How I started to go crazy with programming


Hello everyone, my name is Arthur and I am 15 years old. I got acquainted with programming at the age of 12, but began to study only at 14, because I did not have a computer at that time. Then I read about programming, and I learned about a language like Python. "Hmm, what is this interesting language?" - I thought. I looked at the example of the "hello world" program and was a little surprised:

print("hello world")

At that time I was only familiar with C and thought it was the lightest of all languages. Where is the semicolon, where is int main? I decided to try it. Was looking for good textbooks for about two days. Stumbled upon Mark Lutz (oh, how I regretted it ...), this textbook was not for beginners, so I just did not understand half of what I read from the book, but the basics of the language in the first part, nevertheless, reached me, although I didn't even make it to classes. I always wrote down important information in a notebook.

At the end of the textbook, I completely stopped understanding what was being discussed and abandoned training.

Found another great tutorial called Learning Python. Game programming, data visualization, web applications ”. In this tutorial, after Lutz, I began to understand everything. There I learned the basics, understood the principles of OOP, but when it came time to practice (I needed to create a site according to the instructions in Django), I realized that there was still a lot to learn, because the result did not please me very much, and at that time I found a tutorial from Head First, which was also good enough, non-standard presentation.

I got to the topic of the database, learned how to write sites in Flask. Then I decided to show my classmates my skills (they did not believe that I was a beginner programmer), to which I received answers of this type:

"Python? Ha-ha-ha, everyone knows him! ”,β€œ You really don't know how to do anything! ”,β€œ What kind of programmer you are, you don't even know how to ddos ​​and hack websites ”.

This is how it all started ...

Their words, at that time, made me very angry, because a programmer should not be able to hack sites, his job is to write programs. But then I thought: β€œWhy am I writing in Python? There are other programming languages, and what if there is better? ",

And then:" Maybe it is better to learn how to create websites (frontend)? " Then I started with the tutorial Head First, about HTML, CSS. I read the entire tutorial, but skipped some topics as this information is currently outdated and out of date. Then I took the first free course, since I have no opportunity to pay for all courses. Therefore, I started looking for plum courses ...

Thus, I took a course on layout, and laid out one site with pretty cool animation. But this activity did not bring me any pleasure, for me it is sheer hell to typeset pages in pure HTML and CSS. It became sad, because I spent so much time studying ... Suddenly, I came across C # - a serious programming language in which you can write programs for Windows, websites and much more. I was very much interested in it even with its simple syntax.

I downloaded one course, started taking it, met one person on the social network. It turned out that we live with him in the same city, he is 21 years old, and he writes in C #. We often consulted with him about my choice in programming: I had already learned LINQ, OOP, started making desktop applications ... But suddenly, I read about Unity. I found out that his main language is C #, and I thought: β€œWow, this is so cool! Why not take a closer look? " I abandoned my previous course without completing it, and found a course on creating games with Unity. The study was very difficult, I was lost in 3D space, but after a week I started to develop a simple toy. So, I was doing Unity for about a month, but when I got to the UI, this topic seemed very boring to me. I had many mistakes that I tried to fix for days. After, Unity stopped starting for no reason,and my project was deleted. I flew into a rage and deleted it. Then I thought: β€œI've already tried several areas, but I didn't like any of them. Why?".

And then I decided to try programming for Android, found a course (which was the basics of Java, and then - creating applications). I completed almost the entire course, but there were problems in the study. It was at that moment that I realized that I could no longer control my interests. I quickly lost interest in one area and a new one also quickly appeared. After programming for Android, I have already tried Ruby, Go and Flutter. Then I just gave up on the whole study.

I noticed that my behavior has changed, a lot has changed. The smallest details that were in a crooked position began to annoy me. In my house, everything was in place, everything was perfect, on the shelves, in the computer everything was exactly pixelated. And if something moved even a little, I would get angry and shake and could not calm down until each object was in a perfectly level position. I closed in on myself, there were problems with the wording of my speech, my mood changed almost every hour.

During this time, my thoughts were only about programming, day after day I was deciding which language and which sphere to choose, while every day my interests changed several times, but I never sat down at the computer, because I wanted to find a language , which will suit me in all respects, and only then sit down to study. Towards September, these problems only intensified, I continued to think on the choice of the sphere. Yesterday morning I wanted to develop in C #, by the evening I chose Flutter, promised myself that this would be the final choice, but this morning I really wanted to develop a frontend, and now I wanted to write about all this on HabrΓ©, hoping that someone would give me advice and will help ...

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