Roadmap for introducing Bitrix24 corporate portal in a large company. Goals, stages, place in the infrastructure

The essence of the article is short

Bitrix24 is often perceived as “just a CRM” or a task tracker.

Large companies have their own specifics, they need a “single window of access to services”.

This is the Corporate Portal.

The article provides a detailed roadmap for implementation in a large company and shows the sequence of steps.


Problem: Communication in a team of 150 people

The more employees there are in the company, the worse with a single information field. People stop recognizing each other by sight, solving work issues becomes more complicated, communications are torn.

The reason for this is simple - a human being as a biological species works comfortably with 5-10 close friends, and the “theoretical” limit of acquaintances is 150 people. This is the maximum size of the primitive “tribe”.

In the 21st century, people are able to solve serious problems and gather large teams for this. But the problems of biology have not gone anywhere - without special means, communication in a large community will be poor.

The bad one is slow, inefficient, paper-intensive. No one likes bureaucracy, but almost always a large company (even a modern one) suffers from exactly this - the complication of document flow.

Strange as it may seem, modern information technologies add problems. The “warehouse” has its own program, the “sellers” have their own, analysts work in Excel, the main method of exchange is e-mail and chats.

All this leads to a drop in efficiency. Paradox: in the 21st century, a team of three people per employee works many times more efficiently than an “office building” of 3000 specialists.

But it should be the other way around: consolidation of the company helps the division of labor and should save people on non-core operations. Everyone can focus on their own.


What is the problem? Where is the bottleneck in a modern office? Lots of information, people and "programs". Unable to concentrate on your area of ​​work when replacing the keyboard requires a memo.

Solution: Corporate portal - fewer “programs” for one employee

Bitrix24 should be a “single window” of access to corporate information and services. The corporate intranet portal reduces the number of “programs” where each person works.


The article describes how to do this, what you need to prepare at each stage. You will receive a detailed roadmap for such a comprehensive implementation.

The implementation consists of five stages, each with five steps. Each company has its own characteristics, but the general logic for implementing and configuring Bitrix24 should be exactly the same.

The blocks are interconnected, but easily disconnected. If a certain block is not relevant for your company, exclude it from the implementation plan, the rest will not be affected.

Which companies will fit this implementation scenario?

The scenario is suitable for manufacturing, construction and service companies from 150 to 3000 people, where there are 3 or more hierarchy levels, departments and branches.

Stage 1 “Initial setup. Inviting employees "

You can lead a horse to a watering hole, but you cannot make him drink.

The goal of the first stage is to provide a minimum viable set of services for employees to start using the system.

At this stage, the organizational structure, basic information about the company and employees are loaded, the first useful services are provided.


It is important that people in the company are pleased to receive an invitation to the Bitrix24 intranet portal so that there is up-to-date information and useful services. Need a "candy". Each company has its own.

Example of a portal home page for a large organization (HR director interface shown):



If you are the project manager for creating an internal intranet portal, for success in the first stage you will need to answer the following questions:

  1. What software system currently stores up-to-date information about the organizational structure of the company: departments, divisions, managers?

    Typical responses:

    - MS Active Directory;

    - 1C: Salary and Personnel Management;

    - nowhere (in this case, Bitrix24 becomes the “point of truth” about the structure).

    Answers that will make the first stage longer:

    - the structure of departments in AD, and positions and composition of departments in the ZUP;

    - we have several “domains” and copies of the ZUP;

    - employee access rights are stored in a third-party system;

    - everything is complicated, you need an exchange in real time.

  2. Where is the company's official information stored now? Who will prepare her publications?

  3. Are job vacancies organized digitally? Is there a specialized program or personal account on the job site? How often do new vacancies appear? Do you need automatic posting of vacancies in the portal?

  4. What "pleasant" can we provide to employees at the first stage? Variants of answer:

    - the menu of the nearest cafe or corporate canteen

    - a directory of phone numbers and birthdays

    - to automate the “painful” process (even from the next stage).


