Ring for detecting the onset of hypoglycemic attacks in sleeping people

My colleague has diabetes. He often has hypoglycemic attacks, from which, if sugar is not taken in time, you can die. The most dangerous thing is when the attack occurs at night. A sleeping person does not notice the onset of an attack and therefore this can lead to death. Over the course of a few days, I developed a mock device that helps wake a person up in an attack.


Operating principle

When tremor is detected, the timer starts and after 5 seconds the LED lights up. If within 30 seconds the tremor does not calm down, or more powerful vibrations do not occur, for example, the movement of the hand, then a sound alert will sound 4 seconds long. In the future, it is planned to send a message via BLE to a mobile phone, followed by a sound signaling from the phone.

The layout is built on the esp8266 module. The MPU6050 was used as a tremor detector. The battery is protected from overcharging by a module on the TP4056 chip. The battery capacity is 100mAh.

In the future, it is planned to convert to microcontrollers of the nrf52 series. This will make it possible to reduce power consumption and the ability to connect the device with the phone via BLE.

Thanks to Viktor Zezyukov for the idea of ​​this project!

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