The Way to Federated GraphQL

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Programmers love good stories, so I hope the five-year journey to a composite API using GraphQL in a production environment (at the peak of 110 requests per second at 100ms latency) will be interesting.

[If you hurry, proskrolte below to the lessons and take a look at open source graphql-schema-registry ]

schema registry with sample test schema
schema registry with sample test schema


, Pipedrive ( 2020 10 ), REST API . /users/self, , , 30 . PHP , . , .

/ users / self distribution of latency for the remaining traffic

, .

, graphql.

3-4 , , , - - elixir graphql. MySQL Pipedrive /graphql.

, , - CRUD, .

2019, , GraphQL stitching graphql-compose REST API. , , - graphql .


2019, , Apollo , . , Core, .

, POST gateway .

graphql - . , Protobuf Thrift, GRPCOData.

, graphql (insights, teams) , ( User). typescript + relay , .


, - API ? ? Gateway - ? .

, - , - . Confluent’s schema-registry  Atlassian’s Braid, , Java, .

3 :

  • ( ) 15%. REST /graphql

  • 30%. graphql .

  • (- )

, , .. .

Network requests as the web app loads


Services on which to work

schema-registry , , (swagger, typescript, graphql, avro, proto). .

Gateway schema-registry . frontend autocomplete .

, graphql , , .

/users/self - ? (!). - , .

( 2020), - 13% 25% (- ), UI Datadog.

, - REST.

- ( 600+ ), - . IOS- Android- graphql .

60 , -

? , .

Mark Stuart, Paypal Engineering

Apollo studio    . gateway.

Our written schema validation toolkit

, - , - . opensource - graphql-schema-registry.

- Pipedrive. , DC . , , , ?

graphql gateway . , gateway .

, gateway , - . Apollo studio - .

, Apollo , .. . .

, ( -) . . Gateway schema-registry /schema/compose , .

schema-registry ,

Registration of the scheme at service start

REST Graphql API, , REST.


REST graphql, openapi-to-graphql, .

- , , ? REST .

, REST API , .

REST API . , - deal.pipeline_id. graphql, ,

json-. , REST _, .

a federated Pipedrive data graph (left) with 2 services (out of 539) and a not-yet-federated leads service graph (right)
Pipedrive () 2 ( 539) -- leads ()


Pipedrive TTL-.

, , . , . 3 .

- PHP-, nodejs ( monograph), memcached. -. , .

CQRS pattern. , 80% .

Average response latency time of monolith (left) and graphql gateway (right) in US region based on NewRelic
() graphql gateway () US NewRelic

- . , - . - , identity. .

Identity , kafka, monograph . , ( 1 ), . , - .

APM - . Datadog .

, 30 memcached. . memcached 10, , 220. , - mcrouter. , 20 .

- , getMulti . resolver' , 5 debounce .

. graphql gateway . , .

28 30 , 500, .

graphql , /graphql . 3-5 , ( debounce FE )

, - (APM) tracing:true, .

700 300 . , (, .

graphql gateway  Chrome DevTools, , .


, graphql . /graphql ( vendors.js) . , - - .

- graphql    gql . bundle, fetch. , - - . server-side-rendering service workers .

Wrap / graphql query left

graphql , . , , rate limit .

graphql-cost-analysis , , - , , ( , , CPU, ). gateway schema-registry. .

js/typescript . graphql .

koa-graphql  apollo-server-koa GraphQLSchema . apollo/server :

buildFederatedSchema([{typeDefs, resolvers}])

, , gql , schema.graphql , ,  ASTNode ( parse / buildASTSchema)


- .

, graphql 100 -"". 1000 , 1%, 10%, 30%, 50% .

company ID . , - , graphql . - graphql .

, , ( ), .

- graphql , - , , . - .

graphql API , API. OAuth ( ) .

schema-registry , gateway - , , , (persisted query), .

, go, - GRPC - , graphql , gateway. GRPC - , graphql msgpack?

As for the outside world, I hope Apollo with its Constellation project will speed up the processing of a request for Rust so that this 10% performance tax is not present and will be able to federate graphql services without major changes to the latter.

In general, a great time to enjoy the development where there is a lot of complexity!

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