Choosing the best backend framework of 2021

We recently published an article pondering which programming language, JavaScript, Python or Go, is best for backend development in 2021. Today we present to your attention a translation of another material by the same author. Here he is trying to find an answer to the question of which framework for developing server-side applications should be paid attention to for those who want to face 2021 fully armed.

About the role of frameworks in the IT industry

After analyzing the results of a developer survey conducted in 2020 Stack Overflow, I realized that the use of frameworks plays a huge role in the IT industry. Namely, we are talking about the answers to the question of what developers consider the most important when looking for a job.

Factors Affecting Job Choice

As it turns out, the most important thing for programmers is what languages, frameworks and other technologies they will need to work with in a new job.

The developer is usually familiar with at least one framework. Here I'm going to talk about three frameworks - Node.js / Express, Django, and Spring Boot. I believe that anyone who, preparing for 2021, decides to make one of them their main tool, in any case, will not fail. But each of them has its own characteristics, which I would like to discuss here.

Research results and other data

▍Data from GitHut

The GitHut resource allows you to find out various information about the repositories. In particular, we are talking about the number of active repositories, the total number of PRs, and about different indicators calculated as per one repository: the number of PRs and forks, the number of open tasks, the number of new subscribers.

The popularity of programming languages ​​on GitHub

▍Stack Overflow Research

If you look at the results of Stack Overflow research , it turns out that Express is in the first place among the backend frameworks that developers love. The other two frameworks of interest to us, Spring and Django, follow Express by a small margin. As a result, it turns out that a project based on the most promising scripting language, JavaScript, is in the lead, followed by a project that uses one of the most powerful languages, that is, Python.

The popularity of web frameworks

▍GitHub repositories

Some people don't like change, but change must be accepted if the alternative is disaster.

Elon Musk

The Express framework is built on the Node.js platform, so here we will compare the Node.js , Spring Boot and Django repositories.

Node repository

Spring-boot repository

Django repository

As you can see, the Node.js repository has the most stars. But the difference between the stars of the projects is not as strong as the difference in the number of their forks. Spring Boot and Django have many more forks than Node.js.

Now let's talk about situations in which it makes sense to choose one or another of the frameworks we are considering.

Node.js / Express

Node.js is a server-side platform that is part of a technology stack covering all web development needs and based on JavaScript. Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript engine, the same one used by Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers. As a result, it turns out that by using Node.js, code intended to run on the server can be written in JavaScript. There are many frameworks built on the Node.js platform, including popular ones like Express.

▍Node.js Strengths

  • The advent of Node.js made full-stack JavaScript web development possible. As a result, the developers of the server-side applications have at their disposal both the strong capabilities of JavaScript, and the developments of the JS ecosystem, libraries that they can actually use in the server environment.
  • JavaScript-, , , , C, . JavaScript- , .
  • , .
  • , .
  • Node.js, , , , , .
  • Node.js, , , , . Node.js — , , .
  • - Node.js, .
  • Node.js JavaScript , , . JavaScript- Node.js , Google V8.
  • , Node.js -, , . JavaScript- .
  • Node.js — , . , , - , .
  • Node.js, , , «» , , .

▍, Node.js

  • Paypal
  • Netflix
  • LinkedIn
  • Uber
  • eBay
  • Yahoo

When you consider the strengths of Node.js and the companies in which this platform is used, it becomes clear why it is so popular. The salary for Node.js developers in the US ranges from $ 40,000- $ 130,000 per year. As a result, we can say that if you feel that you are interested in Node.js and the frameworks based on this platform, you may well choose them as a base for your development in 2021.

Spring Boot

Spring Boot Project is a Java-based backend development framework that, like Node.js, is used for microservice development. This framework makes it easy to build Spring-based applications, think of it as a tool for building standalone Spring applications. If you are planning to switch to Spring in 2021, then you should definitely know how Spring Boot can help you in this matter.

▍Spring Boot Strengths

  • Spring Boot allows you to create standalone Spring applications with minimal effort, simplifies the process of configuring them, and simplifies their work. Applications like this are easily launched using the command java -jar.
  • If an error occurs while building your Spring Boot application, the built-in error analyzer can help you troubleshoot the problem.
  • Spring Boot , Tomcat Jetty. , , Spring Boot, .war- .
  • Spring Boot Maven pom.xml.
  • Spring.
  • Spring Boot .
  • , -. , , .
  • Spring Boot XML- .
  • Spring Boot , «Convention over Configuration».

▍Companies that use Spring

  • Platform
  • Intuit
  • MIT
  • Zillow
  • TransferWise

To be honest, I'm not a Java fanatic. And I won't be using Spring Boot for server-side development in 2021. But, according to statistics, there are many programmers using this framework. If we talk about the salaries of the relevant specialists, then this is something about $ 50,000- $ 104,000 per year. That's slightly less than Node.js developer salaries.


Django is an open source backend framework written in Python. As you know, Python is one of those languages ​​that are most loved by developers. And this is one of the main reasons Django is one of the most popular server-side frameworks around. But there are other reasons for choosing Django as their 2021 framework.

▍Django Strengths

  • Django - Python. Python. Django.
  • MVC. - Django-.
  • , . , Django .
  • Django , . , .
  • . , Django, . , , . -. Django , . — SQL-, , , .
  • Django- .
  • , Django, . , ORM.
  • Django — - . . , .
  • — , , , . , Django, , .
  • Django . , - , .

▍, Django

  • Mozilla
  • NASA
  • Pinterest
  • Bitbucket
  • Instagram

Since Django is based on Python, you don't have to worry about the performance and support of this framework. In addition, if you look at the list of companies using Django, you can conclude that this is a framework worthy of attention this year and next. If you analyze the salaries of Django developers, it turns out that it is somewhere between $ 90,000- $ 120,000 per year. As a result, the demand for Django specialists appears to be quite high.


The above facts allow us to conclude that the Node.js framework, represented by the Express framework, and Django perform very well. But, at the same time, Spring Boot is also quite an interesting phenomenon. I believe that the most interesting platform for developing server-side applications in 2021 will be Node.js. Although Django is a great, mature framework that may well be someone's choice in the coming year.

What framework for developing the server-side web projects are you planning to use in 2021?

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