How to manage cloud infrastructure with Terraform

In this article, we will look at what Terraform consists of, and we will also launch our own infrastructure in the cloud with VMware step by step - we will prepare three VMs for different purposes: proxy, file storage and CMS.

Everything in detail and in three stages:

1. Terraform — ,

Terraform —   IaC (Infrastructure-as-Code) .


  • ( ). , , "" . Terraform (, ) .

  • . , , .

  • . Amazon Google Cloud, VMware vCloud Director, IaaS, SaaS PaaS .

  • , , .

  • - . , , ,

"" Terraform


Providers (). 

Terraform   . API providers , , , Azure VMware vCloud Director.


Resources ( ).

, . 

VMware vCloud Director -, vCloud Director.  -


. , , provisioners SSH, , . 

Input Output.

Input —  . 

Output , , Provisioners.

States ().

States- . Terraform .

, , .

  terraform.tfstate, .

, , Terraform.  


, Terraform . - nginx, Nextcloud CMS Bitrix.

VMware vCloud Director. Organization Administrator, VMware, . !

, .

mkdir project01

. Terraform . , , - .

, :

. - - , ; - NAT, Firewall; - , ;

vcd.tfvars - VMware vCloud Director.

Terraform , provisioner, .. .



# Block body



HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language), JSON. .

, vcd.tfvars

,   VMware vCloud Director.


variable "vcd_org_user" {

  description = "vCD Tenant User"


variable "vcd_org_password" {

  description = "vCD Tenant Password"


variable "vcd_org" {

  description = "vCD Tenant Org"


variable "vcd_org_vdc" {

  description = "vCD Tenant VDC"


variable "vcd_org_url" {

  description = "vCD Tenant URL"


variable "vcd_org_max_retry_timeout" {

  default = "60"


variable "vcd_org_allow_unverified_ssl" {

  default = "true"


variable "vcd_org_edge_name" {

  description = "vCD edge name"


variable "vcd_org_catalog" {

  description = "vCD public catalog"


variable "vcd_template_os_centos7" {

  description = "OS CentOS 7"

  default = "CentOS7"


variable "vcd_org_ssd_sp" {

  description = "Storage Policies"

  default = "Gold Storage Policy"


variable "vcd_org_hdd_sp" {

  description = "Storage Policies"

  default = "Bronze Storage Policy"


variable "vcd_edge_local_subnet" {

  description = "Organization Network Subnet"


variable "vcd_edge_external_ip" {

  description = "External public IP"


variable "vcd_edge_local_ip_nginx" {}

variable "vcd_edge_local_ip_bitrix" {}

variable "vcd_edge_local_ip_nextcloud" {}

variable "vcd_edge_external_network" {}

, .
  • vcd_org_user - Organization Administrator,

  • vcd_org_password - ,

  • vcd_org - ,

  • vcd_org_vdc - -,

  • vcd_org_url - API URL,

  • vcd_org_edge_name - ,

  • vcd_org_catalog - ,

  • vcd_edge_external_ip - IP-,

  • vcd_edge_external_network - ,

  • vcd_org_hdd_sp - HDD,

  • vcd_org_ssd_sp - SSD.


  • vcd_edge_local_ip_nginx - IP- NGINX,

  • vcd_edge_local_ip_bitrix - IP- 1: ,

  • vcd_edge_local_ip_nextcloud - IP- Nextcloud.

VMware vCloud Director vcd.tfvars: , mClouds, . 


vcd_org_url = ""

vcd_org_user = "orgadmin"

vcd_org_password = "*"

vcd = "org"

vcd_org_vdc = "orgvdc"

vcd_org_maxretry_timeout = 60

vcd_org_allow_unverified_ssl = true

vcd_org_catalog = "Templates"

vcd_templateos_centos7 = "CentOS7"

vcd_org_ssd_sp = "Gold Storage Policy"

vcd_org_hdd_sp = "Bronze Storage Policy"

vcd_org_edge_name = "MCLOUDS-EDGE"

vcd_edge_external_ip = ""

vcd_edge_local_subnet = ""

vcd_edge_local_ip_nginx = ""

vcd_edge_local_ip_bitrix = ""

vcd_edge_local_ip_nextcloud = ""

vcd_edge_external_network = "NET-185-17-66-0"


, —  IP- Destination NAT "" . IP-.

