Applied Bachelor's degree - progress is unstoppable. But you can still forget about him

The other day (at the end of last year), we celebrated the tenth anniversary of a very interesting, highly predictable in current reality, and in my opinion, long-sought-after event associated with the beginning of an experiment in the system of higher professional education, dressed in the form of a decree of the government of the Russian Federation, and then in the form of an order of October 16, 2009, the implementation of which can be found at the link: Order on the Resolution "On conducting an experiment to create an applied bachelor's degree in educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher professional education"


The topic is quite old, and surprisingly little mentioned now (we will talk about this later), so I will muster the courage to remind you of this "old science", answering the question: What is an applied bachelor's degree? According to the same reform, the division of the bachelor's degree into academic and applied was adopted.

Their main difference lies in the fact that the former receive a "traditional" higher education, while the latter are trained in practical skills and have a narrower focus. The implication (without all the indications) that in the eyes of employers "applied people" are most often valued more highly, since, in fact, they are the same "academicians" (theoreticians), but already prepared for professional activity. This implies the possibility of a targeted recruitment scheme, when employers prepare an order for certain specialists in a university / secondary school, and then jointly participate in the educational process, providing students with their own production as a place to practice the acquired knowledge. After completing their studies, students have the opportunity to continue working at this enterprise legally.Therefore, such graduates are always employed and have more chances for career growth.

What is a bachelor in general? This is a degree that very often does not contain a specific qualification. Who is, for example, a philologist or a philosopher, it is not clear - the diploma should contain some other qualifications. Therefore, an applied bachelor's degree, from our point of view, is just a bachelor's program, where the main, basic part is the same as provided for in the standard, and the additional, practice-oriented one leads to a clear qualification.

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With these words, Vladimir Blinov, head of the Center for Primary, Secondary, Higher and Additional Professional Education of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education (FIRO), described the general specifics of applied bachelor's degree five to seven years ago.

That is, in fact, graduates passing the applied bachelor's program in a number of areas (enlarged groups) receive the same bachelor's degree when the educational courses end. It confirms that the citizen has received secondary or higher professional education. In the classical academic baccalaureate, the same rules apply upon graduation. But what then is meant by the specific advantages of this bachelor's degree, which is carried out in fifty universities of the Russian Federation?

Such directions are developed to solve such significant tasks:

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The only problem is the lack of uniform developed standards. Therefore, on paper, applied bachelor's degree is often similar to academic, other similar types of education.

But what prevents the introduction of the applied bachelor's degree everywhere? Do not forget that, in fact, it is applicable in the system of secondary vocational education and can specifically support it. This is explained very simply - there are formalizations of reforming secondary vocational education, in which the most intellectually-capacious areas of study (for example, all the 09.00.00 group “Informatics and computer technology” that we all understand on Habré) can receive a number of privileges by acquiring the following scenario by prof. learning:

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In addition, even bypassing this scheme, it will not hurt anyone to clarify qualifications, which implies both SVE (secondary vocational education) and an applied bachelor's degree in HPE. A clearly spelled and regulated name of the qualification obtained, as was the case with a specialist, additionally completes the vocational guidance of a ready graduate. So that it is not shameful to say the traditional "bachelor in information systems and technologies", but to write "distributed systems engineer" / "database and knowledge base engineer" / "systems engineer". In this case, the master's degree should not be touched - everything is absolutely logical, a completely different level.

To be honest, I still don’t understand why this methodology of training and vocational guidance has not gained the necessary popularity over ten years and is in a state of undeveloped life. I have been looking for new material on this for a long time - however, I cannot demonstrate any intelligibility on this matter. One confusion. Very much like all this mess with prof. education of our IT specialists, who, as a result (like me, in fact), do not really understand their professional purpose, in view of the ill-conceivedness of a number of obviously elementary things. Was it really impossible to give a clear formalization in ten years, explaining it to future applicants? I learned about applied bachelor's degree when I entered it, that is, just a couple of weeks ago. Moreover, not even in the Russian Federation. Do not confuse applied bachelor's degree with applied mathematics or chemistry ... They are not the same thing,which is also confusing.

But judge for yourself, after all, there is an urgent need not only within the framework of the definition of differentiation in the internal division (one's own, special) between the same computer science / and even computer arts (let it be so, although it is wrong). There are more than a hundred training profiles for the enlarged group 09.00.00: here and 3D-modeling, and specialized computer systems (by industry) and embedded systems) and the like.

But, at best, the profile will be reflected on paper (on the diploma) and expressed in one two interdisciplinary modules, and another thing is to give the entire variable component at the choice of the student / educational institution (and this is a decent part of the load) for a specific work profile.

It is not enough to make twelve C ++ labs to understand it, and it is not enough to know the components of 1C for business in theory. Semesters should be devoted to this.

And damn it, it’s profitable - to save the secondary specialized educational institutions, and let the graduates to work with the current tools to their fullest, and to indicate the legal side of the issue not with the ephemeral status of a “bachelor”, but with a clear qualification (again, I repeat).

What is the problem, who can explain? It's a good idea, albeit damp despite its age. Quite simple in its own way. Responsive like plasticine. Hope that progress is unstoppable. Nothing will work anyway ... Dedicated to the memory of Ilya Segailovich.

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