Top50 update: private gains and overall drop

The beginning of the week was marked by the release of the thirty-third version of the rating of domestic supercomputers from the Research Computing Center of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Interdepartmental Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Under the cut - an overview of the main changes compared to the previous edition .

The threshold for entering the Russian Top50 continues to grow: if in the previous rating the minimum performance on the Linpack test was assumed to be 56.84 TFlop / s, now the requirements have increased to 56.95 TFlop / s. At the same time, the total productivity of all rating participants turned out to be lower than at the beginning of the year: in the previous edition it was 20 PFlop / s, in the current one - 19.8 PFlop / s. Similarly, a decrease was noted for the total peak performance of supercomputers: 29.9 PFlop / s against 30.6 PFlop / s in the previous rating.

Such a drop is explained by the fact that this time the Lomonosov supercomputer from the MV Lomonosov Moscow State University was not included in the list. Lomonosov. Despite the appearance of two new machines in the list and the update of three systems, the damage caused by this fact turned out to be higher than the total increase.

The top three have not changed compared to the previous edition. The first place is taken by the Christophari system, created by SberCloud (Cloud Technologies LLC) and NVIDIA and installed in Sberbank, or rather, in Sberbank (performance on the Linpack test - 6.7 PFlop / s, peak performance - 8.8 PFlop / s) ...

The second place is held by the supercomputer "Lomonosov-2" manufactured by the company "T-Platforms" from the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (performance on the Linpack test - 2.5 PFlop / s, peak performance - 4.9 PFlop / s).

The third place is still occupied by the development of T-Platforms and CRAY, installed in the Main Computing Center of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (performance on the Linpack test - 1.2 PFlop / s).

Of the updated systems, the most dramatic take-off was the PetaNode 1.1 Cluster supercomputer from the Computer Ecosystems and TechnoCity companies: the new version of the system rose 22nd in the list and now takes 15th place. The improved MVS-10P OP2 from the RSK group of companies rose six positions and entered the top ten, having established itself on the sixth line. Finally, the updated supercomputer "Polytechnic - RSK Tornado" from the same manufacturer moved from the fifth place to the fourth.

As a result of the rearrangements in the list, several other supercomputers from the first two dozen also improved their positions: development of the NRC Kurchatov Institute, Lobachevsky from Niagara Computers, RSK Tornado SUSU from the RSK group of companies, NOVATEK STC, from Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Both debutants belong to the scientific and educational field. The DLHouse supercomputer manufactured by Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Nonolet was developed for Novosibirsk State University and the Higher College of Informatics of NSU. It started at line 26 with a Linpack benchmark of 0.14 PFlop / s and a peak performance of 0.2 PFlop / s. The 46th place was taken by the system created by the RSK group of companies for the P.I. A.F. Ioffe: its performance on the Linpack test is 0.07 PFlop / s, its peak performance is 0.09 PFlop / s.

No significant changes have been observed in the technical equipment of the most powerful supercomputers. The main processor from Intel remains almost a prerequisite for getting into the rating: this characteristic was revealed in 49 systems out of 50. More than half of the Top50 participants use accelerators for computing and the InfiniBand communication network, although the sizes of both groups have slightly decreased (from 27 to 26 and from 33 up to 32 respectively). In the previous volume, the Gigabit Ethernet communication network (8 systems) is presented, and Intel Omni-Path technology is now used by 6 systems (versus 5 in the previous edition).

The list of companies that bring the largest number of developments to the Top50 is also preserved: Hewlett-Packard Enterprise is in the lead with 14 supercomputers, followed by the RSK group of companies (12 supercomputers), the third place is taken by T-Platforms (10 supercomputers).

As for the priority areas of using computing power, the most widespread are still science and education (26 systems from the list, 3 more than in the previous edition). Research and industry, on the other hand, lost some of their popularity (falling from 10 supercomputers to 8 and from 3 to 2, respectively). Other applications - geophysics, climate modeling, seismic activity monitoring, cloud computing, artificial intelligence - hold their ground.

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