C ++ 20. Coroutines

In this article, we will analyze in detail the concept of coroutines, their classification, take a closer look at the implementation, assumptions and tradeoffs offered by the new C ++ 20 standard.


General information

Coroutines can be viewed as a generalization of the concept of routines (functions) in terms of operations performed on them. The fundamental difference between coroutines and subroutines is that a coroutine provides the ability to explicitly pause its execution, giving control to other program units and resume its work at the same point when control is gained back, using additional operations, while maintaining local data (execution state). between successive calls, thus providing a more flexible and extended control flow.

To clarify this definition and further reasoning and introduce auxiliary concepts and terms, consider the mechanics of ordinary functions in C ++ and their stack nature.

We will consider the semantics of a function in the context of two operations.

(call). . :

  1. (activation record, activation frame), ;
  2. ( ) , ;
  3. . ;
  4. — , .

, .

(return). . :

  1. ( ) ;
  2. , ;
  3. .

, . ().


  1. (strictly nested lifetime) . , : . .
  2. .

, . — , : ss ( ), bp ( ), sp ( ), ( ). , , .

. , (Calling Convention). , . ( ) . , , , .


void bar(int a, int b)

void foo()
    int a = 1;
    int b = 2;
    bar(a, b);

int main()

- (x86-64 clang 10.0.0 -m32,

32 . 64 , , , ):

bar(int, int):
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp + 12]
        mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp + 8]
        pop     ebp
        push    ebp 
        mov     ebp, esp
        sub     esp, 24 
        mov     dword ptr [ebp - 4], 1
        mov     dword ptr [ebp - 8], 2
        mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp - 4]
        mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp - 8]
        mov     dword ptr [esp], eax
        mov     dword ptr [esp + 4], ecx
        call    bar(int, int)
        add     esp, 24
        pop     ebp
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        sub     esp, 8  
        call    foo()
        xor     eax, eax
        add     esp, 8
        pop     ebp


main, , ebp ( ) .. , ebp esp ( )

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp, esp

foo. . .. 16 8 (4 4 ebp) 8 , .

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |     <-- esp

foo. call . foo ebp ( ) ebp esp ( ), .

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp, esp

bar. int — 8 , bar int — 8 . .. 8 ( ebp) 8 . 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 , .

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| local a        |     <-- ebp - 4
| local b        |     <-- ebp - 8
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| arg a          |     <-- esp + 4
| arg b          |     <-- esp

bar. , foo. call . bar ebp ebp esp, .

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| local a        |     <-- ebp - 4
| local b        |     <-- ebp - 8
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| arg a          |     <-- ebp + 12
| arg b          |     <-- ebp + 8
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp, esp

bar . ebp ( , foo) , 4 . 4 . foo.

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| local a        |     <-- ebp - 4
| local b        |     <-- ebp - 8
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| arg a          |     <-- esp + 4
| arg b          |     <-- esp

foo bar . , 24 .

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp, esp

ebp ( , main) . . main.

| ...            |
| return address |
| saved rbp      |     <-- ebp
| ...            |
| 8 byte padding |
| ...            |     <-- esp

main , , .

| ...            |
| return address |

, , .

, .

  1. ;
  2. ;
  3. ( ).

(symmetric) (asymmetric, semi-symmetric).

, , . : , . , , , .

: , , .


A , .

(first-class object, first-class citizen) (constrained, compiler-internal), (handles), .

— , , , ( ). , , . , (function object): , , .

(stackful) (stackless). , , (proccesor stack).


  • (Application stack). main. . , ;
  • (Thread stack). . ( 1-2 );
  • (Side stack). (Execution context) , (top level context function, ) . ( ), . : , , .

. — ( , : ) . , - , , .

, c: getcontext, makecontext swapcontext (. Complete Context Control)

#include <iostream>
#include <ucontext.h>

static ucontext_t caller_context;
static ucontext_t coroutine_context;

void print_hello_and_suspend()
     //  Hello 
    std::cout << "Hello";
    //     , 
    //    caller_context
    //    coroutine_context    ,
    //   ,     .
    swapcontext(&coroutine_context, &caller_context);

void simple_coroutine()
    //      coroutine_context
    //     print_hello_and_suspend.
    //  print_hello_and_suspend   
    //        Coroutine!   ,
    //    ,
    //      coroutine_context.uc_link, .. caller_context
    std::cout << "Coroutine!" << std::endl;

int main()
    //  .
    char stack[256];

    //    coroutine_context
    // uc_link   caller_context,     .
    // uc_stack     
    coroutine_context.uc_link          = &caller_context;
    coroutine_context.uc_stack.ss_sp   = stack;
    coroutine_context.uc_stack.ss_size = sizeof(stack);

    //  coroutine_context
    //    ,    
    //        simple_coroutine
    makecontext(&coroutine_context, simple_coroutine, 0);

    //   ,    coroutine_context
    //   caller_context    ,
    //   ,     .
    swapcontext(&caller_context, &coroutine_context);
    std::cout << " ";
    //    .
    swapcontext(&caller_context, &coroutine_context);

    return 0;

, Boost: Boost.Coroutine, Boost.Coroutine2, Boost ucontext_t fcontext_t — , (, / , ) POSIX .

