Hello, Habr!
Reksoft talks about the most interesting hacks and attacks in August. The selection does not include incidents related to database "leaks" and does not claim to be a complete picture of all world information security incidents. We bring to your attention what seemed to us the most significant.
Hackers attacked the company using Maze software. The attack disrupted email, Microsoft Teams and Canon's official US website. Hackers managed to penetrate the company's infrastructure, and then steal and encrypt more than 10 TB of data, including confidential ones.
A little later, the journalists of Bleeping Computer reported that hackers began to publish on their website information previously stolen from the company. The published file is a 2.2 GB STRATEGICPLANNINGpart62.zip archive.
Fast payment systems (FPS)
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SANS Institute
SANS Institute, . SANS SharePoint, .
SANS Institute , , , , , , SANS Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR) Summit. , ( ).
Carnival Corporation
. . CVE-2019-19781 Citrix. , CVE-2020-2021, PAN-OS ( ) Palo Alto Networks.
Konica Minolta
- . RansomEXX, mykmbs.com. . , readme.txt , , .
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