Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 362 (September 14 - 20)

In this digest, Apple's presentation, Android development tools and anti-patterns, ARM versus x86 versus cross-platform versus native development, the art of storytelling, design improvement secrets, and more!

While we are all waiting for the release version of the OS, I would like to share my experience of writing a widget for the "Wallet" application and tell you what opportunities and limitations our team encountered on beta versions of Xcode.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+22) What we were told at Apple's annual September presentation

(+5) Formal grammars in the mobile client service

Preparing for iOS 14

What the latest Apple privacy policy update means for your app

Apple Introduces All-New iPad Air with A14 Bionic , 8th Gen iPad , Apple Watch Series 6 and Apple Watch SE

App Store allowed game streaming, but very limited

Social media on Swift UI

iOS 14 UISplitViewController: 5 issues, with you may encounter

Explaining Ranges in Swift by Examples

Decoding JSON in Swift with Codable: A Practical Guide

10 Pods to Use in a New iOS Project

Improve Your UX with Core Animations

How to Safeguard an iOS App from Screenshots and screen recording?

WidgetKit: Advanced Development

10 Powerful @Attributes in Swift

DTTextField: Tooltip Input Field


Android Sliding Bar

(+15) 20 Android Developer Tools You May Not Know About

(+8) Navigation Component- jutsu, vol. 2 - nested navigation graphs

(+2) Repository anti-pattern in Android

(+1) HMS Core 5.0 review: even more possibilities for ML on mobile devices and new tools for audio and video

(0) How to use HUAWEI ML Kit's OCR feature to automatically enter numbers

Microsoft is running Android apps on Windows 10

Android 11 caused problems with Android Auto

Hello DataStore, SharedPreferences bye

Explain the Android Fragment lifecycle

Exploring Jetpack Compose: indent modifier

Manage multiple apps in one Android project (Studio)

Recognize rotation gestures in Android

How to detect an Android app update

Just add MVI with Orbit 2

Adapt your app to the latest privacy best practices

How coroutines are shaping new ways of development

Code Review Automation

Why I decided to write my own UI testing tool

Understanding the internals of Lottie - rendering an animation file

JetInstagram: Instagram on Jetpack Compose


( +19) ARM vs. x86: What's the difference between the two processor architectures?

(+9) When it makes sense to write cross-platform applications: the appearance and disappearance of React Native in Lingualeo

(+8) Inserting real objects into Unity using Meshroom

(+7) UXD - Reality and the future in design or a man in charge of everything

(+7) Crash-crash, baby. Automatic monitoring of fatal errors in mobile applications

(+3) How a document is recognized on a mobile phone: from simple to complex

Podlodka # 181: hunting

• The art of storytelling in software development

Application design: examples for inspiration # 17

• The secret to improving design: 4 way of storytelling

Research. Which icon should I choose to represent accordions?

The Art of Storytelling in Software Development

Minimalist Design Guidelines

Automate Publishing Your Flutter Apps to Google Play with GitHub Actions

Build Flutter Chat Apps with Firebase

Software Development Lifecycle: How We Created the New Dropbox Plus

Barriers to paths to game development eliminated

12 essential tools for a Flutter mobile developer

Getting Started with Augmented Reality with the Unity AR Foundation Framework

Do I Really Know Programming?

Mixin: Messenger, Wallet and Client for a Decentralized Network

Analytics, Marketing & Monetization

(+1) How to Introduce the Game to Publishers and Investors

Why China's Next Phase of Growth Will Be Consumer Driven and What It Means for Advertisers

Bunch Raised $ 20M in Social layer "for games

US Treasury Department is studying game security Riot Games and Epic Games

make sense: On the choice of prioritization frameworks, approaches to decision-making and team awareness

Why should businesses order application development?

Report "On the state of the advertising market for shopping applications in 2020"

How Donut Lab Closed the $ 1.6M Round of Investment

App Marketing in the Apocalypse: How to Deal with Alarming Trends?

How I got 200,000 app downloads without paid marketing

AI, Devices, IoT

(+29) We connect the new Xiaomi Gateway 3 to Home Assistant without a soldering iron and SMS

(+24) How to go from a beginner pythonist to a certified TensorFlow in two months - developer

(+12) IR motion sensor on STM32

(+3) Automotive software: options for strategic development

Facebook announced Oculus Quest 2

Facebook to release smart glasses alongside Ray-Ban

Gameloft brings Kinder toys to life with augmented reality

Nvidia buys ARM

8 best No-Code machine learning platforms you should be using in 2020

Previous Digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found an error, please send it to the mail .

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