Vue.js 3.0 "One piece" released

The title is a reference to the "One Piece" manga about a guy who wants to become a pirate king, approx. transl.

Today we are proud to announce the official release of Vue 3.0 "One Piece". This is a new major version of the framework with improved performance, smaller size, better TypeScript support, new APIs for large-scale projects (and for medium-sized projects , you can get rid of vuex) and a solid foundation for future platform iterations.

Version 3.0 is over two years of development effort, including 30+ RFCs , 2600+ commits, 628 pull requests from 99 contributors , and a huge amount of development and documentation work outside of the main repository. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the team members for taking on this work, our contributors for pull requests, our sponsors for financial support, and the community for participating in design discussions and feedback on pre-release versions. Vue is an independent project built for the community and supported by the community, and Vue 3.0 would not have been possible without your continued support.

Development of the "Progressive Framework" concept

Vue : , , . , , . , ยซ ยป: , , .

Vue 1,3 ( Chrome Vue Devtools Google) ( , firefox, . .) , Vue , "" , , . Vue 3 .

Vue 3.0 CDN <script>, . , tree-shaking.

API, :


API 2.x Vue 3. 3.0 Composition API - API, Vue . Composition API API . , React, ( API 2.x).

Composition API Vue 2.x @vue/composition-api, Composition API, Vue 2, 3 (, vueuse, vue-composable).

Vue 3 Vue 2: ( 41% tree-shaking), ( 55% ) ( 133% ), ( 54% ).

Vue 3 ยซ DOM ยป (compiler-informed Virtual DOM, - , . .): -, , , , (flatten, . .) . : -, .


Vue 3 TypeScript , , . Composition API . Vetur, VSCode, (props . .) Vue 3. , TSX, .

(SFC, .vue):

Vue 3.0, . , RFC .

<Suspense>, ( async setup()) (v-if ..). Nuxt.js (Nuxt 3 ) , , 3.1.

3.0 . , ( , vue router Vuex ), Vue 3 . Vue 3.

Vue 3 .


( v3 , v2 + ) IE11 - . 4 2020 . v2 IE11, .


  • IE11

  • Router Vuex

  • Vetur

- , GitHub npm Vue 3 , Vue, next. , npm install vue - Vue 2.x, npm install vue@next Vue 3. 2020 , 3.0.

2.7, 2.x. 2.7 3 API, / 3, . 2.7 2021 . LTS- 18 .


You can read more about Vue 3.0 on the new website. If you are already a Vue 2.x user, skip directly to the migration section .

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