A new round of censorship at two

It's not a secret for anyone that the multitudes of those sitting here and at two overlap abundantly. Therefore, I am writing here so as not to be banned there. Respected people used to have plums of IPs even before mail.ru began to "protect" DDoS servers from DDoS. But this week censorship has become such that dvach already looks like a moderately patriotic resource. Dvach has always been a dump full of inadequacies, it is. But in Runet it is still the largest platform where you can freely communicate on any topic. But now this seems to be coming to an end.

For the last couple of weeks, a script has been working for two hours, putting the pros and cons of posts by keywords. Arrives up to about 20 pros / cons for each post containing a certain kind of keywords. The script can be characterized as conservative-pro-Russian. For example, for the words "liberda" and "crest" are put pluses, and for the word "n *** raha" and "master" come minuses. It could be attributed to the change in the audience of two hours. Let's say patriotic people come and put themselves this script in order to impose their public agenda. No questions. Dvach has always been a field of srachs and wipes. Several years ago, such scripts were even massively used by users on the contrary, anti-Russian orientation. But this time, when users began to insert unicode characters to bypass the script, it turned out thatthat the characters are cut server side. This means that what is happening cannot be explained by the arbitrariness of an individual moderator. There is a coordination of the people interested in the formation of public opinion and the administration of the twelve. And if Abu was simply afraid for his ass and removed things prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, then he could be understood. But here there is a miserable censorship working only in one direction. We have lived to see patriotic education on an anonymous image board!We have lived to see patriotic education on an anonymous image board!We have lived to see patriotic education on an anonymous image board!

In order not to be unfounded, try writing a message containing two characters:

- DESERET SMALL LETTER ENG [0x1044D], analog and

- DESERET SMALL LETTER LONG O [0x1042C], analog o

"ჿ" - GEORGIAN LETTER LABIAL SIGN [0x10FF], another analogue of

Test words to check: https://controlc.com/34c0cbd7

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