Network diagram for the platform being created by Terraform

net_lan01, :,   :


resource "vcd_network_routed" "net" {

  name = "net_lan01"

  edge_gateway = var.vcd_org_edge_name

  gateway = ""

  dns1 = ""

  dns2 = ""

 static_ip_pool {

start_address = ""

end_address = ""



, . :

VM .

resource "vcd_nsxv_firewall_rule" "fw_internet_access" {

  edge_gateway   = var.vcdorgedgename

  name = "Internet Access"

  source {

gateway_interfaces = ["internal"]


  destination {

gateway_interfaces = ["external"]


  service {

protocol = "any"


  depends_on = []


, vcdnsxvfirewallrule, dependson. , .

IP- SSH . 80 443 - IP- SSH .


resource "vcd_nsxv_firewall_rule" "fwnatports" {

  edge_gateway   = var.vcd_org_edge_name

  name = "HTTPs Access"

  source {

gateway_interfaces = ["external"]


  destination {

  gateway_interfaces = ["internal"]


  service {

protocol = "tcp"

port = "80"


  service {

protocol = "tcp"

port = "443"


  depends_on = []


resource "vcd_nsxv_firewall_rule" "fw_nat_admin_ports" {

  edge_gateway   = var.vcd_org_edge_name

  name = "Admin Access"

  source {

  ip_addresses = [ "" ]


  destination {

  gateway_interfaces = ["internal"]


  service {

protocol = "tcp"

port = "58301"


  service {

protocol = "tcp"

port = "58302"


  service {

protocol = "tcp"

port = "58303"


  depends_on = []


Source NAT :

Source NAT.

resource "vcd_nsxv_snat" "snat_local" {

edge_gateway = var.vcd_org_edge_name

  network_type = "ext"

  network_name = var.vcdedgeexternalnetwork

  original_address   = var.vcd_edge_local_subnet

translated_address = var.vcd_edge_external_ip

  depends_on = []


Destination NAT :

Destination NAT.

resource "vcd_nsxv_dnat" "dnat_tcp_nginx_https" { edge_gateway = var.vcd_org_edge_name network_name = var.vcd_edge_external_network network_type = "ext"

  description = "NGINX HTTPs"

original_address = var.vcd_edge_external_ip original_port = 443

translated_address = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_nginx translated_port = 443 protocol = "tcp"

depends_on = [] } resource "vcd_nsxv_dnat" "dnat_tcp_nginx_http" { edge_gateway = var.vcd_org_edge_name network_name = var.vcd_edge_external_network network_type = "ext"

description = "NGINX HTTP"

original_address = var.vcd_edge_external_ip original_port = 80

translated_address = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_nginx translated_port = 80 protocol = "tcp"

depends_on = []


NAT SSH- Nginx.

resource "vcd_nsxv_dnat" "dnat_tcp-nginx_ssh" { edge_gateway = var.vcd_org_edge_name network_name = var.vcd_edge_external_network network_type = "ext"

description = "SSH NGINX"

original_address = var.vcd_edge_external_ip original_port = 58301

translated_address = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_nginx translated_port = 22 protocol = "tcp"

depends_on = []


NAT SSH- 1-.

resource "vcd_nsxv_dnat" "dnat_tcp_bitrix_ssh" { edge_gateway = var.vcd_org_edge_name network_name = var.vcd_edge_external_network network_type = "ext"

description = "SSH Bitrix"

original_address = var.vcd_edge_external_ip original_port = 58302

translated_address = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_bitrix translated_port = 22 protocol = "tcp"

depends_on = []


NAT SSH- Nextcloud.

resource "vcd_nsxv_dnat" "dnat_tcp_nextcloud_ssh" { edge_gateway = var.vcd_org_edge_name network_name = var.vcd_edge_external_network network_type = "ext"

description = "SSH Nextcloud"

original_address = var.vcd_edge_external_ip original_port = 58303 translated_address = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_nextcloud translated_port = 22 protocol = "tcp"

depends_on = []


, . "Guest Customization". , .

vApp .

