PWA is not for everyone

In the comments to my previous article on service workers , it was suggested that PWA on desktops is a little useful thing. About six months ago, I figured out how to attach Vue Storefront PWA to stores on the Magento platform and I liked how smartly this application ran on my computer compared to the original web interface. My personal experience showed that PWA on desktops has a good perspective, but further digging into the topic showed that colleague @sumanai, with his denial of PWA on desktops, was right.


What is the main feature of progressive web applications?

Ability to work offline.

This ability is primarily relevant for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), and, to some extent, for laptops. Desktops are almost always in the zone of a stable working Internet.

Input Output

By the way of input ("touch screen" versus "keyboard + mouse") and information display (display size in inches), devices can be divided into two large groups:

  • smartphones and tablets

  • laptops and desktops

Web interfaces

Modern browsers offer a variety of APIs for web applications , most of which work for both groups of devices. Nevertheless, these three interfaces are relevant specifically for smartphones / tablets:


"" (, service worker') Cache API, offline IndexedDB. (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, MongoDB, ...) (IndexedDB).

online- . - IndexedDB - . offline - , .


" service worker' web-" PWA:


  • : (HTML/CSS/JS) - ( ), service worker';

  • API: , (DB) (IndexedDB);

PWA - native apps . Native apps , ( + ) App Store Google Play, API ( offline/online ). , API- native apps. web- , () , .

PWA - , , native apps .

PWA offline, , online- .

/ (-, -) /. ("") - / /. , UX.

PWA , , Google.

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