Ishutin speaks and shows

Cyber ​​health illustration


The note is published as an illustrative material for a forthcoming article devoted to the health of a computer operator and the ergonomics of his current workplace. This analysis is made in a separate publication in order to reduce the volume of the main article as much as possible.

Using the example of an interview with Danil Ishutin, taken from him by Yana Khimchenko at the DOTA2 World Championship ( The International ) in 2015, we will consider a typical picture of his general physical condition, as well as one curious psychological nuance that follows from this state.

Severe Marfan syndrome usually implies joint hypermobility, which makes citizen Ishutin a most valuable illustration of the effects of interest to us, since deformation of the musculoskeletal system caused by prolonged sitting at the computer, manifests itself in connective tissue dysplasia much more fully and faster.

Quotes are taken from the work "Physical activity of a modern man" SCIENCE (1982), VP Zagryadskiy, ZK Sulimo-Samuillo. The book is recommended for familiarization to all employees of the operator profile.

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Obviously, the health and physical fitness of Danil Ishutin received inadmissibly little attention for the professional level, which, in turn, cannot but affect his sports results. So let's turn off the sound and analyze only body language.

0: 41-0: 45; 1: 30-1: 39 , etc.

Restless legs is a reflex reaction to stagnation of blood circulation in the lower extremities ( also see here ), in which repeated contraction of the muscles of the lower leg and foot helps to push out the venous blood stagnant in the periphery. In addition, there is a characteristic for stagnation of peripheral blood circulation venousness of the hands and forearms, as well as feet and legs, which at some angles is noticeable even through socks. Lagging venous outflow is the main symptom and consequence of hypokinesia and hypodynamia, because an important component of venous blood pumping is muscle contraction. In addition, stagnation of peripheral circulation is most dangerous by the formation of blood clots ( see "thrombosis of an air traveler") followed by their separation.

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In this particular case (the guy is young ), it is obvious that the cardiovascular system is relatively coping with its task, albeit in compensation mode. Episodes occur throughout the interview, and sometimes the hands are included in the reflex "acceleration" of stagnation in the peripheral circulation. In addition, due to chronic insufficiency of the pumping function of skeletal muscles, playing an important role in the circulatory system - chronic hypokinesia superimposed on insufficient muscle mass - it is possible to assume with a high degree of probability deviations in the heart ( without taking into account the specifics of Marfan syndrome ). Reflex spasms and spasmodic tics also aid peripheral circulation.

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0: 54-1: 00

Weakness of the rectus muscles ( extensors ) of the back, in which maintaining the correct posture is very tiring, and constant maintenance is simply impossible. In cybersportsmen, static fatigue of this muscle group is especially pronounced. To reduce energy consumption and compensate for muscle weakness, the left hand rests on the thigh. It is clearly seen how the symmetry of the body "went" according to the scoliotic type, which blocked the full blood circulation in the liver and the full functionality of the right lung and diaphragm, as well as normal breathing in general. A very characteristic posture ( static support with the left hand - the keyboard, with the right hand hanging freely and maximally released - the mouse ), dictated bythe unsuitability of modern general-purpose input-output devices used for other purposes.

1: 26-1: 29

Neuralgia at the junction of the cervical and thoracic spine, radiating to the shoulder, which creates a feeling of "shoulder wedging" or "lumbago". A consequence of prolonged "hanging" of the right hand for the sake of freedom of movement with the mouse, deforming the spine and chest, and leading to characteristic consequences. Dysplasia of the connective tissue of comrade Ishutin is both a disaster and a salvation. A much faster and more severe deformation of the musculoskeletal system with prolonged, incorrect static load, just as quickly and much more completely than that of an ordinary person at his age, is correctable. The amount of effort required to correct posture in the case of hypermobility of the joints is significantly less than in the case of a physiological norm! Pain attacks lead to a gradual development of the optimal posture when the muscles,reduction of which leads to increased pain are turned off. Thanks to this, the deformation is fixed - being included in the motor profile.

1: 40-1: 50 , etc.

Multiple facial and ocular tics. The consequence of severe overwork of the visual analyzer, coupled with cervical osteochondrosis and general overload of the nervous system against the background of insufficient physical activity. Tics are observed to varying degrees throughout the interview. The timing of all episodes is not provided.

04: 22-04: 25

Another "lumbago" in the neck and shoulder on the right after an unsuccessful movement of the head. A sharp change in facial expression from current to "listening to oneself / to painful sensations", characteristic of neuralgic pains, is noticeable - a sharp switch of attention to the pain stimulus.

05: 11-05: 18

Due to the intensive rotation of the head, it slightly "entered" the same place, which required subsequent amplitude rotations of the head until the moment of finding the position of relief.

