Hello Habr! Let's get acquainted - we are Getmobit and we are new here

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“The design idea cannot stand still. This is the law of the development of society. "

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Monday starts on Saturday"


Getmobit - Russian developer and manufacturer of software and hardware solutions for the implementation of the Smart Workspace concept.


Yes, “it never happened and here it is again”, another “Russian manufacturer”, many will think. But jokes aside! Let's really get to know each other - tell you who we are and what we do. We will tell you what Smart Workspace is in our understanding and how to do it. How thorny is the path of a product company that does not re-stick stickers, but creates something new. More about this under the cut.

So, Getmobit is a Russian technology company that emerged as a startup in 2016. And, despite the fact that we are already 4 years old and the team managed to grow to 40 people during this time, acquire our own production site in Dubna, the spirit of a startup (which is about creating something new, useful and not standing still) is still close to us. Our solution is a platform for the implementation of the Smart Workspace concept - a simple and flexible way of combining all the main information services of the customer in an understandable and convenient device for the end user. The solution, I'm not afraid of this word, is unique and neither we, nor our partners, nor customers have yet found direct analogs to it. The platform is called Getmobit Smart System and allows you to provide unified access to the VDI infrastructure, UC, web services - everythingwhich is now in many large companies and is actively penetrating small and medium-sized businesses thanks to the development of the DaaS direction.

GM Smart System Platform Components

Components of the GM Smart System

Platform The platform approach was deliberately chosen - after all, the market needs a product that solves the problem as a whole, not a set with adhesive tape (which is adhesive tape) and sticks inside. In short (because more is a topic for a separate article), the GM Smart System platform includes our tangible beauty and pride - the GM-Box docking station, GM Management Suite, the GM Mobile Assistant mobile application and the remote docking initialization service. - Global Discovery Service (GDS) stations. Implementation of the platform approach allows you to create workspaces that are easy to use and administer, reducing the total cost of ownership (including compared to solutions based on classic thin clients) and increasing the efficiency of work and workspace utilization.

GM-Box at the workplace in Moscow City

This is what the GM-Box looks like. Do not confuse it with a telephone.

But, most importantly, as a result, it is the platform that ensures such a functioning and use of the organization's IT systems, when a person is at the center: be it a user or a system administrator.


The system is for the person, not the person for the system.

So what is so special about what we do? We are just planning to talk about this in our blog. Immediately, we ask you not to judge strictly, since all articles are absolutely honestly written and will be written by my colleagues - developers, testers, programmers, devops, who, by their main vocation, are not marketers or copywriters. We will tell you how to create a new product on the basis of existing technologies, how the processes of hardware and software development in a company are arranged, we will share the secrets of CI / CD, mobile development, integration with third-party systems.

To the question of why we decided to come to Habr - it's not only about direct or indirect advertising (although we all perfectly understand that we can go without it, otherwise how to convey information about ourselves to the market), how much in the desire to share our findings and vision at the platform of attraction for many IT professionals in Russia and not only, which, of course, is Habr. And also get a pound or more of valuable comments.

In general, we will be familiar and, I hope, useful to each other!

PS If you are impatient to find out how to create an a-personal workplace that can be connected to the existing infrastructure of the enterprise in just 15-20 minutes out of the box, we can happily conduct a demo (by zoom or in the office).

Vasily Shubin

System architect of Getmobit integration projects.

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