Data Fest 2020 - fully online tomorrow

Data Fest will take place online this year on September 19 and 20, 2020. The festival is organized by the Open Data Science community and, as usual, will bring together researchers, engineers and developers in the field of data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Registration . Well, then to the details.

This year's events affect not only people and the economy, but also the organization of events. Therefore, Data Fest this time turns into a 2-day global free fest, held in the format of an online conference. It is definitely worth joining, you will have a unique opportunity to communicate with the teams of Megafon, McKinsey, Huawei, Yandex, top organizers from and other technology specialists from around the world without leaving your couch.

In 2019, we gathered at venues in cities such as Minsk, Odessa, Novosibirsk and even, for a minute, in Dubai. Over the past year, we sent out thousands of invites to our events, but Data Fest 2020 will bring us online for the first time.

Program and tracks

Data Fest 2020 is a global online event consisting of 5 thematic blocks. Dozens of performances will be available for participants, some of which will take place in parallel. Additionally, more than a third of all festival content will be available in English. So let's meet this weekend to discuss hot topics:

  • Businesses are important topics from the business side.
  • Industries - the application of DS / ML in the industry.
  • Engineering - technical sections about applied methods and how it works.
  • Sciences - scientific sections on current and hot topics.
  • Communities are the life of the community and professionals.

Ps All reports on topics are formed into tracks, which in turn consist of video reports, practical assignments and articles. It is important that all tracks will forever go down in the history of , forming a knowledge base for the next generations of data Scientists.

But you can see how Data Fests were held in the past and get inspired for the future here .

Main activities

Despite the new format of the festival, we tried to preserve the main goals and values ​​of the event. We leave networking and the opportunity to listen to the DS community reports and transfer them to online mode:

  • Livestream conference on youtube : section speakers, conversations with Alexey Natekin, founder of, inclusions from different cities, diluted with pacifying forest landscapes (with llamas and deer (and this is not a joke));
  • Networking in Spatial Chat : the format as close as possible to an offline conference. In the room, you can conduct several conversations in parallel, joining the one that is most interesting (or where they will take).

Everything seems to be the same. Now let's deal with access.
, 19 20 , . networking , (-, ). , 35.

, Data Fest 2020, :

  • : , Data Science .
  • : β€”, Data Fest, β€” X5 Retail Group, β€” - , β€” ScrumTrek, β€” digital nomad, data scientist Praxis Pioneering, Eghbal Rahimikiaβ€” Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, Ser-Huang Poonβ€” University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School .
  • ML, Big Data, Quantum Computing, Computer Vision, /, ML, ML Repa, . .
  • DS , McKinsey, Huawei, Yandex
  • , soft skills , Data Science.

β€” Data Fest, - . . !

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