Why 97% of 1C programmers pay little and it will always be so

Attention: the article is about 1C programmers, respectively, not about you. Consider wombats and wombats (google, these are interesting animals). They have problems similar to yours.

The issue of wages and its increase worries most of the working people whom I have met in my life. It happens, of course, that a person receives little and claims to be satisfied. At first, you don't believe this, but you look at his career for several years, and you are convinced that the dude really plows for the idea. He likes to turn the wheel. Such, according to my estimates, 1%.

Another 2% are people who regularly look after the financial side of their work. They will hardly be interested in this article.

Well, 97% of dudes behave like this. They work. They are silent about the salary. They want more money to be paid. They are silent. They work. Hopefully. They are silent. They work. They can no longer be silent. Quit.

Those with whom I know personally often come to talk - between the points "can not be silent anymore" and "quit". They ask - what am I doing wrong? Why don't I get paid enough? And most importantly - why not? After all, I work well! What should I do?

At first, I thought people really needed advice, and sincerely tried to help. Once I even formalized these tips in articles with the general title "Career steroids". And some of these advice used, then wrote about their successes. Guess how many people like that were there? That's right, 2%.

Recently I talked with an old friend. He, too, hung in the state of "I will quit." He knows all career steroids very well. He saw with his own eyes how I used them. I saw that they work. But he himself does not use them, in general, even a banal rush.

After talking with him, I realized what was wrong. He and the other 97% do not need any advice. It is enough for them to understand what they are doing wrong. Not in order to change, but in order to stop worrying. As they say there: who wants - is looking for an opportunity, who does not want - a reason.

I'll write about the reasons. I do not consider myself to be a big smart guy in this topic, I just have been working for a long time - at the same time as a 1C programmer and their leader. I communicate a lot with other bosses and owners, so I can imagine why employees are paid little and not raised. Consider that I am not expressing my opinion, but a collection of managers' answers based on the research results.

So that you are not tormented by the question of what it means "pay little", I will give you a specific figure. Let it be 120 tr, after deducting taxes ("on hand"), for the region number 74 Chelyabinsk, by specialty 1C Programmer, not freelance, not your own individual entrepreneur, not franch. In short, an ordinary factory programmer.

They are silent

The first and foremost reason is that programmers don't say they want to earn more. The same reason causes the most sincere amazement among almost all programmers. Doesn't the boss understand that I want to earn more ?! Is he an idiot? Doesn't understand that it is not normal to live on 30, 40 or even 60 thousand rubles?

Yes, he understands. But only if he thinks about it. To think about something, you need a reason - we all live in informational intoxication. Something has to draw attention to the question, otherwise it won't hit your head.

However, the occasion is rare. Usually when a programmer comes to quit. The boss emerges from the routine, looks around, and understands - damn it, we pay little! And the leader says a strange and funny phrase: why didn't you say before ?! How did I know you needed more money?

No one in their right mind would think about the problems of colleagues at work, especially if the problems are somewhere in their personal life. All these mortgages of ours, my wife's desire to rest in the Maldives, broken cars and leaking toilets are not needed by anyone but you.

Persuasions begin - stay, we will raise your salary, now we understand everything, blah blah blah. If the boss has the ability to quickly negotiate a promotion, he may do so. But most likely, he will calm himself down and let the programmer go.

He will reassure himself that he will not have time to improve the conditions, and it will look stupid if he runs with rump in soap and knocks out a promotion. Therefore, he will donate to those who leave, and then he will organize everything for the rest (if any) - a new system of motivation, grades, certification, piecework salary, bonuses for projects or something else.

However, along with the dissatisfied, the reason to worry about the salaries of subordinates will go away. Attention will again switch to routine, the problem of salary will go out of sight and stop sitting as a thorn in the mind. Besides, the others are silent.

Silence of employees on the topic of salaries is used by the boss as a concrete excuse - moreover, both in front of subordinates and in front of his own bosses. So don't be silent. Oh, stop, again I went to give advice.

Programmers think their boss is watching their progress

Almost everyone has this stereotype. It seems that I will just work well, and the bosses will see, evaluate and increase my salary, position and properly ship the nishtyaks. Fuck there.

The bosses pay attention only to problems. The ideal state is when there are no problems, when nowhere and nothing hurts. True, there is a trap right there - when there are no problems, then there is nothing to talk about, there is no reason. Including reasons to raise wages.

It is like in a family where one child studies well, does not get sick, behaves decently - well done, in short, and the second one is always with problems of a very different kind. Try to guess who gets the most attention and, oddly enough, nishtyakov. Neither give nor take, the parable of the prodigal son.

No one follows the success of employees. Because all the attention is occupied by problems. If you want to monetize your successes, you have to sell them - not in the market, but within the company. So, stop, again advice.

The programmer calls himself the Developer

The profession "1C Developer" appeared relatively recently. Previously, only dudes from 1C who developed configurations were called that. The rest of the dudes were called "1C Programmer" and implemented these configurations.

