Quantum Hacking, Computing, Algorithms and Machine Learning in Practice - Digest of ITMO University

This is a selection of text materials and thematic podcasts with the participation of representatives of ITMO University - students, graduate students, researchers and teachers. We discuss scientific articles, share our personal experience in developing projects of various levels and talk about the development opportunities that the " first non-classical " one has.

Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum (Unsplash.com)

How AI Systems Can Improve Research . ITMO.NEWS interviewed Marina Solyachich, MIT professor. The discussion touched upon the topic of photonic crystals and neurons in photonics.

How to accelerate discoveries in quantum physics . Alexey Melnikov, representing several organizations at once, including ITMO University, specializes in "quantum machine learning" and AI systems for scientists. Last year, he received the prestigious Cozzarelli Prize from the US National Academy of Sciences for his work on “Active learning machine learns to create new quantum experiments". We will tell in simple words how the approach proposed by Alexei and his colleagues helps accelerate scientific research in the field of quantum physics: for example, machine learning with reinforcement is used in the design of experiments, which makes it possible to dramatically increase the efficiency of preparation for the implementation of experiments.

Quantum computers: the complexity of development . Alexander Kirienko, who spoke at ITMO University as part of the ITMO Fellowship program, put forward a number of theses on the topic of quantum computing, and we prepared a detailed note on the results of his seminar. It contains a discussion about the problems in this area, their theoretical and practical specifics, problems, and also a story about the potential of such fields of activity as "quantum chemistry" and "quantum programming".

Who investigates attacks on quantum key distribution systems . We will tellyou what quantum hacking is, what nuances are there in research in this area, and to whom of the specialists they may be close, if you look at related fields. Anton Kozubov,head of the theoretical group at the Laboratory of Quantum Processes and Measurements at ITMO University,helped us dive into the topic and get acquainted with the features of quantum communication systems . We recorded one of the podcast episodes with him and published the conversation on several platforms - thefull texton Habré.

How to determine the authenticity of a signature . The story about thearticle byYuri Rozhdestvensky, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Professor of theFaculty of Photonics and Optoinformatics, and his colleagues - Semyon Rudoy and Tatiana Vovk. We are talking about calculating the Minkowski fractal dimension for the trajectory of the pen tip. In the material - we explain everything in simple words and give examples.

How to improve the system for evaluating plagiarism search algorithms . Anton Bely and Dmitry Nekrasov, representing our Faculty ofIT and Programming,took part in several hackathons, where tasks were set to work with texts and search for borrowings. They decided to fix the result in the form of anarticleand told why the assessment of the efficiency of the algorithm for finding exact borrowing boundaries can be overestimated, plus - they published the solution in the repository.

That allows you to predict the gender of the player . To find the relationship between game behavior and demographics, we assessed the time spent on the game, in-game achievements, game genres, and a number of other indicators. Ivan Samborskiy, postgraduate student of the Faculty of ITiP, notes that this field for research is much more interesting than data from social networks, where people try to control their behavior to a greater extent - they think about what to publish and how to present themselves to the audience: “In games, this does not happen: there we behave like would like in life. And I was able to confirm that game data is related to the real characteristics of people. "

Which will help increase the completion rate of online courses . Svyatoslav Oreshin, winner of the SEEL-2019 report competition and a student of our undergraduate program, suggested options for using machine learning methods to increase the motivation ofMOOCstudentsand online courses of various formats. Its main task is to increase their completeness. To do this, Svyatoslav estimated the average time for completing tasks and tested his hypotheses on the data of five thousand students of one of the educational platforms. In the material - in simple words about this project.

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