Programmer's Day 2020 starts on Saturday. Happy Holidays

Time passes quickly, and here again comes the holiday, which programmers celebrate on the 256th day of each year. 2020 is a leap year, so we are not celebrating September 13, but a day earlier.

Selectel congratulates programmers and everyone involved in development. Let's remember the origins of the holiday: why, when and how it appeared.

As far as we know, the tradition of celebrating Programmer's Day in September appeared in Russia, 18 years ago. It was then that the employees of the Parallel Technologies web studio, Valentin Balt and Mikhail Chervyakov, suggested introducing a new holiday, contacting the Government of the Russian Federation. The appeal collected the number of signatures required to consider the document, and it worked. Perhaps it helped that a similar request was made to the presidential administration.

True, not immediately, but after seven long years . The draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Programmer's Day" was prepared on July 24, 2009. The project was considered by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. On September 11 of the same year, Dmitry Medvedev signed Decree No. 1034, after which Programmer's Day became an official holiday.

Before that, programmers celebrated a professional holiday who when. For example, some developers considered July 19 as their day - then Ada Augusta Byron King "wrote" the first program for Charles Babbage's analytical engine. Someone celebrated December 10, this is the birthday of Augusta herself. By the way, it was she who introduced such terms as "work cell" and "cycle". Although she lived in the 1800s, Ada wrote a number of fundamental works describing the basic principles of programming.

And beautiful, and smart, how good she is!

Ukrainian developers chose Friday the 13th as their holiday, as has been the custom since the days of FidoNet.

Interestingly, web developers celebrated April 4 (4.04) by choosing a date similar to the 404 error. In addition, April 4 is considered by Catholics as St. Isidore of Seville's Day. He is the official patron of the Internet, did you know?

And that is not all. Someone suggested celebrating Programmer's Day on July 26, in honor of the presentation of the first announcement in history to the creator of a computer virus. Probably, there were those who celebrated their professional holiday several times a year. Convenient, right?

This year, the holiday fell on Saturday, which opens up a lot of additional opportunities - for example, testing different types of marinade for barbecue.

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