, UUID.randomUUID().toString())
            ) { index, uuid ->

                "When request prepared and sent [$index]" {

                "Then response received [$index]" {
                    tester.receive().code shouldBe 200

, ()

  1. , — .
  2. Given server is up , — .
  3. forAll. Row , .
  4. row .

    io.kotest.data.rows.kt 22 - .

    , Property Based Testing ( )
  5. :

    row(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString()),
    row(2, UUID.randomUUID().toString())
    ) { index, uuid -> block }

2 .

2 . , 2 .



uuid — .

-, qa-kotest-articles/kotest-first.


, , .

junit , junit Idea.

Idea .

Data Driven .

Groovy Spoke, Kotlin.

kotest.io4.2.0 readme.md github.

, 'Kotlin. ':

  • Kotest. , , , , Property Based Testing
  • Spring Test. Kotest. .
  • Expectations Awaitility. Retrofit for API testing. Working with DB through Spring Data Jpa.
  • Gradle. Scalable and distributed structure of many auto test projects.
  • Environment management. TestContainers, gradle compose plugin, kubernetes java api + helm

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