SamsPcbLab Part 1: Launching the PCB Community

Almost 2 years have passed since the last self-promotion publication, a lot of work has been done, which I want to talk about again. Since then, the design guide has gone through 4 releases, several printed copies have appeared, and now I already really like the content, although this is definitely not the final version and there is always room for improvement. But here is not about him, here is about a new project - a platform for PCB developers.

After the release of the book, I focused on developing convenient calculation tools for developers. Now this idea has grown into a more interesting project and is implemented as a platform for PCB developers SamsPcbLab .

It has now been implemented, and three months ago there was nothing but sketches of pages on paper. The first thing I did was to find out how much web development costs for the functionality I need. Immediately after that I began to think if I could do it myself. I could, for one in the process I learned about CSS and PHP, I told about my development experience in a separate publication . Here is what is at the moment.

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The tables provide a list of currently sold calculators. This is the starting point. The concept is that the community determines the set of computing tools by voting in the Feedback section. The following calculators are planned: thermal calculations, calculation of inductance of coils, including planar ones, calculation of transformers, including planar ones, calculation of RLC filters, resonance of capacitors on power supply, various simple specific calculations such as a resistor for an LED or a resistive divider.

For all calculators, the model has been chosen that gives the best results on the reference data. Well-known models and calculation formulas are being finalized - for example, for an asymmetric strip line, the ability to specify different dielectrics has been added, for the maximum current formulas, frequency dependences have been added taking into account the skin effect, etc. The choice of model and the theoretical basis of each calculator will be described in the knowledge base and also highlighted in a blog on the platform.

Table 1. Inductance calculators (Appendix A of the manual).

Intrinsic inductance of a thin rectangular circular contour
Intrinsic inductance of a thin circular section
Intrinsic inductance of coaxial cable
Intrinsic inductance of the signal line from two parallel circular conductors
Intrinsic inductance of a signal line from a round wire above a conductive plane
Self-inductance of the microstrip line
Intrinsic inductance of balanced strip line
Intrinsic inductance of the coplanar line
Self-inductance of two closely spaced flat conductors
Partial self-inductance of a round straight conductor
Partial mutual inductance of two parallel circular conductors
Partial self-inductance of a flat long conductor

Table 2. Wave impedance calculators (Appendix B of the manual).

Characteristic impedance of a microstrip line
Characteristic impedance of a balanced strip line
Characteristic impedance of an asymmetric strip line
Characteristic impedance of a differential microstrip line
Characteristic impedance of a differential strip line (with conductors in one layer)
Characteristic impedance of a differential strip line (with conductors in different layers)

Table 3. Maximum Conductor Current (Chapter 2 of the manual).

Heating the printed track (based on Brooks' article )
The melt current of a conductor of circular cross-section (according to W.G. Pris)
Pulsed melt of a circular conductor (according to I.M. Onderdonk)

Table 4. Crosstalk (Chapter 3 of the manual).

Cross-talk between microstrip lines
Crosstalk between stripe lines

Knowledge base

Initially, I just posted the book on the platform in pdf format, but this did not make it possible to link to the book. The optimal solution was to create a knowledge base, where there will be not only sections of the book, but about the theoretical basis for each calculator, FAQ, and also collected and systematized all the useful information that will appear in the community blog.

Community blog

A platform for sharing knowledge within the community. Any subscriber (other than an evaluation subscription) can publish a post by selecting the appropriate post category:

  • Development questions.
  • My project. The approximate direction of the flow is maintaining a development blog, attracting developers to the team, and jointly searching for a solution.
  • News. Any interesting and useful industry information - webinar announcements, new hardware components, etc.
  • Useful. Links, development techniques and tools, development experience - both successful and your own mistakes, CAD settings and everything that, in your opinion, increases the efficiency and quality of development.
  • Work | part-time job. Your resume, recruiting specialists.
  • Useful. Something that you want to share, but that does not fall into the subject of other headings.

At first, before the development of a community quality standard (Habr is a good guide here), I will moderate publications. In the blog I will cover the work on calculators, I also want to make different headings. For example, I plan to do β€œ100 days with Bogatin”, where every day we will analyze one of his recommendations for designing printed circuit boards.

Personal correspondence

I found one plugin for WordPress with this functionality, the interface visually refined a little. I think that we need an opportunity to create personal contacts, in general I will be glad if the platform promotes productive cooperation.

That's all for now. I invite to the community everyone who is close to the above values, everyone who is interested in my work and who is ready to support the further development of the project. I will be glad to see both novice developers and experts in the community, it would be just great if the community contributed to building the transfer of experience - this is what was lost in the industry due to the drawdown of the 90s. But I am convinced that there are many experienced professionals in the industry who have something to share.

Success to everyone!

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