, , , . , , , , . , , , , .. . .


  1. (top level function), ;
  2. ;
  3. , , ;
  4. ( ), , .

, C++20, , , .


C++ Coroutine TS. Coroutine TS , , .

. range based for, , , begin end, , , . , , .

compile-internal .

, , . , -, , , , -, ( ), .

, , .. .

, C++20 compile-internal asymmetric stackless coroutines.

, , .

New Keywords.


  • co_await. , , , , ;
  • co_yield. , co_await, ;
  • co_return. , , .

, .


  • main;
  • return;
  • constexpr;
  • (auto);
  • (variadic arguments, variadic templates);
  • ;
  • .

User types.

, .


Promise . :

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • co_await;
  • .

    promise new delete, .

    promise .

Promise std::coroutine_traits , : , , , . std::coroutine_traits :

template <typename Ret, typename = std::void_t<>>
struct coroutine_traits_base

template <typename Ret>
struct coroutine_traits_base<Ret, std::void_t<typename Ret::promise_type>>
    using promise_type = typename Ret::promise_type;

template <typename Ret, typename... Ts>
struct coroutine_traits : coroutine_traits_base<Ret>

promise_type. std::coroutine_traits, , promise_type . promise_type , .

Promise .

struct Task
    struct Promise
    using promise_type = Promise;

Task foo()

Task , : , () .

Promise — std::coroutine_traits. , ,

class Coroutine
    void call(int);

namespace std
    struct coroutine_traits<void, Coroutine, int>
        using promise_type = Coroutine;

Promise , , . , lvalues, Promise .. . Promise .

Promise, : Awaitable.


Awaitable . :

  • , co_await;
  • ( );
  • co_await, .

Awaitable (overload resolution) co_await. , Awaitable. .

, , , , .

Task foo()
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;

    co_await 10s;
    //  10      .

std::chrono::duration<long long>, co_await .

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
auto operator co_await(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> duration) noexcept
    struct Awaitable
        explicit Awaitable(std::chrono::system_clock::duration<Rep, Period> duration)
            : duration_(duration)



        std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration_;

    return Awaitable{ duration };

Awaitable, , .

Awaitable, co_await <expr> , .

    //      Promise
    using coroutine_traits = std::coroutine_traits<ReturnValue, Args...>;
    using promise_type = typename coroutine_traits::promise_type;

    //  co_await <expr>   

    // 1.
    //    Awaitable,     co_await,
    //      (    
    //     Promise),   
    // ..   Awaitable    ,   .
    frame->awaitable = create_awaitable(<expr>);

    // 2.
    //   await_ready().
    //   ,   .
    if (!awaitable.await_ready())
        // 3.
        //   await_ready()  false,
        //     ,
        //  :   ,  
        // (  ,    
        //    , 
        //        <resume-point>)


        // 4.
        //   coroutine_handle
        // corotine_handle -    .
        //      :
        //   ( )  .

        using handle_type = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;
        using await_suspend_result_type =

        // 5.
        //   await_suspend(handle), 
        //   await_suspend   
        //       ( ). 
        //     -  .
        //   ,    

        if constexpr (std::is_void_v<await_suspend_result_type>)
            //    void,
            // (     ,
            //    )
        else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<await_suspend_result_type, bool>)
            //    bool,
            //    false,      
            //  , ,   
            //   Awaitable  
            if (frame->awaitable.await_suspend(handle_type::from_promise(promise))
        else if constexpr (is_coroutine_handle_v<await_suspend_result_type>)
            //    std::coroutine_handle<OtherPromise>,
            // ..     ,
            //      ,   
            auto&& other_handle = frame->awaitable.await_suspend( 

    // 6.
    //    ()
    //   await_resume().     .
    //        co_await.
    return frame->awaitable.await_resume();


  1. , , co_await. , , ;
  2. , await_suspend . . , - . , await_suspend . await_suspend. await_resume, Awaitable . Promise , await_suspend. , await_suspend: (this ) Promise, .