Virtual machine configuration

vApp. vApp depends_on:

resource "vcd_vapp" "vapp" { name = "web" power_on = "true" depends_on = []


resource "vcd_vapp_vm" "nginx" {

vapp_name =

name = "nginx"

catalog_name = var.vcd_org_catalog

template_name = var.vcd_template_os_centos7

storage_profile = var.vcd_org_ssd_sp

memory = 8192

cpus = 1

cpu_cores = 1

network {

type = "org"

name =

is_primary = true

adapter_type = "VMXNET3"

ip_allocation_mode = "MANUAL"

ip = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_nginx


override_template_disk {

bus_type = "paravirtual"

size_in_mb = "32768"

bus_number = 0

unit_number = 0

storage_profile = var.vcd_org_ssd_sp




  • name - ,

  • vappname - vApp ,

  • catalogname / templatename - ,

  • storageprofile - .


  • type - ,

  • name - ,

  • isprimary - ,

  • ipallocation_mode - MANUAL / DHCP / POOL,

  • ip - IP- , .


  • sizeinmb - boot-

  • storage_profile -

VM Nextcloud

resource "vcd_vapp_vm" "nextcloud" {

vapp_name =

name = "nextcloud"

catalog_name = var.vcd_org_catalog

template_name = var.vcd_template_os_centos7

storage_profile = var.vcd_org_ssd_sp

memory = 8192

cpus = 1

cpu_cores = 1

network {

type = "org"

name =

is_primary = true

adapter_type = "VMXNET3"

ip_allocation_mode = "MANUAL"

ip = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_nextcloud


override_template_disk {

bus_type = "paravirtual"

size_in_mb = "32768"

bus_number = 0

unit_number = 0

storage_profile = var.vcd_org_ssd_sp



resource "vcd_vm_internal_disk" "disk1" {

vapp_name =

vm_name = "nextcloud"

bus_type = "paravirtual"

size_in_mb = "102400"

bus_number = 0

unit_number = 1

storage_profile = var.vcd_org_hdd_sp

allow_vm_reboot = true

depends_on = [ vcd_vapp_vm.nextcloud ]


vcdvminternal_disk , .


  • bustype -

  • sizeinmb -

  • busnumber / unitnumber -

  • storage_profile -


resource "vcd_vapp_vm" "bitrix" {

vapp_name =

name = "bitrix"

catalog_name = var.vcd_org_catalog

template_name = var.vcd_template_os_centos7

storage_profile = var.vcd_org_ssd_sp

memory = 8192

cpus = 1

cpu_cores = 1

network {

type = "org"

name =

is_primary = true

adapter_type = "VMXNET3"

ip_allocation_mode = "MANUAL"

ip = var.vcd_edge_local_ip_bitrix


override_template_disk {

bus_type = "paravirtual"

size_in_mb = "81920"

bus_number = 0

unit_number = 0

storage_profile = var.vcd_org_ssd_sp



, . provisioners Ansible.

CMS Bitrix provisioner .


resource "null_resource" "nginx_update_install" {

provisioner "remote-exec" {

connection {

type = "ssh"

user = "root"

password = vcd_vapp_vm.nginx.customization[0].admin_password

host = var.vcd_edge_external_ip

port = "58301"

timeout = "30s"


inline = [

"yum -y update && yum -y upgrade",

"yum -y install wget nano epel-release net-tools unzip zip" ]





  • provisioner "remote-exec" - ""

  • connection :

  • type - , SSH;

  • user - ;

  • password - . vcdvappvm.nginx.customization[0].admin_password, .

  • host - IP- ;

  • port - , DNAT;

  • inline - , . , .

