Education for educated 2020

Below is a story about the book Education for the educated 2020 (hereinafter OO), which was written by Anatoly Igorevich Levenchuk

I have been following Levenchuk's blog and his activities for a long time. Including in May 2020 he took a course with exactly the same name. I am quite familiar with the material of the book and was looking forward to its release. It came out in the summer and so I read it.

What is this book about

The book sets out the complete stack of modern basic knowledge as seen by the author. This view is based on current research. It is separately emphasized that the modern year is understood as 2020 - not 2000 or 2015, but straight 2020. The term SoTA, state of the art, is used - this means the latest ideas in a certain industry. This SoTA is constantly changing, because now the changes are constant and moreover, even the speed of these changes is increasing. The base knowledge stack is chosen for the purpose of enhancing intelligence, and intelligence is understood as the ability to quickly grasp a new area. It turns out that if you work through this book, and then work through those transdisciplines about which it is told, you will become smarter and you will achieve results faster. Transdisciplines are opposed to applied disciplines. Applied discipline is the skillwhich is directly used in activities. Examples: Scrum in development, some sales techniques in marketing. There are thousands of applied disciplines. There are many fewer transdisciplines. The book has carefully selected transdisciplines in such a way that the study of a small number of them will lead to maximum results.

Separately, I note that pragmatism is sewn into the philosophy of the book, absolutely everything that is offered in practice and is primarily intended for using and changing the world or oneself as a part of the world.

After reading the book, it turns out that literally ALL transdisciplines, the most useful and practical for use, are not studied explicitly, but should be worth it. This is largely due to the fact that, although these transdisciplines are known to civilization, they are poorly publicized and materials on them are scattered more in scientific articles than in ready-made textbooks. It turns out such a strange story that many books have been written by smart people, but these books were written for a long time and are already outdated by 2020. Literally everything is outdated - psychology, philosophy, fitness, management, engineering. In general, everything. So the ODO gives its view of the current state of affairs in areas important for practice. Not all transdisciplines have textbooks describing the current state of affairs, but the very fact of trying to enter the current state is inspiring.

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