Awaitable type-traits :

//    std::coroutine_handle
template<typename Type>
struct is_coroutine_handle : std::false_type

template<typename Promise>
struct is_coroutine_handle<std::coroutine_handle<Promise>> : std::true_type

//      await_suspend
// - void
// - bool
// - std::coroutine_handle
template<typename Type>
struct is_valid_await_suspend_return_type : std::disjunction<
    std::is_same<Type, bool>,

//  await_suspend
template<typename Type>
using is_await_suspend_method = is_valid_await_suspend_return_type<

//  await_ready
template<typename Type>
using is_await_ready_method = std::is_constructible<bool, decltype(

//   Awaitable
templae<typename Type>
struct Awaitable
    bool await_ready();
    void await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<>);
    Type await_resume();
template<typename Type, typename = std::void_t<>>
struct is_awaitable : std::false_type

template<typename Type>
struct is_awaitable<Type, std::void_t<
    decltype(std::declval<Type>().await_resume())>> : std::conjunction<

template<typename Type>
constexpr bool is_awaitable_v = is_awaitable<Type>::value;


template<typename Rep, typename Period>
auto operator co_await(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> duration) noexcept
    struct Awaitable
        explicit Awaitable(std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration)
            : duration_(duration)

        bool await_ready() const noexcept
            return duration_.count() <= 0;

        void await_resume() noexcept

        void await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> h)
            //  timer::async      .
            //     ,   
            //     callback.
            timer::async(duration_, [h]()


        std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration_;

    return Awaitable{ duration };

// ,         
Task tick()
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;

    co_await 1s;
    std::cout << "1..." << std::endl;

    co_await 1000ms;
    std::cout << "2..." << std::endl;

int main()

  1. tick;
  2. co_await Awaitable, 1 ;
  3. await_ready, ;
  4. tick, ;
  5. await_suspend ;
  6. await_suspend timer::async, callback. callback ;
  7. main;
  8. main get, , . , ;
  9. , callback, , ;
  10. resume . : tick , , ;
  11. await_resume Awaitable, co_await ;
  12. await_resume , co_await , ;
  13. tick "1...";
  14. co_await. 2. , main, a , callback, .. resumer'. ;
  15. tick ( )

co_await Awaitable, Promise .


Awaitable, Promise , .


  1. . . .. ;
  2. - ( co_awat/co_yield/co_return). , .. ;
  3. , . .

//    .
// 1. resume -   , 
//         ,  -.
// 2. promise -   Promise
// 3. state -  
// 4. heap_allocated -        
// 5. args -   
// 6. locals -     
// ...
struct coroutine_frame
    void (*resume)(coroutine_frame *);
    promise_type promise;
    int16_t state;
    bool heap_allocated;
    // args
    // locals

// 1.     .  .
template<typename ReturnValue, typename ...Args>
ReturnValue Foo(Args&&... args)
    // 1.
    //   Promise
    using coroutine_traits = std::coroutine_traits<ReturnValue, Args...>;
    using promise_type = typename coroutine_traits::promise_type;

    // 2.
    //   . 
    //      Promise,     
    //  ,    ,
    //     .
    // 1.   promise_type   
    //    get_return_object_on_allocation_failure,
    //        new,   
    //          get_return_object_on_allocation_failure,
    //        .
    // 2.      new.
    coroutine_frame* frame = nullptr;
    if constexpr (has_static_get_return_object_on_allocation_failure_v<promise_type>)
        frame = reinterpret_cast<coroutine_frame*>(
            operator new(__builtin_coro_size(), std::nothrow));
            return promise_type::get_return_object_on_allocation_failure();
        frame = reinterpret_cast<coroutine_frame*>(operator new(__builtin_coro_size()));

    // 3.
    //      .
    //     .
    //     (lvalue  rvalue)   .

    // 4.
    //    promise_type     
    new(&frame->promise) create_promise<promise_type>(<frame-lvalue-args>);

    // 5.
    //   Promise::get_return_object().
    //         .
    //         ,
    // ..      (.  co_await).
    auto return_object = frame->promise.get_return_object();

    // 6.
    //    -  
    //   GCC, ,    
    // ramp-fucntion (  )  
    // action-function ( -) 
    void couroutine_states(coroutine_frame*);

    // 7.
    //    , 
    //          ,
    // - couroutine_states,       .
    return return_object;

Promise new delete. , , new delete:

struct Promise
    void* operator new(std::size_t size, std::nothrow_t) noexcept

    void operator delete(void* ptr, std::size_t size)

    static auto get_return_object_on_allocation_failure() noexcept
        return make_invalid_task();

new c , . , , leading-allocator convention.