, 1-. . , :


provisioner "file" {

source = ""

destination = "/tmp/"

connection {

type = "ssh"

user = "root"

password = vcd_vapp_vm.nginx.customization[0].admin_password

host = var.vcd_edge_external_ip

port = "58301"

timeout = "30s"



provisioner "remote-exec" {

inline = [

"chmod +x /tmp/", "./tmp/"





resource "null_resource" "install_update_bitrix" {

provisioner "remote-exec" {

connection {

type = "ssh"

user = "root"

password = vcd_vapp_vm.bitrix.customization[0].admin_password

host = var.vcd_edge_external_ip

port = "58302"

timeout = "60s"


inline = [

"yum -y update && yum -y upgrade",

"yum -y install wget nano epel-release net-tools unzip zip",

"wget -O /tmp/",

"chmod +x /tmp/",





! , SELinux! CMS 1-, .


Initialization of modules and plugins

“ ”: Windows 10 : terraform.exe init

, , , .

  1. - terraform plan -var-file=vcd.tfvars.

  2. - Plan: 16 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. 16 .

  3. - terraform.exe apply -var-file=vcd.tfvars.

, provisioner — CMS Bitrix.

, output :

output "nginxpassword" {

 value = vcdvappvm.nginx.customization[0].adminpassword



Outputs: nginx_password = F#4u8!!N

. !


3.1. Terraform

, vApp import.

vAPP .

resource "vcd_vapp" "Monitoring" {

name = "Monitoring"

org = "mClouds"

vdc = "mClouds"


resource "vcd_vapp_vm" "Zabbix" {

name = "Zabbix"

org = "mClouds"

vdc = "mClouds"

vapp = "Monitoring"


, vApp vcdvapp.<vApp> <org>.<orgvdc>.<vApp>, :

  • vApp - vApp;

  • org - ;

  • org_vdc - -.

Importing vAPP resource properties

VM : vcdvappvm.<VM> <org>.<orgvdc>.<vApp>.<VM>, :

  • VM - VM;

  • vApp - vApp;

  • org - ;

  • orgvdc - -.

C:\Users\Mikhail\Desktop\terraform>terraform import vcd_vapp_vm.Zabbix mClouds.mClouds.Monitoring.Zabbix

vcd_vapp_vm.Zabbix: Importing from ID "mClouds.mClouds.Monitoring.Zabbix"...

vcd_vapp_vm.Zabbix: Import prepared!

Prepared vcd_vapp_vm for import

vcd_vapp_vm.Zabbix: Refreshing state... [id=urn:vcloud:vm:778f4a89-1c8d-45b9-9d94-0472a71c4d1f]

Import successful!

The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.


> terraform show


# vcd_vapp.Monitoring:

resource "vcd_vapp" "Monitoring" {

guest_properties = {}

href = ""

id = "urn:vcloud:vapp:fe5db285-a4af-47c4-93e8-55df92f006ec"

ip = "allocated"

metadata = {}

name = "Monitoring"

org = "mClouds"

status = 4

status_text = "POWERED_ON"

vdc = "mClouds"


# vcd_vapp_vm.Zabbix:

resource "vcd_vapp_vm" "Zabbix" {

computer_name = "Zabbix"

cpu_cores = 1

cpus = 2

expose_hardware_virtualization = false

guest_properties = {}

hardware_version = "vmx-14"

href = ""

id = "urn:vcloud:vm:778f4a89-1c8d-45b9-9d94-0472a71c4d1f"

internal_disk = [


bus_number = 0

bus_type = "paravirtual"

disk_id = "2000"

iops = 0

size_in_mb = 122880

storage_profile = "Gold Storage Policy"

thin_provisioned = true

unit_number = 0



memory = 8192

metadata = {}

name = "Zabbix"

org = "mClouds"

os_type = "centos8_64Guest"

storage_profile = "Gold Storage Policy"

vapp_name = "Monitoring"

vdc = "mClouds"

customization {

allow_local_admin_password = true

auto_generate_password = true

change_sid = false

enabled = false

force = false

join_domain = false

join_org_domain = false

must_change_password_on_first_login = false

number_of_auto_logons = 0


network {

adapter_type = "VMXNET3"

ip_allocation_mode = "DHCP"

is_primary = true

mac = "00:50:56:07:01:b1"

name = "MCLOUDS-LAN01"

type = "org"



- ( )   Terraform. 

, .

, , , . , .

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