September 25 and 26 - open days on Frontend Live

Anyone can take part in the conference these days. But you need to register . See what you love about the full Frontend Live schedule .

The reports will be general on front-end topics, on the rest of the conference, speakers will talk in more depth on each topic, with nuances, details, practice and discussions. We have already talked about some of the reports that will be on these 2 days for everyone, and today we will introduce you to the rest of the open speeches.

What's new in Frontend and what can we do better?

Every year we talk about new trends that have emerged over the past year, and how they have affected the entire Frontend. Some have become very useful tools, and some are a thing of the past. Last year, Vitaly Fridman talked about trends in the world of the frontend, this year Philip Nekhaev will conduct a review in his report " Technological radar: trends as we see them ." Philip is the head of frontend at Tinkoff, and especially for the conference, he will share what technologies, according to Tinkoff, will lead next year, which have long become the de facto standard, what companies are rejecting in the market and what Tinkoff has abandoned.

We expect at least good performance from both the new and the old system, that is, how quickly it responds to our clicks, pings, and requests. If the system responds without delay, for us it is like talking to people in our real life. And in our time, we increasingly expect this from a computer. Of course, our perception will depend on what we are doing while we wait - everyone hates the passive wait for the page to load, and when we are active, time passes faster. Aerolab's Eva Ferreira knows a shortcut to improve the performance of your front-end in a healthy and easy-to-implement way. In his speech “ From 45 to 85, a performance journey”, Eva will show you some tricks you can use to improve the performance of your web service, as well as to measure how this has affected site loading. Eva will speak in English.

If we can measure something, we can improve it. Of course, for each company, the most important and best metrics will be different ways of measuring web page performance. There is no general indicator that is universal for everyone, in each case the choice will be individual. However, for any measurement, we first select from a core set that usually covers the most common metrics. Martin splittwill present an excellent talk "Core Web Vitals - what are they and why do they matter?" about a tool from Google that allows you to monitor the basic metrics of interface performance. The report will be in English.

And while performance is being measured, we can improve and change a lot in our web services so that site visitors not only forget about the slow rendering of images, but also be satisfied with communicating with you through web forms. Yes, those notorious feb-forms, about which, as we have already presented , will be presented by Vitaly FridmanGetting Web Forms Right: From Checkboxes To Dropdowns". Vitaly will share how visitors can trust our web forms again without waiting to overcome obstacles like finding fire hydrants or their country in a long list (no search!). And will provide practical tips for immediate implementation and improved user experience of your web projects.

Is everything great within the team?

Not only visitors to web services should be satisfied, but also the development teams who create, improve and change them. A lot of people work on any project: developers, managers, security officers, networkers, accountants and couriers. Not only do they all depend on each other, but an error, for example, in calculating the time per task, can also affect clients. Scrum helps to synchronize their actions with each other, and Alexandra Baptizmanskaya will talk about this in her talk “ What Scrum? I just want to write code! ". Based on her extensive experience in creating successful teams, Alexandra will share her observations of how an ordinary developer can benefit from Scrum, and why a team and a team process are needed at all.

Every team has junior members. If he is purposeful, he will find his own way, but sometimes mentoring over the younger is useful for the elders. Daniil Pilipenko , Founder and Director of the SymbioWay IT Specialist Recruitment Center, will tell you why it is so cool and useful for any middle developer to get a June Padawan and train him successfully. In his report " The path to senior''s through mentoring junior'ov " Daniel will explain why the junior stage is important, how to grow a junior specialist who is useful for the team, and how to interact with him for the general benefit of both the junior and the team, and for the project.

In order for the interaction to be easy, effective, and at the same time take into account the specifics of the lifestyle (and work) of all developers, it would be ideal to use not several messengers, but one, with a lot of necessary functions for the frontend. While the functionality of corporate portals and chats is rather scarce. But Georgy Bugakov (he has been programming since he was 7!) Has an idea how to make a full-fledged SuperApp for employees using Slack and Node.js. And this is a real project used by over 40 development teams. In his talk “ Making a corporate superapp on the basis of Slack and Node.js ” Georgiy will show what bots can really do in Slack, and what can be compensated for with external tools.

But not a single messenger will help you debug and tie together the development, testing and operation processes. DevOps becomes such a connecting link, which includes understanding many things - both the code itself, and testing it, and the principles of architecture. In addition, you need to take into account the risks and possible vulnerabilities of the system, be able to automate processes. Not to mention providing support before and after the release. In his talk " Educational program on CI / CD for frontend on the example of GitLab " Timofey Tiunov will explain with examples what you can "devops" in the frontend, and what a frontend is from the point of view of a DevOps engineer or system administrator.

Happy Team - Happy Users?

