We invite you to DINS JS EVENING (online): discussing application refactoring and SvelteJS

We will meet on September 30 at 19:00.

This evening Andrey Vladykin from DINS will tell you what difficulties he faced while refactoring Chrome Extension and what technical solutions he used to cope with this task. Mikhail Kuznetsov from ING Bank will review the new SvelteJS framework and conduct a live demo of developing a simple application. The participants of the meeting will be able to ask questions to the speakers.

Participation is free, but preliminary registration is required . Under the cut is a detailed program and information about speakers.



19: 00-19: 30 - Application refactoring using the example of Chrome Extension (Andrey Vladykin, DINS)

While refactoring the Chrome Extension, Andrey had to write an application that had no analogues at that time: a WebRTC client for calls through a browser. You will find out what difficulties he faced, how he chose engineering solutions, what problems he managed to solve and what he didn’t. Andrey will also tell you how to organize the work if the requirements for the product are constantly changing.

The talk will be of interest to novice front-end developers.

Andrey Vladykin - Frontend Developer at DINS. I managed to work in Enterprise development and with services for contact centers. He is currently working on an application for video conferencing. He mainly writes in React.

19: 30-20: 10 - Development of fast and light web applications on SvelteJS (Mikhail Kuznetsov, ING Bank)

Mikhail will talk about SvelteJS - a new framework that generates a minimal final bundle. You will find out why the popularity of the framework is connected and why it should be used in your next project.

During his speech, Mikhail will review the functions of SvelteJS, share his experience of using it. You will see the development of a simple application live and will be able to get to know the product, its syntax and components in practice.

The level is initial. The report will be of interest to those who have not yet encountered SvelteJS in practice and just want to try using it.

Mikhail Kuznetsov - Team Lead at ING Bank. Developer, speaker, team lead, teacher. Good for frontend, also writes on other stacks.

How to join

Participation is free. On the day of the meetup, we will send a link to the broadcast to the email specified during registration .

How are the meetings

You can watch the recordings of previous meetups on our YouTube channel .

About Us

DINS IT EVENING is a meeting place and exchange of knowledge for technical specialists in the areas of Java, DevOps, QA and JS. Several times a month we organize meetings to discuss interesting cases and topics with colleagues from different companies. We are open for cooperation, if you have a sore question or topic that you want to share - write to itevening@dins.ru !

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