For the first stage to be successful, you need to involve:

  1. Competent Bitrix24 implementer with integrator competencies. Choosing a license, installing a system and forming a common vision with project leaders in the company is the basis for success.

  2. IT specialists. The configuration and number of servers for the required load (disk, number of users, computing tasks, integrations) will be calculated by the implementing company.

  3. HR, marketing and PR departments to provide information.

Gantt chart of the first stage of implementation


What will be ready after the end of the first stage:

  1. Organizational chart is imported, automatically updated when changes in parent systems.
  2. Employees log into the intranet portal using a single domain password (or a separate password).
  3. All official information required by employees is available.
  4. Informal life updates, corporate events and announcements are available.
  5. Orders and orders, news and events are known to employees from a single source.
  6. , .
  7. , “” .

  1. 24

  2. Bitrix24 Active Directory.

2 “ ”


At the second stage, our task is to “start life” inside the corporate portal. If at the first stage we gave "candy" to make it easier to start, then at the second stage many useful sections are launched at once.


The second stage is key. Now an employee will be able to solve his design and organizational tasks in Bitrix24 every day.

Example of a New Employee page



For the second stage, you will need to collect the requirements to prepare a lot of information:

Knowledge base.

  1. How is the corporate database presented? For instance:
  2. Do you need to split access to the knowledge base (by job title or department)?

Project management.

  1. What systems are used in the company for project management?

    - PlanFix / Jira / Youtrack / Redmine / MS Project / Special programs?

  2. ? (, “ 24”?)

    — , 24

    — , 24 . “ 24, ” “ 24”

  3. ? :

    — : , , ,

    , 24 , MS Project.

  4. , ? ?

. .

  1. 1: ? ?

    – “ ”

  2. 3-5 HR-?


  1. “”? ? ? ? ?

  2. (- -) ? ?

  3. - ?

  4. - 24?

    — , 24 -

    — , 24 . “ 24 ”.

  5. What processes in the office are most often repeated and ineffective? For example, what does a business trip look like in life?


Document flow
  1. What document management systems are implemented in the company? Are you satisfied with them? How much of the required workflow do these systems cover?

    What documents should be agreed quickly along simple routes (for them, the business processes will be configured by Bitrix24)? Examples:

    - applications for payment with placement in the payment calendar;

    - help;

    - commercial offers.

  2. ? , , ? ( “ 10” – - 24 ).

    7.0.97-2016 , , ?

    ( – 1: 24).

  1. .
  2. .
  3. The management received tools for transparent control of various processes and a picture of the employment of services.

Related links

  1. Bitrix24 single window service

  2. How to organize document flow in Bitrix24? 6 tasks and 4 ways to solve

  3. Methodology for the development of routes for the approval of documents in the EDMS

  4. Typical project management

  5. Service requests and technical support on Bitrix24

The second stage is the key one in the project. As a rule, this is precisely why the company wants to implement a working intranet portal. But there are a lot of questions about it.

Stage 3 “Employee convenience”. HR tasks

- And kiss?

The key task after launching all the main processes in Bitrix24 is personnel and people's happiness. The company has grown, an intranet has grown with it. It's a whole world to sort out. You need to make people “easy”.


Questions before the third stage "Employee happiness and HR function"

  1. ? ? :

    — , “ ”?

    — ?

    — “ ” ?

  2. ? :

    — , ;

    — , .

  3. “ ”? Learning Management System?

    — , iSpring Moodle;

    — , .

    “, ”, 24 “ ”. .

  4. , ? KPI?

  5. OKR (Objectives and Key Results « ») ?

  6. OKR KPI?

  7. HR- ?

  8. ?

  9. , , , ?


  10. ? ?


  1. .
  2. .
  3. - .
  4. KPI , OKR ( , ).
  5. ,
  6. 24 .

