Scala is dead?


This is not a marketing article or a fan assassination. These are reflections on what is happening in the Scala development market from an engineer who has been trying to switch to Scala for a long time. In no way do I pretend to be true, this is a purely personal opinion. Be careful, there is a very strong regional specificity in these reflections, in other regions of our planet the situation may be completely different.


my main background is the Java backend. At some point, Scala became interesting. I worked for about a year in a small startup where we rewrote the backend from Python to Scala. Then after a while I started looking for options with moving to civilized countries and received 4-5 offers in Scala in several European countries and 1 offer in Java ... So I ended up in Australia. And without Scala. 

It is difficult to say why I made such a choice, but naturally after a while I wondered if I shouldn't try to make my dream come true and still find a company that would use Scala not only for Data-Science, but also for backend development.

In general, I opened LinkedIn hoping to look and select vacancies, and I was just shocked when I saw exactly 3 vacancies for the whole mainland, and 2 of them are from the same company :(

Here you need to make a remark about what the development market in Australia is : there are offices of several large companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, there is Atlassian, which is trying to be like them, there are several hardened monstrous banks (like everywhere else) and a huge bunch of small (and not so) startups. As you can imagine, almost none of them use Scala outside of the context of Data Science. 

2 : ( Java , , dotNet, Microsoft ) GoLang NodeJS . , FullStack , NodeJS , :)

, ( 1) , Clojure Elixir.  Kotlin , Java.

, , .

Scala ( JVM ) Java. Java : , .

, JVM-based .

, : 

, , Java , . 

: , . , , Java, .

Docker Kubernetes, , N . : (, GoLang), ( ), ( TypeScript Swift ).

, , JVM-based Java, , Kotlin, Android ( ).


CTO , , . ?

1: Go vs Java

Go. , . , , , , , Java. Go.

2: Go vs Scala

. ( ) Go . , ( ). , , -, .. .

, , Go. 

3: Java vs Scala

, , Scala, , , , . Go.

4: Java vs Kotlin

, Kotlin. , , "" Java.

5: Kotlin vs Scala

. 3.

6: Scala/Java/Kotlin vs TypeScript

, , , TypeScript. , , FullStack- :)

7: Go vs TypeScript

, .



In general, summarizing the above, I repeat that I have a strong opinion that microservices and Kubernetes are gradually killing Java and other JVM-based languages. It is clear that Java will live forever, like Cobol, Kotlin will live in Android, but Scala, it seems, in Data Science. Thanks to modern technology, it doesn't matter at all what your backend is written on, if it can be quickly started / restarted / autoscaled.

I apologize if this thought was too obvious for someone. In any case, put likes, shares, reposts. Write in the comments if you disagree. This is just a private opinion, also developed under the influence of the characteristics of a particular region. 

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