05: 37-05: 40, 06: 48-6: 51

Reflex spasm of the muscles of the abdomen and hips. The moment of straining, the purpose of which is to raise blood pressure closer to normal.

“Shifts in blood pressure occur both downward and upward. However, in most cases, the monotony of labor against the background of a deficit in muscle activity leads to the development of hypotensive conditions. In some cases, nervous tension contributes to the appearance of primary arterial hypotension. "
By 8-10 hours of night sleep, 8-10 hours of esports workouts are added. We get from ~ 18 hours of immobility per day.

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Due to the lack of aerobic exercise, the branching of the capillary network in the tissues ( degeneration of the capillary network ) is also insufficient , which leads to tissue oxygen starvation. The effect is complicated by muscle hypotrophy against the background of chronic hypokinesia, that is, the venous outflow of even the existing arterial inflow is difficult! With any significant delay in breathing - for example, during a conversation - a citizen begins to reflexively contract at least some muscles in order to somehow disperse hemodynamics and bring oxygen to the starving tissues.

“The central nervous system is extremely sensitive to lack of oxygen. There is an inadequacy of a person's reactions to the environment: unreasonable fun, inappropriate resentment or increased irritability. Sometimes depression of mood, drowsiness is observed. "

Freeze frame. The general picture of "professional" deformity of the upper body is very clearly visible. Torsional scoliosis combined with severe kyphosis ( not lordosis! ) In the lumbar spine , which leads, for example, to blocking the normal functioning of the diaphragm. In addition, the block of the diaphragm against the background of suppression of chest breathing by small-motor operations with the mouse and keyboard leads to its stopping in principle. At the same time, long-term positioning of the lumbar spine in this position leads to squeezing of the abdominal organs and impaired blood circulation in it, as well as to the difficulty of intestinal motility. All this is especially undesirable in case of improper nutrition ( snacks, excessively long breaks in meals) and a sedentary lifestyle, and leads to quite expected and predictable health problems.

“However, as numerous studies show, the operator's and, in general, the mental activity of a modern person is often accompanied by excessive emotional stress. This excessively expressed emotional tension does not find an outlet in muscular work, which is evolutionarily connected with it. There is no "motor discharge" here. With frequent repetition, such neuropsychic tension in conditions of motor limitation can lead to a decrease in work efficiency and a number of diseases. "
06: 32-06: 36

Conflict of the inspiratory reflex with the above-described adaptation of the motor profile to pain attacks. Neuralgia does not allow reflexive deep breathing in the chest, because the shoulder girdle and neck are involved, and the diaphragm is blocked by the pose. A reflex attempt is observed to straighten the pinched chest, mechanically increasing the working volume of the lungs (to draw air into the lungs by creating negative pressure in the chest cavity ).

07: 04-07: 08, 07: 52-07: 59

Failure of adaptation in stagnant tissues is such that direct manipulator intervention is necessary.

07: 23-07: 25

Difficult forced inhalation.

08: 42-08: 45, 09: 33-9: 35, 13: 10-13: 13

Tick ​​of the left shoulder.

11: 16-11: 34

Reflex warm-up with a long-term blocked diaphragm posture. "Ringing" of the respiratory system.

15: 37-15: 43 Discuss


Episodes of spasms, tics, and unconscious straining indicate constant reflex attempts by the body to free itself from the mode of functioning imposed by the neocortex, or at least slightly compensate for it. However, this topic is beyond the scope of this post. The topic of the neck and thoracic spine has already been touched upon in a number of earlier works and will, if possible, be fully considered in the main work devoted to the health of the computer operator.

Athletes in such physical shape cannot perform stably throughout the season ( and programmers) - simply because of their general health. Ishutin's level of deviations from the physiological norm is so high that it is captured directly by consciousness - not in the form of mood swings, lethargy, etc. - but in the form of specific manifestations and symptoms. Moreover, in such a situation, hours of e-sports training or working at a computer will only worsen the overall physiological picture. Performance and productivity will decline, not increase.

For clarity, let's take a look at Michael Phelps, strikingly similar to Danil Ishutin not only in face:


One curious psychological moment

The conquest of the championship title and its subsequent defense ( 03: 00-03: 10 ) are voiced as conscious goals , while on a subconscious level this attitude causes a protest ( 15: 05-15: 30 ), which is obviously connected both with the general, a fairly accumulated and not eliminated burden on health, and with the awareness of shortcomings in preparation. An excellent illustration of how general physical condition affects mental condition. For any athlete, problems of this kind are key and directly affect professional performance.



If such a highly professional team does not withstand joint training camps of the required duration, it clearly indicates that these camps are not organized correctly at many levels and in many parameters. Such a situation in team sports is nonsense and speaks either of the incompetence of coaches and managers, or of the professional unsuitability of some players.

See also:

2020 - "A textbook case of one geek"

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