//  Promise    new c  
template<typename Allocator>
struct Promise : PromiseBase
    // std::allocator_arg_t -  tag-
    void* operator new(std::size_t size, std::allocator_arg_t, Allocator allocator) noexcept

    void operator delete(void* ptr, std::size_t size)

//     std::coroutine_traits
namespace std
    template<typename... Args>
    struct coroutine_traits<Task, Args...>
        using promise_type = PromiseBase;

    template<typename Allocator>
    struct coroutine_traits<Task, std::allocator_arg_t, Allocator>
        using promise_type = Promise<Allocator>;

int main()
    MyAlloc alloc;
    coro(std::allocator_arg, alloc);

, new delete , .

. .

-, . , , , . , , , Undefined Behavior.

void Coroutine(const std::vector<int>& data)
    co_await 10s;
    for(const auto& value : data)
        std::cout << value << std::endl;

void Foo()
    // 1.        vector<int>;
    // 2.          data;
    // 3.      , ..  
    //    ,  ,     data 
    //          ;
    // 4.       ;
    // 5. ,       vector<int>, 
    //     ,   co_await    
    //      Foo   ;
    // 6.  10 ,        
    //       c , ,    data 
    //    ( ,    ),   .
    Coroutine({1, 2, 3});

Promise. , , , , Promise ( ) , , . , Promise - , , Promise, .

Promise get_return_object. , . : get_return_object . , , - , . onadic composition.

class Task

    struct promise_type
        auto get_return_object() noexcept
            return Task{ std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this) };

    void resume()


    Task() = default;
    explicit Task(std::coroutine_handle<> handle)
        : coro_handle(handle)

    std::coroutine_handle<> coro_handle;

std::coroutine_handle — , : ( ) . from_promise, Promise.

couroutine_states -, couroutine_states , , get_return_object .

State Machine.

couroutine_states - co_awat/co_yield/co_return : , resume. .

void couroutine_states(coroutine_frame* frame)
        case 0:
        ... goto resume_point_0;
        case N:
            goto resume_point_N;

    co_await promise.initial_suspend();

        // function body

    co_await promise.final_suspend();

, co_await, resume_point — .

    return frame->awaitable.await_resume();

co_await — co_await, state, . — , , co_await .

initial_suspend co_await. : . Awaitable: std::suspend_never, std::suspend_always, initial_suspend, .

namespace std
    struct suspend_never
        bool await_ready() noexcept { return true; }
        void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<>) noexcept {}
        void await_resume() noexcept {}

    struct suspend_always
        bool await_ready() noexcept { return false; }
        void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<>) noexcept {}
        void await_resume() noexcept {}

//   ,      
class Task
    struct promise_type
        auto init_suspend() const noexcept
            return std::suspend_never{};

//    ,   
//      ,
//         resume.
class TaskManual
    struct promise_type
        auto init_suspend() const noexcept
            return std::suspend_always{};

. , try-catch unhandled_exception .

, co_await, co_yield co_return. . Promise, .

co_yield <expr> :

co_await frame->promise.yield_value(<expr>);

.. Promise . yield_value :

template<typename Type>
class Task
    struct promise_type
        // C   ,
        //    , 
        //     co_await   std::suspend_always.
        auto yield_value(Type value)
            current_value = std::move(value);
            return std::suspend_always{};

Task Promise . co_yield. cppcoro

co_return return. .

  • co_rturn :

    // co_return;
    goto final_suspend;

  • , , void, co_rturn

    // co_return <expr>;
    goto final_suspend;

  • void,

    // co_return <expr>;
    goto final_suspend;

, co_return, co_return;. .. frame->promise.return_void() .

Promise return_value return_void, final_suspend.

initial_suspend, final_suspend . , .

//   ,        
//      .  Promise   ,
//   ,       
//   delete,      .
//       Undefined Behavior.
//   ,       .
class Task
    struct promise_type
        auto final_suspend() const noexcept
            return std::suspend_never{};

//    ,       
//         .
//          Undefined Behavior.
//    coroutine_handle::destroy()
//   ,       , 
//          Promise.
class TaskManual
    struct promise_type
        auto final_suspend() const noexcept
            return std::suspend_always{};

co_await . init_suspend final_suspend, co_yield, . . Promise await_transform, co_await

// co_await <expr>
co_await frame->promise.await_transform(<expr>);

, , co_await , Awaitable, . co_await .

class Task
    struct promise_type
        template<typename Type>
        auto await_transform(Type&& Whatever) const noexcept
                "co_await is not supported in coroutines of type Generator");
            return std::suspend_never{};




I would be glad to receive comments and suggestions (you can email yegorov.alex@gmail.com)

Thank you!

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