From scratch to container automation in 7 minutes

In an earlier article (in Portuguese), I covered how to create a fully functional GraphQL backend using just a Docker image and a config file. All of this can be found on the Azure site . For now, let's talk about how to automate the deployments created for our hosting and our server side updates!

The goal of this entire project is to create a back end for my future content archive to be hosted on my site . However, whenever I update the back end or change the GraphQL schema, I have to do a full service deployment again.

, push Azure. . , , GitHub Azure. , GitHub , ?

GitHub Actions

GitHub, , Travis Circle, . , .

: + backend-:

, , : docker-compose.yml mongoke.yml, GraphQL.

, , «» — !

GitHub , , , . ? , :

  1. push
  2. Azure main service, , Azure/login
  3. Azure/cli, .


  • GitHub , , URL- YAML- Mongoke
  • URI MongoDB,

-, : , , URL- MongoDB . «» «». , « » . URI MongoDB, MONGODB_URI.


GitHub Azure, Service Principal. .

Azure CLI. az login, :

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <SP-name> --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroupname> --sdk-auth

ID , az account list : isDefault true. , , : , .

: , , Resource Group. « -», - .


  "clientId": "xxxxxxx",
  "clientSecret": "xxxxxxxx",
  "subscriptionId": "xxxxxxxx",



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, :

, GitHub Actions — , YAML- /.Github/workflows. , . publish-prod.yml:


— GitHub, :

, . , push , , , . , , intellisense:

, . . the official documentation

, , , . env:

, . , . , . , :

Ubuntu, : in the documentation. . — , . , !

, Azure ! Azure/ :

. , :



, « », — Azure. run, , . :

, MONGOKE_CONFIG_URL. , SHA- , . , . « URL-».

Workflow Command, GitHub Actions, ::. set-env, . : ::set-env name=<name>::<value>, :

, ${{env.MONGOKE_CONFIG_URL}} ?v= native environment variable, GITHUB_SHA. :



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, . , , :

Azure , :

, , URL- :

7 Azure , , , , !

GitHub Actions !


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