When everyone in the team is already working harmoniously, they understand each other and the release deadlines are not disrupted, it's time to remember about the business as such and the needs of users of web services in particular. Great design is what visitors see on a website first. And Stéphanie Walter in his talk " Designing Adaptive Components (beyond responsive breakpoints) " will draw your attention to why it is better to think about the "context of use" of the screen, rather than the number of pixels. Stephanie will show that sometimes the active ingredients can go off the screen, and that can be a great design too, which the audience will love and be comfortable to use. Report in English.

And so that great design is also delightfully beautiful, Kathleen McMahonin the talk “ Accessibility-flavored React components make your design system delicious! »Will share his experience and expertise on the accessibility of design and the design systems themselves. In English. Kathleen will explain how and what you can use in React for this purpose, how to mix different UI components, show interactive examples of best practices and outline the rules of what you can do to bake a product and what you should not do. Shopify's

Hui Jing Chen takes responsiveness even further. Together with HJ, we'll take a look at CSS responsiveness through DevTools in the talk Using DevTools to understand modern CSS layouts". Live from Singapore, HJ will demonstrate how DevTools can be used for more than just a debugging tool. And he will show you how DevTools can help you align the layouts we want to create with what actually appears on the page. This will help you better understand how the browser interprets the CSS values ​​you assign. For example, sizing with Flexbox or various options for resizing tracks in the Grid. As a result, such techniques will allow designs to better adapt to a wide range of monitor sizes. The report, of course, will be in English.

And, continuing the theme of different languages. How often have you come across the fact that while studying some information in English, you want to watch it in Russian? But, having switched the site to Russian, not only do you not find this information (the same for all languages), but in general the site can suddenly become “a little” different? Most likely, the localization of such a site went a little wrong as we would like. How to deal with such localization difficulties on the frontend side, especially when the project is huge and the team is large, Dmitry Andriyanov will tell in his report " Fear and Loathing of Localization in Large Projects ." Dmitry will show how localization was organized in Yandex.Direct - a project with tens of thousands of text fragments and a team of 40+ people.

Can a developer be a wizard?

Of course, what a front-end conference (and, of course, any project) without the developers themselves! When you have a team, design, the process of work is launched, sprints follow one after another, it would seem that all that remains is to write code. But it's not just people in teams that have problems with interconnection. Inside applications, different languages ​​can be used, components need connections with each other, but at the same time, each obstacle can develop into a serious task that develops the fronted and moves it forward.

The complexity within applications can increase due to the fact that different states are distributed over many components, and they need a connection between themselves. Alexander Shushunov in his talk "The Heart of a Vue Application»Not only introduces the Vuex state manager that comes with the Vue framework. Alexander will talk about some of the nuances of working with him and explain his internal structure. The state manager is the heart of the modern web application. That being said, Vuex is quite simple - it's not easy to find complex examples of its use. But Alexander will show how Vuex is used at EPAM Systems, what problems the team faced, and what does performance have to do with it. It doesn't matter if you are using Veux or not yet - the information will be useful for everyone.

But another challenge - is there life without JavaScript? Can the site be interactive with other tools? Of course, JavaScript works on Windows, macOS, Linux and mobile platforms, that is, everywhere. On the PC, the Node.js, Angular and React Native platforms have taken JavaScript out of the browser limits. And, nevertheless, Dmitry Sharabin invites you to listen to his opinion. Dmitry believes that the future of HTML has already come thanks to Mavo, which is being developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) under the leadership of Lea Verou. In his report “ Secrets of Mavo. Solving everyday web developer tasks without JavaScript"Dmitry will clearly show its advantages and answer the question whether technologies such as the development of interactive web applications are needed now only by writing HTML and CSS.

Programming without JC will be supported by Ilya Chertorylsky , frontend developer at Raiffeisenbank. In his talk " WebAssembly SPA frameworks " Ilya will consider such trends in frontend development as GO, RUST, C #, PHP in terms of using full-fledged frameworks that allow you to write a turnkey website in a familiar language without JavaScript. The frontend can be written in almost any programming language, and Ilya will tell you how to implement it in practice. Vadim Patsev will

continue the topic of debunking myths about the absence of significant tasks in front-end developmentfrom Yandex, which will show in the report “ Where am I and where is the state machine? ”That in web development there are complex and interesting tasks for programmers. The front-end is not just riveting of forms, but the solution of serious issues and obstacles, the implementation of big ideas. Vadim believes that you can try things like a finite state machine, Markov chains, etc. without fear. Come and listen to something unusual!

If you want to discuss, ask for advice or share stories from work, subscribe to the FrontendConf Talks Telegram channel . And we will write about the event-chips of the conference in telegram , facebook , twitter , and VKontakte .

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