A Tale of Trackballs

There are various non-standard input devices in my area of ​​interest. And after all, it seems that they came up with a keyboard and a mouse, but calmed down on this, but this is not enough for me. In parallel with the world of mouse-type manipulators, there is a world of amazing input devices such as the trackball. We are all used to the mouse and know how to use it, so if an ordinary person is put at the trackball and forced to rotate the ball, his brain breaks down. And it's cool when you are not using exactly what everyone else is. And not everyone can use your tool, much less work on your computer.

Therefore, I want to tell you about my many years of experience using trackballs, why it's cool and at the same time, what medical problems its use causes. Go!

What is a trackball?

Trackball, in ancient times, was called an inverted mouse. Previously, mice were ball, optical-mechanical, so the trackball was like a reverse version of the mouse, where the ball was rotated with your fingers. Those who have found these types of mice remember the problem of dirt on the rollers of the optical-mechanical system. For trackballs of that time, this problem was especially acute, as fat from the fingers collected on the rollers and hardened there. Due to this, the cleaning of the trackballs was significantly more frequent than the classic ball mice.

Before we go to disassemble the whole zoo of trackballs that went through my hands, I'll tell you about the main types of trackballs.

There are, of course, typical and obvious differences between trackballs, for example, in the way of reading the movement of the ball: it is an optical-mechanical system and either only optical; by the method of connecting to a computer: USB interface, ps / 2, COM port, etc. However, in fact, these are insignificant differences, since there will not be much difference when using trackballs with different interfaces. Moreover, modern trackballs have only USB interface and they are all, without exception, optical. The main constructive difference is what organ we rotate the ball (hussars, be silent): with one thumb, or index, ring and middle fingers at the same time.

My favorite is the thumb trackballs; in my opinion, they are more comfortable and the hand rests better on them. Yes, and on the market, these models are widely used. Unfortunately, for medical reasons, I had to stop using these models. You will soon find out why.

Why are trackballs so good and why do I love them like that? Trackballs are convenient for programmers, writers and draftsmen, as there is less distraction for using the manipulator. The trackball does not require space, does not spoil the tabletop and can be easily used even on the knee. I like to use the trackball during software development to minimize distraction from the keyboard. In general, as for me, the ideal trackball built into the keyboard in the very center, like on laptops of ancient times. Overall, a keyboard with trackball is the ultimate dream come true.

My first trackball

My acquaintance with trackballs began with the manipulator "The Microsoft Ballpoint mouse" (his photo is presented at KDPV). Its peculiarity is that it was attached with a special clip to a keyboard or laptop, and made it very comfortable to work with it with the left or right hand. For these purposes, on this model, the buttons were duplicated on both sides.

Picture from the trackball box.

I got it new, in a box, with wires. It included a thick book with operating instructions, a wire for the COM port and ps / 2, a keyboard attachment and the trackball itself. By the way, the trackball was easily detached from the mount and could be used simply in the hand, which at that time was very cool, but what can I say, I really miss such a manipulator even today!

This model instilled in me a love for this type of input device. The ball rotated with my thumb, and it was very comfortable and heavy, even now I remember those sensations of cold soft rubber. Many of my friends asked me to lend this device for use and were very enthusiastic about its operation. We even took it with us to computer clubs and played various shooting games, it was so much more convenient than a mouse.

But not everything was so rosy, each medal has two sides. There was only one drawback of the trackball of this design: it was optical-mechanical, which ruined it. Eventually the grease on the rotating bearings dried up and the trackball stopped working. Unfortunately, at that time I lacked neither the experience nor the ability to restore it.

Today, for the article I was looking for photos of this trackball, and it turned out to be a very rare beast, photos were found with great difficulty. Especially if you don't remember the name of the model. This particular model appeared in the pre-Internet era. Photos in this article are from Microsoft.

Trackball in laptop

My second trackball was a mouse built into a Compaq Contura 410C laptop . This laptop, surprisingly, is still alive, except that its power supply unit was lost somewhere over the years.

Trackball in Compaq Contura 410C.

Structurally, the trackball is designed so that the input is carried out with the index and middle fingers. As it turned out, this solution was very convenient, and for a long time I played the first civilization on this device, even with a more advanced computer. In general, today I am looking at keyboards with a similar trackball arrangement, but have not yet met successful models.

The main disadvantages of this input device are not the best arrangement of the keys, as well as the size of the ball and its absolutely smooth surface. However, the larger the ball, the more comfortable it is to work.

My main workhorse

When working on a standard PC, I used a mouse. And as a rule, this was not enough for me, since everyone had a mouse, but I wanted something special, unusual, and so that it was as convenient as possible. And then I met him, the trackball of my dreams! And this laid the foundation for my passion for trackballs, and this lineup has been with me for over ten years, in different and more advanced versions. Meet: "Logitech TrackMan Wheel Optical" .

Logitech TrackMan Wheel Optical.

This was the first optical trackball in my practice. That is, now the position of the ball was read in the same way as in modern mice: using a camera. The sphere was illuminated by an IR diode, so that the light did not interfere or distract in any way.

This device was the ultimate bomb and revolutionized my trackball practice. Large ball, comfortable design, as if it was specially molded for my hefty paws. After washing, the ball had to be slightly rolled between the palms to get a little smeared, and then it rotated delightfully.

I never parted with this trackball, it was always with me, except that I did not go to bed with it. In the end, I decided that I would play with the trackball too. In general, let's be honest, the speed of reaction and accuracy of the data input device is much worse than that of a standard mouse. But I made a strong-willed decision to hone my reaction speed and accuracy to the level of mouse rivals, and having managed to do this, for a long time I was in the top three leaders on our Quake III servers in terms of hitting accuracy.

