Neither there nor back

I wanted to write a commentary on the article "Germany or There and Back again" , but it turned out to be so detailed that I decided to write my thoughts in a separate article.

To begin with, the theme of departure and arrival touched me personally, I wrote about my experience some time ago. In my article there were some inaccuracies caused by the final emotional coloring, therefore, as a continuation, and development in general, I would like to look at the topic more deeply.

The Last of England, Ford Madox Brown
The Last of England, Ford Madox Brown

Emigration itself has existed since time immemorial. Both peoples and individual families changed their residence constantly from war, hunger, unemployment. Nevertheless, one feature existed for a very long time - emigration was almost always forced, such as the Edict of Granada , emigration from the British metropolis to the outskirts due to the impossibility of any growth, emigration from Italy or even Finland to the USA (Tove Jansson - In a stranger country).

Even in the 21st century, many people leave due to the inability to earn a normal income in their country. Truckers, builders, plumbers and electricians, they all do not drive from a good life. Everyone except the developers. These guys, whom I certainly belong to, and in their homeland, receive several times more than the average salary. But they continue to leave somewhere, expecting that somewhere there are rivers of milk and jelly banks. They first go to the capitals of their countries (wow, now we will live, there are more opportunities there!), And then, in disappointment that nothing has changed in life, they urgently start looking for places on the world map where they can go. It comes to the point that people write in all seriousness about emigration to Budapest ( ), China ( gms / blog / 517934 /) or other Singapore.

Some are more fortunate and move to developed countries, such as Germany. They move and start thinking, why, in fact, did they do it? First of all, they start counting money and it turns out that despite the fact that their salary is still 1.5-2 times higher than that of the locals, there is still not so much money. Often there were even more left in their homeland. It also turns out that in a country with a thousand-year history of private ownership, expensive real estate is (suddenly) and it is very difficult to buy a house of 3 floors without a loan for 50 years.

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So my clear choice. Are you a developer, young and without a significant other / children? Go see the world and improve the language, but don't expect something fundamentally different. You have obligations, wife, children - leave only if there are pitchforks in your homeland. If, nevertheless, it is possible to live, then try first to start the improvement from your house, then take care of your entrance, then your house. You see, by that time, something has changed. And if not, then at least it will be clean .

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