Free Webinar "Overview of Kubespray Features"

Why Kubespray?

We encountered Kubernetes a little over two years ago - before that we had experience with Apache Mesos and we have successfully abandoned docker swarm. Therefore, the development of k8s immediately followed the Brazilian system. No minicubes or google manager solutions.

Kubeadm at that moment did not know how to assemble an etcd cluster, and of the other options, kubespray was in the top of Google.

We looked at it and understood - we must take it.

September 23, 20.00 Moscow time Sergey Bondarev will hold a free webinar "Overview of Kubespray capabilities" , where he will tell how kubespray is prepared to make it tasty, efficient and fault-tolerant, and later the thought "not all yoghurts are equally useful".

At the webinar, Sergey Bondarev will tell you how kubespray works, how it differs from kubeadm, kops, rke. Will share unique kubespray chips and cluster installation algorithm. Will analyze the features (disadvantages) in industrial operation.

So why did we grab the kubespray with all three hands?

  • It is ansible and opensource. You can always finish some moments for yourself.
  • Can be installed on Centos, well, on other distributions;)
  • HA-setup. etcd- 3 .
  • .
  • dashboard, metrics server, ingress controller ..

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, kops — , . AWS, GCE . — , , , selectel rke — - , . . kubeadm — , , - , . , -. , CNI .

, go, - , , go, pull request.

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, rke kubeadm. , , . , . .

Kubernetes, .

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