Refreshed Safari Browser: How Marketers Become

What happened?

On September 16, a new version of the iOS 14 operating system was released for mobile devices of the Apple ecosystem. The built-in Safari browser has also been updated - not only on smartphones and tablets, but also on laptops and desktops. The new version of the browser has a built-in functionality for blocking tracking pixels on sites for better protection of user data. Popular pixels are blocked for web analytics, eg:

  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook
  • Yandex.Metrica
  • (myTarget)
  • Doubleclick (Floodlight)
  • VK

This is how it looks:


Locked pixel statistics can also be tracked in Safari:


And on iPhone and iPad:


It is important to understand

— . - , . : Safari 17%. , .

How does the limitation actually work?

(, Apple Insider Search Engine Journal) Safari , - . , , - -.


Google Tag Manager - (Server-side Tagging).


Server-side Tagging

, Google Tag Manager . , -, Google Cloud Platform, , .

Google Tag Manager:

  • ;
  • ;
  • .

, :

  • web-, app- AMP-;
  • , HTTP-;
  • HTTP- — GTM, ;
  • , , , .



— “” - :



Server-side Tagging

- - . , , (, AdBlock). , , , .

, JS- , .

Google Cloud:

  • Google Cloud , ;
  • . Google ;
  • ;
  • .


  • JS- ( );
  • , .


  • , JS-, ;
  • , .

GTM Google Cloud. 40 .

JS- , HTTP-.

, . , JS-, , .. .


  1. Create a server container in Google Tag Manager;
  2. Register on Google Cloud Platform, create a new project and set up a payment method;
  3. Deploy Google Cloud AppEngine Server;
  4. Bind your domain to the created server;
  5. Transfer tags, triggers, and variables from a web container to a GTM server container.

Detailed instructions are available in the official documentation at the link .

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