  1. HR 24
  2. Bitrix24 as an HR portal, personnel development center and corporate university
  3. An example of collecting KPIs for an employee on the speed of work in CRM

  4. Special performance reports

  5. Chatbot for fast document search

The third stage is to bring joy to work. It is very important for the future of the company and its internal climate. When HR is easier to work with, employees smile more often. It is important.

Stage 4 "Sales"

Money is the blood of business.

Selling to customers is a key issue for all commercial companies. When building an intranet portal for a large company, the topic of sales does not immediately arise.

Why? After all, Bitrix24 is positioned as a CRM system, a sales tool? There are many ready-made tools for working with clients: open lines, sales in chats, trade probability analytics ..?

First, a 150-person company always has sales and customer service processes. They may not be optimal, but they are. Sales are not the main pain, this is not why the portal is being introduced.

Second, these processes are almost always quite complex. Many types of contracts, wholesale prices, deferred payments, project sales, claims. Bitrix24 CRM is not suitable for this out of the box.

We need to adapt CRM to the processes of a large company, a dealer management unit, management reports, control of accounts receivable and analytics of the work of the sales department employees.

This is exactly what is done in Stage 4 “Sales”.


Questions before the fourth stage of B24 implementation in a large company "Sales"

  1. How are sales and customer service processes in the company digitized now? Is there CRM, registration of customer requests, sales analytics in the context of advertising channels?
  2. - If yes, does the Bitrix24 sales department consider Bitrix24 a new platform?
  3. What are the accounting features of working with clients at the enterprise now? For example, "Holding structures of a client", when, in fact, in one client there can be many:

    - legal entities

    - invoices for payment

    - contact persons

    - consignees

  4. ( )?
  5. ? , :

    — ,

    — (, , , )

    — -

    — ,
  6. ( ) , ?

    24 ? :

    — 1:

    — Microsoft Power BI

    — MS Dynamics

    — , CRM 24
  7. , -?
  8. ( )? , , ?


  1. CRM 24 .
  2. .
  3. - .
  4. .
  5. -.

The fourth stage includes the sales service and dealers in a single information field of the company. This is one more step towards solving a key task: there are fewer programs, more smiles, and the management is clearer.

Stage 5. Personal accounts

Personal account for everyone!

Online personal accounts for solving special business problems round out the big five implementations. These offices connect employees, managers, clients and dealers in a single information field.

Personal accounts are integrated with the company's business processes and make work in general faster and better.


Questions before the fifth stage of B24 implementation in a large company "Personal Accounts"

The functions of each cabinet are related to the company's processes. The company always has specifics and features that need to be considered when implementing. For example, the startup sequence or features of the processes in the LC.

The project manager should select 3-5 types of business users or partners, working with whom "hurts" the most: bureaucracy, problems, complaints, low speed and efficiency.

Need to understand how the processes are implemented now? What personal accounts are needed?

Expected results of the stage of launching personal accounts:

  1. Communications with the “outside world” are woven into the intranet portal: dealers, contractors, clients.
  2. The business processes of the intranet portal cover the entire company.
  3. It is easy for executives to track engagement with complaints, dealers and specialists.
  4. The speed of communications in all directions has increased due to convenient personal accounts.
  5. Contractors, dealers, partners, employees say "thank you, it's good."

Links on the topic "Personal accounts"

  1. The best online project to promote a manufacturer in retail 2018
  2. 17+ functions of a wholesale B2B online store. Examples of interfaces
  3. EVRAZ client's personal account
  4. Processing claims in your personal account

The fifth stage includes specialists, partners and contractors in a single information field of the company. The company has solved the problem of digitizing its activities.

Full version of the roadmap

Habr does not allow to insert the code from the iframe, so the map is available via the link .



Intranet portal implementation in a large company allows:

  • reduce the number of switches between different programs for employees;
  • reduce paperwork;
  • create a unified information environment;
  • increase efficiency in all areas of work through integration with corporate software;
  • make employees, managers, leaders in the company happier.

The roadmap described in the article is the basis for a specific implementation project. Use it!

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