The first hundred Russian electronic devices

In our country, a huge number of electronic devices are being developed and produced, and not all of them are intended for military use and the oil and gas industry. Russian companies produce thousands of devices for personal use, but few people know about it.

I decided to collect in one place information about all Russian electronics intended for personal use.

I was always surprised that it is very difficult to find information on the various electronic devices produced in our country on the Internet. For any request in Yandex and Google, many advertising links fall out, behind which it is very difficult to find something.

When I was looking for security alarms for private use (it so happened that most of them were developed and produced in Russia), I assumed that there are about five manufacturers producing such devices. In fact, there are several dozen of them, and the number of models is in the hundreds. But finding them is a very difficult task.

A little more than a month ago, I had an idea - to create a website on which to collect information about devices for personal (private, home) use, developed and manufactured in Russia. Very little time passed from idea to implementation, and on July 29, 2020, the Electronics of Russia project was launched.

In a little over a month, 65 entries were added to the site. I could not even imagine that so many interesting things are produced in our country! In addition to GSM alarms and leakage protection systems (by the way, it looks like I have collected all existing leakage protection systems on the site), the site now has various automation and smart home devices, devices for radio amateurs and musicians, audio equipment, and even an automatic toilet button ...

The geography of manufacturers is also impressive: Novosibirsk, Moscow, Zelenograd, Rostov-on-Don, Korolev, Penza, Omsk, Tula, Berezovsky, Kursk, Togliatti, St. Petersburg, Degtyarsk, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Skolkovo, Chelyabinsk.

The site now has fourteen thematic sections: Alarm, Telemetry, Smart home, Protection against leaks, Audio-video, Motorists, Musicians, Radio amateurs, Appliances, Comfort, Health, Automation, Electrics, DIY (do it yourself). Over time, there will be even more of them.

I added 59 out of 65 entries to the site. Recently, I made it a rule to wake up in the morning and add one entry to Elerus. :)

I have a couple of dozen devices in my bookmarks, besides, links to devices are sent by site visitors.

Programmer Sergei Andreev, who created , wrote at my request a simple and convenient form for adding new devices to the site.

Now everyone can add new devices (but all entries are checked and moderated, since there have already been attempts to post spam on the site).

Many will ask, where is the commercial component of the project? It is not there, I am doing it for the public benefit and not looking for any benefit. All information on the site is free of charge and I hope it will always be so.

If you are an enthusiast like me and want to help the project, add some new entries about Russian devices to the site. Information can be obtained from the comments on the entry and from the telegram group for helping the project . If you want to help with something else, write.

Bookmark elerus.ruand periodically check in to see what's new. Perhaps you will find something interesting and useful for yourself.

© 2020, Alexey Nadezhin

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