The 1C programmer included a developer, an analyst, an architect, and what else was invented there. It's just that the structure of the work performed was constantly changing, depending on the stage of the project. Now you write the code for months, then you calculate the cost price, then you run around the workshops, then you can't get out of the accounting department.

A 1C developer is roughly a subset of a 1C programmer. Perhaps somewhere, in some conditions, the division of labor is beneficial. But, let me remind you, we are talking about a 1C factory programmer.

Here the logic is different. If a programmer says to the boss: “I am a developer,” he hears “I am a subset,” or “I don’t know how to solve problems entirely, I need help,” or “I need special conditions to do a simple job,” or even “I don’t want work".

It will not work to substantiate that a programmer is not lonely and poor, but exactly the opposite. Do you know how to write code no worse than the dudes from 1C? Everyone can do that. Do you know BSP? So everyone knows him (forcedly). Did you write configurations from scratch? So they all wrote them. Can you rewrite the cost calculation? This is how everyone did it (just "shob bulo"). Doing subsystem level development? Pf, everyone does.

Calling himself a 1C developer, a programmer is trying to sell an advantage that he does not have. Well, it's like asking for a surcharge for hands and head. Given that the developer will not use his head, let the analyst and the architect strain their own.

For the boss, developers, or "developers" - are a headache. Even purely financially - they need to hire a nanny to help them, who will write the TK and talk to Klavdia Sergeevna from the accounting department. And this despite the fact that the 1C developer, considering himself higher than the 1C programmer, wants to receive more money.

The programmer wants to work according to the technical specification

The topic is holivar, but only among programmers. For the head of the TK - almost always hemorrhoids. Although, at first, he thinks that TK protects himself, like any bureaucratic piece of paper.

Whoever thinks, but 99% of users do not understand what is written in the TK. Unless a section about functional requirements, or a business task, or whatever your name is, a section written down from the user's words. This piece of TK is not something that the user understands directly ... His opinion can be expressed by the words "Well, sort of like that." But he will never understand the section on implementation. Like any healthy person, he wants to shift the responsibility for implementation onto the executor - he has identified the problem, you will give a solution.

This model - from me the problem and the money, from you the solution - works in most service businesses, so it's familiar. You tell the doctor that it hurts, then he himself tells how to sit down, lie down, what jar to put in, and what pills to drink. All papers are signed by the doctor without looking.

Similarly with TK. At first, the boss is happy that his ass is covered - we are doing everything according to the TK, there are signatures, the deadlines are met. Then bam - a problem meeting, again they say that "your program does not work." The boss takes out a bundle of signed TK, shakes them - they say, what are you, everything is done according to the requirements, there are signatures, the papers will not let you lie. And for the first time he hears advice on what to do with these pieces of paper.

From that moment on, the TK is a litmus test. As soon as the head of programmers suggests writing a technical specification, everyone hears “I am not responsible for the consequences”, or “I don’t know how to help you,” or even “I don’t understand anything in 1C”. The boss is not a fool, since he managed to become such, and he will quickly change his clothes. Will the programmer be able to quickly change his shoes?

Even if he can, the programmer will be to blame for the boss's coordinate system. worked on the technical assignment, and even, God forbid, he extolled this excellent system. Because of which the boss can no longer bend over at meetings for soap.

You need to be able to work both according to the TK and without it. Oh, again advice.

The programmer demonstrates that you are doing well

He sings the anthem, participates in performances at corporate parties, is proud of the company, never talks about problems outside of work, is always friendly and smiles, looks great, does not complain. Loyal, cheerful and cheerful.

The bosses love them. But it doesn't raise wages. What for? The person is already doing well. It makes no sense to delve into whether it is good there or not - suddenly you find out that all this is feigned. No, let him run, frolic and sing songs. In vain is the company wasting money for creating just such a mood among employees.

The behavior of a "person of the firm" reads like "I'm fine!", And most importantly - "I don't need anything else!" If at least sometimes the authorities think about the quiet silent people, then about the jumping and singing - never. It doesn't make any sense. Don't touch what works. Especially if “that” itself screams that it works and everything is fine with him.

What to do?

To understand the boss is very simple - you have to put yourself in his place, at least for a while. There are completely different problems - no worse, no better, no easier, no more complicated, just different. And there, as a rule, there are more of them - not in complexity, but in quantity. One way or another, the boss is responsible for his own tasks, for yours and for your colleagues. He does not do these tasks, but he is responsible for them, he has to keep track of the deadlines, sometimes the quality, and "there are enough of his tasks."

Consider that the boss has a complete mess in his head - like a child who first got to Disneyland. Eyes run up, hands tremble, legs give way. I want everything at once, but the ticket is for one day. The child simply runs to where it is closer and brighter. The boss too. All day running to where it is closer, brighter, more painful, louder, smelly, etc.

If you want him to run to the point of increasing your salary, make this point closer, brighter, more painful, louder, or - more comfortable, clearer, easier. The main thing is that the boss sees this point and does not forget. Damn, advice again.

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