Screenshot of the end of the CTF duel on the q3ctf4 map (E + mod, madsod config), statistics are highlighted in red, In a real battle, in the madsod config, 30% of the rails was a very good indicator, given the insane dynamics of the game. Alas, after this config, all other games seem to me to be turtle races and I cannot play them.

It is clear that with such intensive use, I had to periodically repair it. First of all, the plastic was worn off, which presses / transfers the force from the key to the button. As a result, I made a lining from an aluminum can in the same place. During disassembly and repair, I photographed my lovely, so that we can look inside.

This photo clearly shows the fluoroplastic ball retention spikes, as well as the optical sensor window. The device of the optical sensor is curious; it is more cunning and more complicated than that of an optical mouse.

I had 4 versions of this type of trackball, wireless version, laser version. Unfortunately, I have not preserved photos of all versions of these devices.

Another new trackball.

With each new version, there were pleasant changes: different scrolling, better sensitivity, a nicer ball that glides better and much more. Also, the ball wears out during prolonged use and rotates worse. because of the formed furrows on it. Unless the wireless ones pleased me less than the wired ones, as problems with charging and batteries surfaced. Plus station search. I don't remember the exact names of all the models, but there were four types.

The last trackball of this form factor was the gorgeous Logitech M570 . He was perfect.

Logitech M570.

Wireless, laser reader, soft ball, ideal weight to sit firmly on the table. In general, everything was fine with him, but I managed to use it for only about a month, because I got an occupational disease from trackballs ...

The disease of fanatical trackball players

One day I suddenly felt unpleasant pains in the joints of the thumb during the fine motor skills of rotating the trackball ball. At first I did not attach any importance to it, but the pain was constantly increasing every day and in the end it became unbearable.

Places of pain.

Realizing that it would not go away by itself, I went to see a surgeon at the district clinic. After going through 13 circles of hell, he was sent for X-ray and the diagnosis was disappointing.

Conclusion (underlined): pronounced signs of arthrosis.

Then injections, ointments and other procedures and trackballs for the thumb of the right hand had to be forgotten. Forget forever. Now, even after so many years, if I sit down at this type of trackball, after literally ten minutes of work, my joints start to hurt. Yes, even messages on the phone now I only type with my left hand.

Thus, everything wears out, including our joints. Computer games, training in the clan for 5 hours a day, all this too quickly worn out the joints of the thumb, which had all the load. And this led to sad, irreparable consequences.

But if you think my trackball history is over, then no.

Other Trackball Models I Have Used

There are other models of trackballs that I have operated for quite a long time, but they did not sink into my soul so strong.

The first chic trackball was the "A4 Tech Wintrack PC XT" trackball, on a COM port. Despite the fact that it was optical-mechanical, and even for the COM port, it was three-button. And if now it had a scroll wheel, I would still use it, because I find it very convenient and interesting.

A4 Tech Wintrack PC XT.

The device is really hefty, but very cool, especially the huge keys deliver. Unfortunately, I did not get accustomed, since the COM port in modern computers today with fire cannot be found, and an adapter is such a method for itself, since additional drivers and other problems are needed. It even became curious whether modern Windows 10 can work with COM port mice?

Another model that I have used for a while is the Logitech TrackMan Marble Silver .

Logitech TrackMan Marble Silver.

I can say about him that the model is very unusual. Overall, I liked the device. The main disadvantages include the lack of a scroll wheel, which puts an end to its comfortable use. I used this model for some time after receiving the diagnosis of arthrosis, as it involves other fingers. But nevertheless, she did not take root with me, and went further from hand to hand. Somehow I didn't stay with anyone for long.

The ultimate trackball, and the most unusual one I have used recently, was the Logitech Cordless TrackMan Optical Trackball . I bought this model very profitably on one internet site a few months ago.

Logitech Cordless TrackMan Optical Trackball.

It turned out to be a very unusual device, even for me. The main oddity was the completely unusual arrangement of the keys: the usual left mouse button is under the thumb, and the right mouse button is behind the ball.

The large key on the side is LMB.

Due to problems with the thumb joint, I cannot use the thumb button. Therefore, this was the reason for my refusal to use this model. In principle, it is possible to reprogram the buttons of this trackball using the supplied software. But in fact it turned out that the reprogramming is carried out at the level of the operating system to which the trackball is connected, and not at the level of the controller of the manipulator itself.

The large key on the side is LMB.

Therefore, the manipulator went further from hand to hand.

In general, we have some friendly community of trackball fans, and we exchange models of various devices with each other. That allows you to feel the various solutions and understand what you most need.

What is the bottom line?

To my great regret, due to injury I can no longer use the trackballs for the thumb under the right hand. And as my acquaintances, fans of trackballs, who have been using them for about 5-10 years, say that they also have signs of arthrosis (the thumb joints ache). Therefore, at the moment I am using a mouse-type manipulator. But I still look at interesting models. An example of such models is the ELECOM M-XT4DRBK left-hand thumb trackball .


Or another model that haunts me with its beauty is "Microsoft Explorer 1.0" .

Microsoft Explorer 1.0

Of course, this model also has buttons under the thumb, but the model itself looks just cosmic. And it is the main subject of dreams of avid trackball players.

Of the most interesting and rare trackballs that I would be interested in touching, this is the CST Laser Trackball .

CST Laser Trackball ( photo from here )

The model is so unique that even at auctions it is very rare and for insane money.

The problem with all these models is their price. If you go to a well-known Western auction or online store, and look at the prices for these devices, it turns out that mice are immeasurably cheaper. But, if you are a straight true geek, then this should not stop you, there are no barriers to patriots. Experiment with input devices and find the one that suits your tastes and interests!

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